
# Calculate the abundance of elements in the crust using Tables 9-10 from 
## Rudnick, R L, and S Gao. "Composition of the Continental Crust," 2003.
## Volume 3; (ISBN: 0-08-044338-9); pp. 1–64
## We only consider rows in Table 10 but defer to decimals in Table 9 when there are more digits. Table 9 rows that don't occur in Table 10 are not considered.


# Define data from Rudnick and Gao ---------------------------
element_info <- dragon:::element_info

table10_oxides <- tibble::tribble(
  ~oxide, ~element, ~oxide_frac, ~percent_crust,
  "SiO2","Si", 1/3,60.6,
  "SiO2","O", 2/3,60.6,
  "TiO","Ti", 1/3,0.72,
  "TiO","O", 2/3,0.72,
  "FeO","O", 1/2,6.71,

table10_elements <- tibble::tribble(
  ~element, ~units, ~amount,
  ##### ng/g #####

## Oxide calculations ----------------------------------
table10_oxides %>%
    element_info %>%
      select(element, atomic_mass)
  ) %>%
  # percent/100
  mutate(percent_crust = percent_crust/100,
         weight_frac = atomic_mass * oxide_frac) -> oxides_mass

oxides_mass %>%
  # Total mass of each oxide
  group_by(oxide) %>%
  summarize(oxide_total_mass =  sum(weight_frac)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  full_join(oxides_mass) %>%
  # Percentage of each element
  mutate(element_percent_weight = percent_crust * (weight_frac / oxide_total_mass)) %>%
  select(oxide, element, element_percent_weight) %>%
  # add up per element
  group_by(element) %>%
  summarize(crust_percent_weight = sum(element_percent_weight)) -> final_oxide_crust
## Element calculations ----------------------------------
table10_elements %>%
  mutate(crust_percent_weight = if_else(units == "ug/g",
                                     # micro
                                     # nano
                                     amount/1e9)) %>%
  select(element, crust_percent_weight) -> final_element_crust

## Merge oxide and element -----------------------------

full_join(final_oxide_crust, final_element_crust) %>%
  arrange(element) %>%
  group_by(element) %>%
  summarize(element_crust_percent_weight = sum(crust_percent_weight)) %>%
  # The sum is 1.004006. Do a quick normalization.
  mutate(element_crust_percent_weight = element_crust_percent_weight/sum(element_crust_percent_weight))-> final_crust_abundance

sum(final_crust_abundance$element_crust_percent_weight) -> final_sum
if( abs(1-final_sum) >= 1e-8) stop("Final percentage does not sum to 1.")
spielmanlab/dragon documentation built on Nov. 15, 2023, 3:04 a.m.