
#' An example NMRData1D object 
#' The data comes from analysis of a pure cholesterol sample 
#' using a 1D 13C INEPT pulse sequence.
#' @docType data
#' @format An NMRData1D object.
#' @name nmr.chol

#' An example NMRData1D object 
#' The data comes from analysis of a pure cholesterol sample 
#' using a 1D 13C INEPT pulse sequence. The spectrum has been artificially
#' modified to feature a 15 degree 0th and 1st order phase error as well as
#' a rolling baseline.
#' @docType data
#' @format An NMRData1D object.
#' @name nmr.chol.bad

#' An example NMRData1D object 
#' The data comes from analysis of a pure cholesterol sample 
#' using a 1D 13C INEPT pulse sequence. The spectrum has been apodized
#' with a sine function.
#' @docType data
#' @format An NMRData1D object.
#' @name nmr.chol.apod
ssokolen/rnmrfit documentation built on May 23, 2019, 1:48 p.m.