
Defines functions gf_acf

Documented in gf_acf

#' plot ACF for model residuals (or any vector of observations) using ggformula.
#' @param formula a formula of the form ~ x, where x is usually a fitted regression model object. Supported types include those created by lm(), or glm(), geeglm(), glmmTMB(), model.avg(), gam(), and others that have a resid() method. If there is not, x will be treated as a vector of observations for which to compute the ACF.
#' @param partial logical. compute PACF instead of acf?
#' @export
#' @return A ggplot2 plot. For additional customization, pipe to, for example, gf_refine(), gf_labs(), gf_lims, gf_theme().

gf_acf <- function(formula, partial = FALSE){
  if (length(all.vars(formula)) != 1){
    stop("gf_acf requires a one-sided formula like: ~my_model. (Don't forget the ~)\n")

  r <- rlang::f_rhs(formula) |> eval.parent()

  if ('lm' %in% class(r) | 'glmmTMB' %in% class(r)){
    r <- stats::resid(r)
    r <- as.numeric(r)

#   r <- try(rlang::f_rhs(formula) |>
#              eval() |>
#              stats::resid(),
#            silent = TRUE)
#   if (class(r) == 'try-error'){
#     r <- rlang::f_rhs(formula)
#   }

  acf_out <- stats::acf(r, plot = FALSE,
                        type = ifelse(partial, 'partial', 'correlation'))
  acf_data <- data.frame(lag = as.numeric(acf_out$lag),
                         acf = as.numeric(acf_out$acf))
  cilim <- stats::qnorm((1 - 0.95)/2) / sqrt(length(r))
  ggformula::gf_segment(0 + acf ~ lag + lag, data = acf_data) |>
    ggformula::gf_hline(yintercept = ~cilim,
                        linetype = 'dashed') |>
    ggformula::gf_hline(yintercept = ~(-cilim),
                        linetype = 'dashed') |>
    ggformula::gf_labs(x = 'Lag', y = 'Residual ACF')
stacyderuiter/s245 documentation built on July 31, 2023, 11:04 p.m.