
Defines functions kfold_split_grouped kfold_split_stratified kfold_split_random

Documented in kfold_split_grouped kfold_split_random kfold_split_stratified

#' Helper functions for K-fold cross-validation
#' @description These functions can be used to generate indexes for use with
#'   K-fold cross-validation. See the **Details** section for explanations.
#' @name kfold-helpers
#' @param K The number of folds to use.
#' @param N The number of observations in the data.
#' @param x A discrete variable of length `N` with at least `K` levels (unique
#'   values). Will be coerced to a [factor][factor()].
#' @return An integer vector of length `N` where each element is an index in `1:K`.
#' @details
#' `kfold_split_random()` splits the data into `K` groups
#' of equal size (or roughly equal size).
#' For a categorical variable `x` `kfold_split_stratified()`
#' splits the observations into `K` groups ensuring that relative
#' category frequencies are approximately preserved.
#' For a grouping variable `x`, `kfold_split_grouped()` places
#' all observations in `x` from the same group/level together in
#' the same fold. The selection of which groups/levels go into which
#' fold (relevant when when there are more groups than folds) is
#' randomized.
#' @examples
#' ids <- kfold_split_random(K = 5, N = 20)
#' print(ids)
#' table(ids)
#' x <- sample(c(0, 1), size = 200, replace = TRUE, prob = c(0.05, 0.95))
#' table(x)
#' ids <- kfold_split_stratified(K = 5, x = x)
#' print(ids)
#' table(ids, x)
#' grp <- gl(n = 50, k = 15, labels = state.name)
#' length(grp)
#' head(table(grp))
#' ids_10 <- kfold_split_grouped(K = 10, x = grp)
#' (tab_10 <- table(grp, ids_10))
#' colSums(tab_10)
#' ids_9 <- kfold_split_grouped(K = 9, x = grp)
#' (tab_9 <- table(grp, ids_9))
#' colSums(tab_9)

#' @rdname kfold-helpers
#' @export
kfold_split_random <- function(K = 10, N = NULL) {
    K == as.integer(K),
    N == as.integer(N),
    length(K) == 1,
    length(N) == 1,
    K > 1,
    K <= N
  perm <- sample.int(N)
  idx <- ceiling(seq(from = 1, to = N, length.out = K + 1))
  bins <- .bincode(perm, breaks = idx, right = FALSE, include.lowest = TRUE)

#' @rdname kfold-helpers
#' @export
kfold_split_stratified <- function(K = 10, x = NULL) {
    K == as.integer(K),
    length(K) == 1,
    K > 1,
    K <= length(x)
  x <- as.integer(as.factor(x))
  Nlev <- length(unique(x))
  N <- length(x)
  xids <- numeric()
  for (l in 1:Nlev) {
    idx <- which(x == l)
    if (length(idx) > 1) {
      xids <- c(xids, sample(idx))
    } else {
      xids <- c(xids, idx)
  bins <- rep(NA, N)
  bins[xids] <- rep(1:K, ceiling(N/K))[1:N]

#' @rdname kfold-helpers
#' @export
kfold_split_grouped <- function(K = 10, x = NULL) {
    K == as.integer(K),
    length(K) == 1,
    K > 1,
    K <= length(x)

  Nlev <- length(unique(x))
  if (Nlev < K) {
    stop("'K' must not be bigger than the number of levels/groups in 'x'.")
  x <- as.integer(as.factor(x))
  if (Nlev == K) {

  # Otherwise we have Nlev > K
  S1 <- ceiling(Nlev / K)  # number of levels in largest groups of levels
  N_S2 <- S1 * K - Nlev    # number of groups of levels of size S1 - 1
  N_S1 <- K - N_S2         # number of groups of levels of size S1

  perm <- sample.int(Nlev) # permute group levels
  brks <- seq(from = S1 + 0.5, by = S1, length.out = N_S1)
  if (N_S2 > 0) {
    brks2 <- seq(from = brks[N_S1] + S1 - 1, by = S1 - 1, length.out = N_S2 - 1)
    brks <- c(brks, brks2)
  grps <- findInterval(perm, vec = brks) + 1  # +1 so min is 1 not 0

  bins <- rep(NA, length(x))
  for (j in perm) {
    bins[x == j] <- grps[j]
stan-dev/loo documentation built on Oct. 14, 2024, 1:36 a.m.