R package SSBtools

Tools used by other packages from Statistics Norway

Official version on CRAN:

install.packages("SSBtools")  # Install from CRAN 
library(SSBtools)             # Load SSBtools
?HierarchyCompute             # Help documentation of function HierarchyCompute

# Alternatively install from GitHub if you want to test the newest changes

Some of the functions

Function | | | ---------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------- | | AddLeadingZeros | Add leading zeros to numbers while preserving other text | | AutoHierarchies | Ensure standardized coding of hierarchies | AutoSplit | Creating variables by splitting the elements of a character vector without needing a split string | | CbindIdMatch | Combine several data frames by using id variables to match rows | | DimList2Hrc/Hrc2DimList | Conversion between hierarchy coding in sdcTable and TauArgus | | GaussIndependent/GaussRank | Linearly independent rows and columns by Gaussian elimination | | GaussSuppression | Secondary suppression by Gaussian elimination | | FactorLevCorr | Factor level correlation | | FindDimLists | Finding dimList | | FormulaSums/Formula2ModelMatrix | Sums (aggregates) and/or sparse model matrix with possible cross table | | HierarchicalGroups | Finding hierarchical variable groups | | HierarchicalWildcardGlobbing | Find variable combinations by advanced wildcard/globbing specifications. | | Hierarchies2ModelMatrix | Model matrix representing crossed hierarchies | HierarchiesAndFormula2ModelMatrix | Model matrix representing crossed hierarchies according to a formula | HierarchyCompute | Hierarchical Computations | | Match | Matching rows in data frames | | matlabColon | Simulate Matlab's ':' | | Mipf | Iterative proportional fitting from matrix input | | ModelMatrix | Model matrix from hierarchies and/or a formula (common interface) | | RbindAll | Combining several data frames when the columns don't match | | Reduce0exact | Reducing a non-negative regression problem | | RowGroups | Create numbering according to unique rows | | SSBtoolsData | Function that returns a dataset | | Stack | Stack columns from a data frame and include variables. | | Unstack | Unstack a column from a data frame and include additional variables. | | WildcardGlobbing | Row selection by wildcard/globbing | | WildcardGlobbingVector | Selection of elements by wildcard/globbing | | aggregate_multiple_fun | Wrapper to aggregate | | dummy_aggregate | aggregate_multiple_fun using a dummy matrix | | model_aggregate | Hierarchical aggregation via model specification | | quantile_weighted | Weighted quantiles |

statisticsnorway/SSBtools documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 12:05 p.m.