Man pages for statisticsnorway/SSBtools
Statistics Norway's Miscellaneous Tools

AddLeadingZerosAdd leading zeros to numbers while preserving other text
aggregate_multiple_funWrapper to 'aggregate'
As_TsparseMatrixTransform to TsparseMatrix/dgTMatrix
AutoHierarchiesEnsure standardized coding of hierarchies
AutoSplitCreating variables by splitting the elements of a character...
CbindIdMatchCombine several data frames by using id variables to match...
CheckInputChecking function inputs
combine_formulasCombine formulas
CrossCodeFramesCross codes in data frames
DataDummyHierarchyCreate a (signed) dummy matrix for hierarcical mapping of...
dummy_aggregate'aggregate_multiple_fun' using a dummy matrix
DummyApplyApply a function to subsets defined by a dummy matrix
DummyDuplicatedDuplicated columns in dummy matrix
DummyHierarchyConverting hierarchy specifications to a (signed) dummy...
Extend0Add zero frequency rows
Extend0rnd1varGroups-attribute to Extend0, Example functions
FactorLevCorrFactor level correlation
FindCommonCellsFinding commonCells
FindDimListsFinding dimList
FindDisclosiveCellsFind directly disclosive cells
FindHierarchiesFinding hierarchies automatically from data
FindTableGroupFinding table(s) of hierarchical variable groups
fix_fun_amfFix 'fun' parameter to 'aggregate_multiple_fun'
fix_vars_amfFix 'vars' parameter to 'aggregate_multiple_fun'
formula_from_varsGenerate model formula by specifying which variables have...
formula_include_hierarchiesReplace variables in formula with sum of other variables
FormulaSelectionLimit matrix or data frame to selected model terms
FormulaSumsSums (aggregates) and/or sparse model matrix with possible...
formula_utilsFunctions for formula manipulation
GaussIndependentLinearly independent rows and columns by Gaussian elimination
GaussIterationFunctionAn 'iFunction' argument to 'GaussSuppression'
GaussSuppressionSecondary suppression by Gaussian elimination
HierarchicalGroupsFinding hierarchical variable groups
HierarchicalGroups2Finding hierarchical variable groups
HierarchicalGroups3Finding hierarchical variable groups
HierarchicalWildcardGlobbingFind variable combinations by advanced wildcard/globbing...
Hierarchies2ModelMatrixModel matrix representing crossed hierarchies
HierarchiesAndFormula2ModelMatrixModel matrix representing crossed hierarchies according to a...
HierarchyComputeHierarchical Computations
HierarchyCompute2Extended Hierarchical Computations
HierarchyFixChange the hierarchy table to follow the standard
inc_defaultDefault progress indicator function
LSfitNonNegNon-negative regression fits with a sparse overparameterized...
MakeFreqMicrodata frequency data conversion
MakeHierFormulaMake model formula from data taking into account hierarchical...
MatchMatching rows in data frames
matlabColonSimulate Matlab's ':'
Matrix2listConvert matrix to sparse list
MatrixPasteCombining columns of a matrix
MipfIterative proportional fitting from matrix input
model_aggregateHierarchical aggregation via model specification
ModelMatrixModel matrix from hierarchies and/or a formula
Model_MatrixOverparameterized model matrix
NumberAdding leading zeros
NumSingletonDecoding of 'singletonMethod'
quantile_weightedWeighted quantiles
RbindAllCombining several data frames when the columns don't match
Reduce0exactReducing a non-negative regression problem
RoundWholeRound values that are close two whole numbers
RowGroupsCreate numbering according to unique rows
SortRowsSorting rows of a matrix or data frame
sosialFiktivFictitious datasets returned by SSBtoolsData()
SSBtoolsDataFunction that returns a dataset
StackStack columns from a data frame and include variables.
UniqueSeqSequence within unique values
unmatrixTransform data frame with embedded matrices
UnstackUnstack a column from a data frame and include additional...
WildcardGlobbingRow selection by wildcard/globbing
WildcardGlobbingVectorSelection of elements by wildcard/globbing
statisticsnorway/SSBtools documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 12:05 p.m.