  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) is the office that produces all official statistics of the Netherlands.

For long CBS has put its data on the web in its online database StatLine. Since 2014 this data base has an open data web API based on the OData protocol. The cbsodataR package allows for retrieving data right into R using this API.

A new version of the web api has been developed which is based on the OData4 protocol. This OData4 API contains major changes in how the metadata and data is transported, hence this package cbsodata4. Since the old web api will be phased out in due time, cbsodata4 is the successor of cbsodataR.

This document describes how to use cbsodata4 to download data (and meta data) from Statistics Netherlands. It offers very similar functions as cbsodataR, so should be familiar to users of cbsodataR, but there are differences so carefully check your code.


List of datasets (toc)

A list of datasets that are available can be loaded with with cbs4_get_datasets() (cbs4_get_toc() is an alias)

datasets <- cbs4_get_datasets()
head(datasets[,c("Identifier", "Title", "Modified")])

Using cbs4_search a list of tables can be found that contain desired search terms, e.g. "Diesel":

datasets <- cbs4_search("Diesel")
head(datasets[,c("Identifier", "Title", "rel")])

Using an “Identifier” from cbs4_get_datasets information on the table can be retrieved with cbs4_get_metadata

meta_petrol <- cbs4_get_metadata("80416ned")

The meta object contains all metadata properties of cbsodata in the form of data.frames. Each data.frame describes properties of the CBS table: "Dimensions", "MeasureCodes" and one ore more "\<Dimension>Codes" describing the meta data of the borders of a SN table.

meta_petrol$MeasureCodes[, 1:3]
# just 1 dimension with the following categories:

Data retrieval

With cbs4_get_observations and cbs4_get_data data can be retrieved. By default this will be downloaded in a temporary directory, but this can be set explicitly with the argument download_dir.

cbs4_get_observations is the format in which the data is downloaded from Statistic Netherlands (CBS). It is in so-called long format. It contains one Measure column, describing the topics/variable, one Value column describing the statistical value, one or more Dimension columns and some extra columns with value specific metadata.

obs <- cbs4_get_observations("80416ned")

cbs4_get_data returns the data in so-called wide format in which each Measure has its own column. For many uses this is a more natural format. It is a pivoted version of cbs4_get_observations().

# same data, but pivoted
data <- cbs4_get_data("80416ned", name_measure_columns = FALSE)
head(data, 2)

By default the names of the columns are more readable with cbs4_get_data

# same data, but pivoted
data <- cbs4_get_data("80416ned")
head(data, 2)

Adding category label columns

The Dimension and Measure columns use codes/keys/identifiers to describe categories. These can be found in the metadata, but can also be automatically added using cbs4_add_label_columns.

obs <- cbs4_get_observations("80416ned")
obs <- cbs4_add_label_columns(obs)


data <- cbs4_get_data("80416ned")
data <- cbs4_add_label_columns(data)
head(data, 2)

Adding Date column

The period/time columns of Statistics Netherlands (CBS) contain coded time periods: e.g. 2018JJ00 (i.e. 2018), 2018KW03 (i.e. 2018 Q3), 2016MM04 (i.e. 2016 April). With cbs4_add_date_column the time periods will be converted and added to the data:

obs <- cbs4_get_observations("80416ned")
obs <- cbs4_add_date_column(obs)

data <- cbs4_get_data("80416ned")
data <- cbs4_add_date_column(data)

Adding a Unit column

Each Measure has a measure unit, which can be added to observations with cbs4_add_unit_column()

obs <- cbs4_get_observations("80416ned")
obs <- cbs4_add_unit_column(obs)

Filter data before download

It is possible to restrict the download using filter statements. This may shorten the download time considerably.


Filter statements for the columns can be used to restrict the download. Note the following:

meta <- cbs4_get_metadata("60006")
obs <- cbs4_get_observations("60006"
                            , Measure = c("M003026","M003019")     # selection on Measures
                            , Perioden = c("2019KW04", "2020KW01") # selection on Perioden
data <- cbs4_get_data("60006"
                     , Measure = c("M003026","M003019")     # selection on Measures
                     , Perioden = contains("2019") # retrieve all periods with 2019
data <- cbs4_get_data("60006"
                     , Measure = c("M003026","M003019")         # selection on Measures
                     , Perioden = contains("2019") | "2020KW01" # retrieve all periods with 2019

query with odata v4 syntax

For the adventurous, it is possible to specify a odata v4 query themselves.

  # supply your own odata 4 query
  cbs4_get_data("84287NED", query = "$filter=Perioden eq '2019MM12'")

Download data

Data and metadata of a table can also be downloaded explicitly by using cbs4_download. This can be an option if you don't want to load the data into memory (which both cbs4_get_data and cbs4_get_observations do), but only store it on disk.

cbs4_download("60006", download_dir = "./60006") # will download data and metadata in csv format.

Other catalogs

CBS / Statistics Netherlands also offers collections of datasets that are not part of the main collections: so-called catalogs. These can be retrieved with cbs4_get_catalogs().

catalogs <- cbs4_get_catalogs() 

Another options is to set the catalog argument in cbs4_get_datasets to NULL

ds <- cbs4_get_datasets()

ds_all <- cbs4_get_datasets(catalog = NULL)

ds_asd <- cbs4_get_datasets(catalog = "CBS-asd")

statistiekcbs/cbsccb documentation built on April 8, 2022, 2:38 a.m.