Primary Infection Module for netsim

View source: R/net.mod.infection.R

infection.netR Documentation

Primary Infection Module for netsim


This function simulates the main infection process given the current state of the partnerships and disease in the system.

Usage, at)



Main netsim_dat object containing a networkDynamic object and other initialization information passed from netsim.


Current time step.


The main steps in this infection module are as follows:

  1. Get IDs for current infected and susceptible nodes given the current disease status.

  2. Call discord_edgelist to get the current discordant edgelist given step 1.

  3. Determine the transmission rates (e.g., as a function of group).

  4. Pull the number of acts per partnership in a time step from the act.rate parameter.

  5. Calculate the final transmission probabilities given the transmission rates and act rates.

  6. Randomly transmit on the discordant edgelist.

  7. Conduct bookkeeping for new infections to update status on the nodes and calculate disease incidence.


The updated netsim_dat main list object.

See Also

discord_edgelist is used within to obtain a discordant edgelist.

statnet/EpiModel documentation built on Sept. 13, 2024, 5:52 a.m.