init.dcm: Initial Conditions for Deterministic Compartmental Models

View source: R/dcm.inputs.R

init.dcmR Documentation

Initial Conditions for Deterministic Compartmental Models


Sets the initial conditions for deterministic compartmental models simulated with dcm.


init.dcm(s.num, i.num, r.num, s.num.g2, i.num.g2, r.num.g2, ...)



Number of initial susceptible persons. For two-group models, this is the number of initial group 1 susceptible persons.


Number of initial infected persons. For two-group models, this is the number of initial group 1 infected persons.


Number of initial recovered persons. For two-group models, this is the number of initial group 1 recovered persons. This parameter is only used for the SIR model type.


Number of initial susceptible persons in group 2. This parameter is only used for two-group models.


Number of initial infected persons in group 2. This parameter is only used for two-group models.


Number of initial recovered persons in group 2. This parameter is only used for two-group SIR models.


Additional initial conditions passed to model.


The initial conditions for a model solved with dcm should be input into the init.dcm function. This function handles initial conditions for both base model types and original models.

Original models may use the parameter names listed as arguments here, a new set of names, or a combination of both. With new models, initial conditions must be input in the same order that the solved derivatives from the model are output.


An EpiModel object of class init.dcm.

See Also

Use param.dcm to specify model parameters and control.dcm to specify the control settings. Run the parameterized model with dcm.

statnet/EpiModel documentation built on Oct. 14, 2024, 1:38 a.m.