update_dissolution: Adjust Dissolution Component of Network Model Fit

update_dissolutionR Documentation

Adjust Dissolution Component of Network Model Fit


Adjusts the dissolution component of a dynamic ERGM fit using the netest function with the edges dissolution approximation method.


update_dissolution(old.netest, new.coef.diss, nested.edapprox = TRUE)



An object of class netest, from the netest function.


An object of class disscoef, from the dissolution_coefs function.


Logical. If edapprox = TRUE the dissolution model is an initial segment of the formation model (see details in netest).


Fitting an ERGM is a computationally intensive process when the model includes dyad dependent terms. With the edges dissolution approximation method of Carnegie et al, the coefficients for a temporal ERGM are approximated by fitting a static ERGM and adjusting the formation coefficients to account for edge dissolution. This function provides a very efficient method to adjust the coefficients of that model when one wants to use a different dissolution model; a typical use case may be to fit several different models with different average edge durations as targets. The example below exhibits that case.


An updated network model object of class netest.


## Not run: 
nw <- network_initialize(n = 1000)

# Two dissolutions: an average duration of 300 versus 200
diss.300 <- dissolution_coefs(~offset(edges), 300, 0.001)
diss.200 <- dissolution_coefs(~offset(edges), 200, 0.001)

# Fit the two reference models
est300 <- netest(nw = nw,
                formation = ~edges,
                target.stats = c(500),
                coef.diss = diss.300)

est200 <- netest(nw = nw,
                formation = ~edges,
                target.stats = c(500),
                coef.diss = diss.200)

# Alternatively, update the 300 model with the 200 coefficients
est200.compare <- update_dissolution(est300, diss.200)

identical(est200$coef.form, est200.compare$coef.form)

## End(Not run)

statnet/EpiModel documentation built on Sept. 13, 2024, 5:52 a.m.