update_params: Update Model Parameters for Stochastic Network Models

View source: R/net.inputs.R

update_paramsR Documentation

Update Model Parameters for Stochastic Network Models


Updates epidemic model parameters originally set with param.net and adds new parameters.


update_params(param, new.param.list)



Object of class param.net, output from function of same name.


Named list of new parameters to add to original parameters.


This function can update any original parameters specified with param.net and add new parameters. This function would be used if the inputs to param.net were a long list of fixed model parameters that needed supplemental replacements or additions for particular model runs (e.g., changing an intervention efficacy parameter but leaving all other parameters fixed).

The new.param.list object should be a named list object containing named parameters matching those already in x (in which case those original parameter values will be replaced) or not matching (in which case new parameters will be added to param).


An updated list object of class param.net, which can be passed to the EpiModel function netsim.


x <- param.net(inf.prob = 0.5, act.rate = 2)
y <- list(inf.prob = 0.75, dx.rate = 0.2)
z <- update_params(x, y)

statnet/EpiModel documentation built on Sept. 13, 2024, 5:52 a.m.