
#' Life Table for Ghana
#' A dataset containing age-sex-period specific mortality rates.
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \strong{year}: calendar year for rates, with options of 1990, 2000,
#'         and 2011.
#'   \item \strong{male}: binary indicator for male (vs female) rates.
#'   \item \strong{agStart}: lower age interval at which the rate applies.
#'   \item \strong{agEnd}: upper age interval at which the rate applies.
#'   \item \strong{mrate}: the mortality rate.
#' }
#' @docType data
#' @keywords datasets
#' @format A data frame with 132 rows and 5 variables.
#' @name ltGhana
statnet/EpiModelHIVhet documentation built on May 30, 2019, 9:47 a.m.