Man pages for statnet/statnet.common
Common R Scripts and Utilities Used by the Statnet Project Software

all_identicalTest if all items in a vector or a list are identical.
as.control.listConvert to a control list.
attrA wrapper for base::attr which defaults to exact matching.
check.control.classEnsure that the class of the control list is one of those...
compress_rowsA generic function to compress a row-weighted table"Compress" a data frame.
control.list.accessorNamed element accessor for ergm control lists
control.remapOverwrite control parameters of one configuration with...
default_optionsSet 'options()' according to a named list, skipping those...
deInfTruncate values of high magnitude in a vector.
deprecation-utilitiesUtilities to help with deprecating functions.
despaceA one-line function to strip whitespace from its argument.
diff.control.listIdentify and the differences between two control lists.
empty_envReplace an object's environment with a simple, static...
ERRVLReturn the first argument passed (out of any number) that is...
fixed.pvalFormat a p-value in fixed notation.
forkTimeoutEvaluate an R expression with a hard time limit by forking a...
formula.utilitiesFunctions for Querying, Validating and Extracting from...
handle.controlsHandle standard control.*() function semantics.
is.SPDTest if the object is a matrix that is symmetric and positive...
locate_functionLocate a function with a given name and return it and its...
logspace.utilsUtilities for performing calculations on logarithmic scale.
mcmc-utilitiesUtility operations for 'mcmc.list' objects
message_print'print' objects to the 'message' output.
NVLConvenience functions for handling 'NULL' objects.
onceEvaluate a function once for a given input.
opttestOptionally test code depending on environment variable.
paste.andConcatenates the elements of a vector (optionaly enclosing...
persistEvalEvaluate an expression, restarting on error
print.control.listPretty print the control list
set.control.classSet the class of the control list
simplify_simpleConvert a list to an atomic vector if it consists solely of...
snctrlStatnet Control
snctrl-APIHelper functions used by packages to facilitate 'snctrl'... the 'sort' and 'order' methods for 'data.frame' and...
split.arrayA 'split()' method for 'array' and 'matrix' types on a...
ssolveWrappers around matrix algebra functions that pre-_s_cale...
statnet.cite'CITATION' file utilities for Statnet packages (DEPRECATED)
statnetStartupMessageConstruct a "standard" startup message to be printed when the...
sweep_cols.matrixSuptract a elements of a vector from respective columns of a...
term_listA helper class for list of terms in an formula
trim_envMake a copy of an environment with just the selected objects.
ultExtract or replace the _ult_imate (last) element of a vector...
unused_dots_warningAn error handler for 'rlang::check_dots_used()' that issues a...
unwhichConstruct a logical vector with 'TRUE' in specified...
vector.namesmatchreorder vector v into order determined by matching the names...
WelfordA Welford accumulator for sample mean and variance
wmatrixA data matrix with row weights
wmatrix_weightsSet or extract weighted matrix row weights
xTAxCommon quadratic forms
statnet/statnet.common documentation built on Feb. 20, 2024, 11:02 p.m.