once: Evaluate a function once for a given input.

View source: R/misc.utilities.R

onceR Documentation

Evaluate a function once for a given input.


This is a purrr-style adverb that checks if a given function has already been called with a given configuration of arguments and skips it if it has.


once(f, expire_after = Inf, max_entries = Inf)



A function to modify.


The number of seconds since it was added to the database before a particular configuration is "forgotten". This can be used to periodically remind the user without overwhelming them.


The number of distinct configurations to remember. If not Inf, earliest-inserted configurations will be removed from the database when capacity is exceeded. (This exact behavior may change in the future.)


Each modified function instance returned by once() maintains a database of previous argument configurations. They are not in any way compressed, so this database may grow over time. Thus, this wrapper should be used with caution if arguments are large objects. This may be replaced with hashing in the future. In the meantime, you may want to set the max_entries argument to be safe.

Different instances of a modified function do not share databases, even if the function is the same. This means that if you, say, modify a function within another function, the modified function will call once per call to the outer function. Modified functions defined at package level count as the same "instance", however. See example.


Because the function needs to test whether a particular configuration of arguments have already been used, do not rely on lazy evaluation behaviour.


msg <- once(message)
msg("abc") # Prints.
msg("abc") # Silent.

msg <- once(message) # Starts over.
msg("abc") # Prints.

f <- function(){
  innermsg  <- once(message)
  innermsg("efg") # Prints once per call to f().
  innermsg("efg") # Silent.
  msg("abcd") # Prints only the first time f() is called.
  msg("abcd") # Silent.
f() # Prints "efg" and "abcd".
f() # Prints only "efg".

msg3 <- once(message, max_entries=3)
msg3("a") # 1 remembered.
msg3("a") # Silent.
msg3("b") # 2 remembered.
msg3("a") # Silent.
msg3("c") # 3 remembered.
msg3("a") # Silent.
msg3("d") # "a" forgotten.
msg3("a") # Printed.

msg2s <- once(message, expire_after=2)
msg2s("abc") # Prints.
msg2s("abc") # Silent.
msg2s("abc") # Silent after 1 sec.
msg2s("abc") # Prints after 2.1 sec.

statnet/statnet.common documentation built on Oct. 9, 2024, 9:41 a.m.