
#  File tests/testthat/test-EGMME-errors.R in package tergm, part of the
#  Statnet suite of packages for network analysis, https://statnet.org .
#  This software is distributed under the GPL-3 license.  It is free,
#  open source, and has the attribution requirements (GPL Section 7) at
#  https://statnet.org/attribution .
#  Copyright 2008-2024 Statnet Commons

test_that("EGMME errors when it should", {
  nw <- network.initialize(100, directed = FALSE)
  nw %v% "attr" <- rep(1:4, length.out = 100)
  nw <- simulate(nw ~ Form(~edges) + Persist(~edges), coef = c(-5, 1), dynamic = TRUE, output = "final", time.slices = 10)

  expect_error(tergm(nw ~ Form(~edges) + Persist(~edges),
                     targets = ~edges + mean.age, 
                     target.stats = c(120.9842, 3.718282), 
                     SAN.offsets = c(1),
                     estimate = "EGMME"), "Incorrect number")

  expect_error(tergm(nw ~ Form(~offset(edges)) + Persist(~edges),
                     targets = ~offset(edges) + mean.age, 
                     target.stats = c(3.718282), 
                     estimate = "EGMME"), "Incorrect number")

# this call now works due to changes in EGMME offset handling
#  expect_error(tergm(nw ~ Form(~edges + nodefactor("attr", levels = c(2,4))) + Persist(~edges),
#                     targets = ~edges + offset(nodefactor("attr", levels = 2:4), 2) + mean.age,
#                     target.stats = c(120.9842, 50, 70, 3.718282),
#                     SAN.offsets = c(1),
#                     estimate = "EGMME"), "Failed to remove")

  expect_error(tergm(nw ~ Form(~offset(edges)) + Persist(~edges),
                     targets = ~Form(~offset(edges)) + edges, 
                     target.stats = c(120.9842), 
                     estimate = "EGMME"), "Incorrect number")

  expect_error(tergm(nw ~ Form(~edges) + Persist(~edges) + triangle,
                     targets = ~edges + triangle + mean.age, 
                     target.stats = c(120.9842, 500, 100), 
                     estimate = "EGMME"), "No initial parameter method")

  expect_error(tergm(nw ~ Form(~edges) + Persist(~edges) + offset(triangle),
                     targets = ~edges + mean.age, 
                     target.stats = c(120.9842, 100), 
                     offset.coef = c(1),
                     estimate = "EGMME"), "No initial parameter method")
statnet/tergm documentation built on Oct. 9, 2024, 9:49 a.m.