
Defines functions confRegion.default confRegion.mcmcse confRegion

Documented in confRegion

#' Confidence regions (ellipses) for Monte Carlo estimates
#' Constructs confidence regions (ellipses) from the Markov chain output for the features of interest
#' Function uses the ellipse package.
#' @usage confRegion(mcse.obj, which = c(1,2), level = .95)
#' @param mcse.obj The list returned by the mcse.multi or mcse.initseq command, or an mcmcse class object.
#' @param which Integer vector of length 2 indicating the component for which to make the confidence
#' ellipse. Chooses the first two by default.
#' @param level confidence level for the ellipse.
#' @return Returns a matrix of x and y coordinates for the ellipse. Use plot function on the matrix
#' to plot the ellipse.
#' @export 
#' @examples 
#' ## Bivariate Normal with mean (mu1, mu2) and covariance sigma
#' n <- 1e3
#' mu <- c(2, 50)
#' sigma <- matrix(c(1, 0.5, 0.5, 1), nrow = 2)
#' out <- BVN_Gibbs(n, mu, sigma)
#' mcerror <- mcse.multi(out, blather = TRUE)
#' ## Plotting the ellipse
#' plot(confRegion(mcerror), type = 'l')

confRegion <- function(mcse.obj, which = c(1,2), level = .95) {

#' @export
confRegion.mcmcse <- function(mcse.obj, which = c(1,2), level = .95)
  mat <- mcse.obj$cov
  n <- mcse.obj$nsim
  p <- 2
  crit <- qchisq(level, df = p)/n
  mu <- mcse.obj$est
  return(ellipse(mat, centre = mu[which], t = sqrt(crit), which = which))       

#' @export
confRegion.default <- function(mcse.obj, which = c(1,2), level = .95)
  mat <- mcse.obj$cov
  n <- mcse.obj$nsim
  p <- 2
  crit <- qchisq(level, df = p)/n
  mu <- mcse.obj$est
  return(ellipse(mat, centre = mu[which], t = sqrt(crit), which = which))       
statvats/mcmcse documentation built on Sept. 12, 2021, 8:22 p.m.