# PURPOSE: Creates an nxn sparse identity matrix
# USAGE: result = speye(n)
# RETURNS: a sparse n x n identity matrix
# --------------------------------------------------
speye <- function(n){
In <- Matrix(data=0,ncol=n,nrow=n,sparse=T)
diag(In) <- 1
# PURPOSE: converts a three column matrix in a
# sparse matrix
# USAGE: result = spconvert(X)
# where: X is a three colum matrix that should be
# interpreted as [ nrow ncol value ]
# RETURNS: A martix where W[nrow,ncol] = value
# as defined by each row of the X matrix
# --------------------------------------------------
spconvert <- function(X){
n <- max(X[,1])
m <- max(X[,2])
Xrlist <- which( X[,3] != 0 )
result <- Matrix(data=0,nrow=n,ncol=m,sparse=T)
for(Xr in Xrlist ){
result[ X[Xr,1], X[Xr,2] ] <- X[Xr, 3]
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