# PURPOSE: construct beta-prior for rho over -1,1 interval
# USAGE: out = beta_prior(a1,a2,rvec);
# where: rvec = grid over rmin,rmax interval, an n x 1 vector
# a1 = (optional) prior parameter (default = 1.1)
# a2 = (optional) prior parameter (default = 1.1)
# RETURNS: out = nx1 vector of prior weights for rho
# in the interval rmin,rmax
# NOTES: increasing a1,a2 to 1.5,1.5 or 2.0,2.0 increases
# prior weight placed on zero for rho, and decreases
# weights on non-zero values for rho
# to see what the prior looks like:
# rvec = -1:0.01:1;
# a1 = 1.1; a2 = 1.1;
# bprior = beta_prior(rvec',a1,a2);
# plot(rvec,bprior);
# written by:
# James P. LeSage, 4/2003
# University of Toledo
# 2801 W. Bancroft St,
# Toledo, OH 43606
# jlesage@spatial-econometrics.com
# Adapted to R by:
# Miguel Godinho de Matos
# PhD Student at Dept of EPP
# Carnegie Mellon University
beta_prior <- function(rvec,a1=1.01,a2=1.01){
B <- beta(a1,a2)
num <- (1+rvec)^(a1-1)
num <- num * (1-rvec)^(a2-1)
den <- 2^(a1+a2-1)
results <- (1/B)*num/den
results[1] <- 0.001
results[length(results)] <- 0.001
return( results )
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