disp: Displacements

View source: R/transformations.R

dispR Documentation



For an entire visits data frame, identifies displacement events. Displacements are events when one animal leaves the logger right before the arrival of another.


disp(v, bw = 2, pass = TRUE)



Dataframe. A visits data frame containing all visits from all animals. From the output of visits. Must contain columns animal_id, logger_id, start, and end.


Numeric. The maximum interval in seconds between visits by two different animals for the interaction to be considered a displacement.


Logical. Pass 'extra' columns through the function and append them to the output.


The first and last visits on the record are automatically assumed to be non-displacer and non-displacee, respectively.

In some species displacements can be used to infer dominance. Displacements The interactions data frame returned by the disp() function can be passed directly to the Perc::as.conflictmat() function of the Perc package to be transformed into a conflict matrix, ready for analysis of dominance using percolation and conductance. Finally, the displacements data frame can also be converted using the convert_anidom() function to a data frame for use by the aniDom package's elo_scores function.


A list with the following named items:

  1. displacements: A data frame of individual displacement events, including the following columns:

    • logger_id: ID of the logger at which the event occurred

    • ID of the animal being displaced (displacee)

    • ID of the animal doing the displacing (displacer)

    • Time of the departure of the displacee (left)

    • Time of the arrival of the displacer (arrived)

  2. summaries: A data frame of overall wins/lossess per individual, containing the following columns:

    • ID of the animal (animal_id)

    • No. of times the animal was displaced (displacee)

    • No. of times the animal was a displacer (displacer)

    • Proportion of wins (p_win)

  3. interactions: A data frame of interaction summaries, containing the following columns:

    • ID of the displacee (displacee)

    • ID of the displacer (displacer)

    • No. of times this interaction occurred (n)


# Look at displacements for chickadees in experiment 2
 v <- visits(chickadees[chickadees$experiment == "exp2",])
 d <- disp(v)

 # Look at displacement events:
 d[['displacements']] #or

 # Look at summaries (identical methods):
 d[['summaries']] #or

 # Look at interactions (identical methods):
 d[['interactions']] #or

 # Calculate across different experiments (expect warnings about unequal factor levels):

v <- chickadees %>%
  group_by(experiment) %>%

d <- v %>%
  group_by(experiment) %>%
  do(data = disp(.))

# Look at the data stored in the 2nd experiment:
d$data[d$experiment == "exp2"][[1]] #or
d[["data"]][[1]] #or

# Access the displacements from the 3rd experiment:
d$data[d$experiment == "exp3"][[1]]$displacements #or
d[["data"]][[2]]$displacements #or

steffilazerte/feedr documentation built on Jan. 27, 2023, 3:46 a.m.