
#'Imputation by predictive mean matching for DataSHIELD
#'Calculates imputations for univariate missing data by predictive mean matching.
#'@aliases mice.impute.ds.pmm ds.pmm
#'@param y Vector to be imputed
#'@param ry Logical vector of length \code{length(y)} indicating the
#'the subset \code{y[ry]} of elements in \code{y} to which the imputation
#'model is fitted. The \code{ry} generally distinguishes the observed
#'(\code{TRUE}) and missing values (\code{FALSE}) in \code{y}.
#'@param x Numeric design matrix with \code{length(y)} rows with predictors for
#'\code{y}. Matrix \code{x} may have no missing values.
#'@param wy Logical vector of length \code{length(y)}. A \code{TRUE} value
#'indicates locations in \code{y} for which imputations are created.
#'@param donors The size of the donor pool among which a draw is made.
#'The default is \code{donors = 5L}. Setting \code{donors = 1L} always selects
#'the closest match, but is not recommended. Values between 3L and 10L
#'provide the best results in most cases (Morris et al, 2015).
#'@param matchtype Type of matching distance. The default choice
#'(\code{matchtype = 1L}) calculates the distance between
#'the \emph{predicted} value of \code{yobs} and
#'the \emph{drawn} values of \code{ymis} (called type-1 matching).
#'Other choices are \code{matchtype = 0L}
#'(distance between predicted values) and \code{matchtype = 2L}
#'(distance between drawn values).
#'@param ridge The ridge penalty used in \code{.ds.norm.draw()} to prevent
#'problems with multicollinearity. The default is \code{ridge = 1e-05},
#'which means that 0.01 percent of the diagonal is added to the cross-product.
#'Larger ridges may result in more biased estimates. For highly noisy data
#'(e.g. many junk variables), set \code{ridge = 1e-06} or even lower to
#'reduce bias. For highly collinear data, set \code{ridge = 1e-04} or higher.
#'@param \dots Other named arguments.
#'@return Vector with imputed data, same type as \code{y}, and of length
#'@author Stef van Buuren, Karin Groothuis-Oudshoorn
#' Imputation of \code{y} by predictive mean matching, based on
#' van Buuren (2012, p. 73). The procedure is as follows:
#'\item{Calculate the cross-product matrix \eqn{S=X_{obs}'X_{obs}}.}
#'\item{Calculate \eqn{V = (S+{diag}(S)\kappa)^{-1}}, with some small ridge
#'parameter \eqn{\kappa}.}
#'\item{Calculate regression weights \eqn{\hat\beta = VX_{obs}'y_{obs}.}}
#'\item{Draw \eqn{q} independent \eqn{N(0,1)} variates in vector \eqn{\dot z_1}.}
#'\item{Calculate \eqn{V^{1/2}} by Cholesky decomposition.}
#'\item{Calculate \eqn{\dot\beta = \hat\beta + \dot\sigma\dot z_1 V^{1/2}}.}
#'\item{Calculate \eqn{\dot\eta(i,j)=|X_{{obs},[i]|}\hat\beta-X_{{mis},[j]}\dot\beta}
#'with \eqn{i=1,\dots,n_1} and \eqn{j=1,\dots,n_0}.}
#'\item{Construct \eqn{n_0} sets \eqn{Z_j}, each containing \eqn{d} candidate donors, from Y_{obs} such that \eqn{\sum_d\dot\eta(i,j)} is minimum for all \eqn{j=1,\dots,n_0}. Break ties randomly.}
#'\item{Draw one donor \eqn{i_j} from \eqn{Z_j} randomly for \eqn{j=1,\dots,n_0}.}
#'\item{Calculate imputations \eqn{\dot y_j = y_{i_j}} for \eqn{j=1,\dots,n_0}.}
#'The name \emph{predictive mean matching} was proposed by Little (1988).
#'@references Little, R.J.A. (1988), Missing data adjustments in large surveys
#'(with discussion), Journal of Business Economics and Statistics, 6, 287--301.
#'Morris TP, White IR, Royston P (2015). Tuning multiple imputation by predictive
#'mean matching and local residual draws. BMC Med Res Methodol. ;14:75.
#'Van Buuren, S. (2018).
#'\href{https://stefvanbuuren.name/fimd/sec-pmm.html}{\emph{Flexible Imputation of Missing Data. Second Edition.}}
#'Chapman & Hall/CRC. Boca Raton, FL.
#'Van Buuren, S., Groothuis-Oudshoorn, K. (2011). \code{mice}: Multivariate
#'Imputation by Chained Equations in \code{R}. \emph{Journal of Statistical
#'Software}, \bold{45}(3), 1-67. \url{https://www.jstatsoft.org/v45/i03/}
#'@family univariate imputation functions
#'@keywords datagen
#'# We normally call mice.impute.ds.pmm() from within mice()
#'# But we may call it directly as follows (not recommended)
#'xname <- c('age', 'hgt', 'wgt')
#'r <- stats::complete.cases(boys[, xname])
#'x <- boys[r, xname]
#'y <- boys[r, 'tv']
#'ry <- !is.na(y)
#'# percentage of missing data in tv
#'sum(!ry) / length(ry)
#'# Impute missing tv data
#'yimp <- mice.impute.ds.pmm(y, ry, x)
#'hist(yimp, xlab = 'Imputed missing tv')
#'# Impute all tv data
#'yimp <- mice.impute.ds.pmm(y, ry, x, wy = rep(TRUE, length(y)))
#'hist(yimp, xlab = 'Imputed missing and observed tv')
#'plot(jitter(y), jitter(yimp),
#'     main = 'Predictive mean matching on age, height and weight',
#'     xlab = 'Observed tv (n = 224)',
#'     ylab = 'Imputed tv (n = 224)')
#'abline(0, 1)
#'cor(y, yimp, use = 'pair')
mice.impute.ds.pmm <- function(y, ry, x, wy = NULL, donors = 5L,
                            matchtype = 1L, ridge = 1e-05, ...)
  if (is.null(wy))
    wy <- !ry
  x <- cbind(1, as.matrix(x))
  ynum <- y
  if (is.factor(y))
    ynum <- as.integer(y)
  parm <- .ds.norm.draw(ynum, ry, x, ridge = ridge, ...)
  if (matchtype == 0L) {
    yhatobs <- x[ry, , drop = FALSE] %*% parm$coef
    yhatmis <- x[wy, , drop = FALSE] %*% parm$coef
  if (matchtype == 1L) {
    yhatobs <- x[ry, , drop = FALSE] %*% parm$coef
    yhatmis <- x[wy, , drop = FALSE] %*% parm$beta
  if (matchtype == 2L) {
    yhatobs <- x[ry, , drop = FALSE] %*% parm$beta
    yhatmis <- x[wy, , drop = FALSE] %*% parm$beta
  idx <- mice:::matcher(yhatobs, yhatmis, k = donors)
stefvanbuuren/dsMiceClient documentation built on June 27, 2019, 6:15 p.m.