
#'Semi-supervised correlation estimation
#'This function estimates the correlation between an outcome available only
#'for a small subset of the data and a covariate. The outcome is imputed to all
#'the data using a smoothed predictor learned thanks to a set of surrogate variables,
#'available for all the data.
#'Smoothing over the CDF transformed data prevents some tail estimation issues when the new data are subsequently large.
#'@param data the data. The first \code{nn} rows should be the labeled data, the
#'remaining rows should be the unlabeled data.
#'@param nn the number of labeled data
#'@param outcome_name a character string containing the name of the
#'column from data containing the partly missing outcome of interest
#'@param covariate_name a character string containing the name of the
#'column from data containing the covariate to be related to the outcome of
#'@param surrogate_name a character string vector containing the name of the
#'column(s) from data containing the surrogate variable(s)
#'@param bw the bandwidth to use
#'@param cdf_trans a logical flag indicating wether the smoothing should be
#'performed on the data transformed with their cdf. Default is TRUE. See Details.
#'@param ptb_nolabel a logical flag indicating whether accounting for the variation
#'due to unlabeled data. Default is \code{FALSE}
#'@param weights a vector of weights in case a weighted version of the
#'correlation has to be computed. Default is \code{NULL}, in which case, no
#'additional weighting is done and regular perturbation is performed.
#'@param ptb_beta logical flag indicating whether beta coefficient should be perturbed.
#'Dafault is \code{TRUE}.
#'@param adjust_covariates_name optional vector of names of the covariates to adjust on during imputation and smoothing.
#'Default is \code{NULL}.
#'@param do_interact logical flag indicating whether interactins between \code{x} and
#'covariates should be taken into account when imputing \code{y}. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#'@param X perturbation index needed for sapply call. This is a purely artificial argument and is never
#'used in the functions (only needed for sapply to work). Default is \code{NULL}.
#'@importFrom stats lm rbeta
#'@return a list with the following elements:\itemize{
#'    \item rhat
#'    \item bw the bandwith used
#'    \item data_sup
#'    \item W_unlabel
#'    }
#'@seealso \code{\link{smooth_ssl}} \code{\link{rhat}}
rhat_ptb_cond <- function(data, nn, outcome_name=NULL, covariate_name=NULL,
                     surrogate_name=NULL, bw, cdf_trans = TRUE, ptb_nolabel = FALSE,
                     weights=NULL, ptb_beta=TRUE, adjust_covariates_name=NULL,
                     do_interact=TRUE, X=NULL){

  NN <- nrow(data)

  outcome_colnum <- which(colnames(data)==outcome_name)

  #make sure the data are ordered correctly:

  # compute the perturbation weights:
    Vij <-  rbeta(NN, 0.5, 1.5)*4
    Vij <- c(rbeta(nn, 0.5, 1.5)*4, rep(1,NN-nn))

    wi0 <- NN/nn # sampling weight of a random obs 
    Vij <- rep(wi0, NN)
    wi0 <- max(weights) # sampling weight of a random obs 
    weights <- c(weights, rep(wi0, NN-nn))
  Vij_w <- Vij*weights
  Vi <- Vij_w[1:nn]

  data_centered_ptb <- data[, covariate_name, drop=FALSE]# - mean(data[, covariate_name]*Vij)/mean(Vij)
  data_all_ptb <- cbind(data[, outcome_colnum, drop=FALSE], data_centered_ptb, data[, surrogate_name, drop=FALSE])
    data_all_ptb <- cbind(data_all_ptb, data[, adjust_covariates_name, drop=FALSE])
    data_interact_ptb <- data_centered_ptb[, covariate_name]*data[, surrogate_name, drop=FALSE]
    data_all_ptb <- cbind(data_all_ptb, data_interact_ptb)
  outcome_colnum <- 1

  ncoef <- ncol(data_all_ptb)
  W_label_ptb <- data_all_ptb[(1:nn), -outcome_colnum]
  W_unlabel_ptb <- data_all_ptb[-(1:nn), -outcome_colnum]
  data_sup_ptb <- data_all_ptb[1:nn, ]
  #new for cond
  covariate_colnum <- which(colnames(data_all_ptb)==covariate_name)
  adjust_covariates_colnums <- which(colnames(data_all_ptb) %in% adjust_covariates_name)
  surrogate_colnums <- which(colnames(data_all_ptb) %in% surrogate_name)

  if(all.equal(floor(data_all_ptb[, covariate_name]), data_all_ptb[, covariate_name])!=TRUE){
    #cat("Covariates are not counts. They should be log(counts + 1) then.\n")
    covariate_counts <- exp(data_all_ptb[, covariate_name]) - 1
    covariate_counts <- data_all_ptb[, covariate_name]
  gamma_tilde_ptb <- MASS::glm.nb(covariate_counts[1:nn]~data_all_ptb[1:nn, -c(outcome_colnum, covariate_colnum, surrogate_colnums), drop=FALSE], weights=Vi)$coef
  pred_G_sup <- exp(cbind(1, data_all_ptb[1:nn, -c(outcome_colnum, covariate_colnum, surrogate_colnums)])%*%matrix(gamma_tilde_ptb, ncol=1))
  cond_G_res_sup <- (covariate_counts[1:nn] - pred_G_sup)

  linearmodel_y_sup_ptb <- lm(data_sup_ptb[, outcome_colnum]~data_sup_ptb[, adjust_covariates_colnums], weights=Vi)
  yi_cen_ptb <- linearmodel_y_sup_ptb$residuals
  mu_y_tilde_i_ptb <- cbind(1, data_all_ptb[, adjust_covariates_colnums]) %*% linearmodel_y_sup_ptb$coef
  ri_hat_ptb <- yi_cen_ptb*cond_G_res_sup[1:nn]
  rhat_sup_ptb <- mean(ri_hat_ptb*Vi)/mean(Vi)

    beta_hat_ptb <- lm(data_sup_ptb[, outcome_colnum] ~ data_sup_ptb[, -outcome_colnum], weights = Vi)$coef[1:ncoef]
    beta_hat_ptb <- lm(data_sup_ptb[, outcome_colnum] ~ data_sup_ptb[, -outcome_colnum], weights = weights[1:nn])$coef[1:ncoef]
    beta_hat_ptb[which(is.na(beta_hat_ptb))] <- 0 #TODO
  gamma_hat_ptb <- MASS::glm.nb(covariate_counts~data_all_ptb[, -c(outcome_colnum, covariate_colnum, surrogate_colnums), drop=FALSE], weights = Vij_w)$coef
  pred_G_ptb <- exp(cbind(1, data_all_ptb[, -c(outcome_colnum,covariate_colnum, surrogate_colnums)])%*%matrix(gamma_hat_ptb, ncol=1))
  cond_G_res_ptb <- (covariate_counts - pred_G_ptb)
  fi_hat_ptb <- (c(cbind(1, W_label_ptb)%*%beta_hat_ptb) - mu_y_tilde_i_ptb[1:nn])*cond_G_res_ptb[1:nn]
  fj_hat_ptb <- (c(cbind(1, W_unlabel_ptb)%*%beta_hat_ptb) - mu_y_tilde_i_ptb[-c(1:nn)])*cond_G_res_ptb[-c(1:nn)]
  #rptb.ssl = mean(Vj*npreg(bws=bw,txdat=fi_ptb,tydat=ri_ptb*Vi,exdat=fj_ptb)$mean/
  #                  npreg(bws=bw,txdat=fi_ptb,tydat=Vi,exdat=fj_ptb)$mean,na.rm=T)/mean(Vj)
  rhat_ssl_smres_ptb <- smooth_sslCPP(ri = ri_hat_ptb, fi = fi_hat_ptb, fnew = fj_hat_ptb, rsup = rhat_sup_ptb,
                                      wgt = Vij_w, bw = bw, cdf_trans = cdf_trans)
  bw_ptb <- rhat_ssl_smres_ptb[3]
  rhat_ssl_bc_ptb <- rhat_ssl_smres_ptb[2]
  rhat_ssl_ptb <- rhat_ssl_smres_ptb[1]
           "SemiSupervised"=rhat_ssl_ptb, "SemiSupervisedBC"=rhat_ssl_bc_ptb))
stepcie/sslcov documentation built on May 30, 2019, 2:39 p.m.