
Stephen Wade 20/08/2017

R interface to

This is a simple interface to

Before going into any further details of this package, there are some house-keeping tasks:

  1. All the data from the website is Copyright (c) 2017 NBA Media Ventures, LLC. All rights reserved. When using this package you must agree to the Terms of Use of the website. All the terms are important and must be read and agreed to. Pay extra attention to:
    • Section 1 - Ownership and User Restrictions;
    • Section 9 - NBA Statistics;
    • Section 11--14 and 16--21; and
    • read all of it, really!
  2. As this package sends http requests to, you must read and agree to the terms of their Privacy Policy before using this package.
  3. This code is licensed under the MIT license , and you may use this package strictly under those terms.

The details of the API end-points were manually sourced by the approach given in this blog post. In order to semi-future-proof the package, the queries to these end-points and the data extracted from them are evaluated through a fairly informal abstract data layer (ADL). The ADL is specified in internal data extracted from a YAML which can be viewed on github:

The package is split into player, team and game data. All the functions are fully documented, and so details can be found there.

For the sake of sales (hah), here's some example code to give you an idea how easy it is to use the package.


A demonstration of the data, which admittedly was rushed together as part of a Coursera, can be found at


Installation is performed via github using the devtools package.


Player data examples

Let's just have a look at the player data from the 2015-2016 season, and select the D-League players who are active:

dleague_players <- get_players(league='d-league')

head(filter(dleague_players, roster_status==TRUE) %>%
     select(person_id, first_name, last_name, team_id, team_city, team_name))

| person_id|first_name |last_name | team_id|team_city |team_name | |---------:|:----------|:-------------|----------:|:-----------|:---------| | 201861|Antoine |Agudio | 1612709893|Canton |Charge | | 1627378|Mychal |Ammons | 1612709903|Idaho |Stampede | | 203648|Thanasis |Antetokounmpo | 1612709919|Westchester |Knicks | | 203951|Keith |Appling | 1612709913|Erie |BayHawks | | 1626276|Darion |Atkins | 1612709919|Westchester |Knicks | | 1627359|Eric |Atkins | 1612709913|Erie |BayHawks |

Traditional statistics

We might also want to know their traditional stats for their last 10 games, in, say a previous season (just to show you how to do this kind of query)

filter_last10 = filter_per_player(league='d-league',
ppd_last10_2014 = per_player_data(filter_last10)

ppd_last10_2014 = filter(ppd_last10_2014,
                         person_id %in% dleague_players$person_id) %>%
                  select(-c(person_id, team_id))

|player_name |team_abbr | age| games| win| loss| mins| fgm| fga| fg3m| fg3a| ftm| fta| oreb| dreb| reb| ast| tov| stl| blk| blka| pf| pfd| points| plus_minus| dd2| td3| |:--------------|:---------|---:|-----:|---:|----:|--------:|---:|---:|----:|----:|---:|---:|----:|----:|---:|---:|---:|---:|---:|----:|--:|---:|------:|----------:|---:|---:| |A.J. Davis |SXF | 27| 9| 6| 3| 102.6350| 6| 29| 1| 14| 5| 10| 0| 16| 16| 3| 7| 2| 2| 2| 5| 9| 18| -3| 0| 0| |Aaron Craft |SCW | 24| 10| 8| 2| 363.7950| 36| 77| 9| 23| 29| 38| 7| 48| 55| 56| 19| 19| 4| 5| 27| 31| 110| 94| 2| 1| |Adonis Thomas |GRD | 22| 10| 5| 5| 404.8900| 85| 183| 25| 73| 25| 28| 10| 57| 67| 13| 18| 10| 4| 4| 13| 24| 220| -7| 1| 0| |Adrian Thomas |BAK | 28| 10| 5| 5| 182.2250| 18| 52| 16| 46| 0| 0| 1| 15| 16| 7| 3| 5| 0| 0| 17| 3| 52| -87| 0| 0| |Akeem Richmond |RGV | 24| 2| 1| 1| 6.8500| 0| 4| 0| 4| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| -8| 0| 0| |Akil Mitchell |RGV | 23| 10| 5| 5| 217.0017| 30| 52| 1| 5| 9| 29| 26| 61| 87| 15| 15| 6| 5| 2| 22| 20| 70| -10| 1| 0|

We can see that Aaron Craft was ballin' in the last ten games of the 2014-15 D-League season. Did he ever play the NBA?

# 2015-16 is the default
nba_players = get_players(league='nba')
filter(nba_players, last_name=='Craft')

Aww, empty data.frame. Oh well!

Advanced statistics

You can also get more advanced statistics by specifying measurement='advanced' in the call to per_player_data.

ppad_last10_2014 = per_player_data(filter_last10,

Again selecting only the D-league players that played this year:

|player_name |team_abbr | age| games| win| loss| mins| off_rtg| def_rtg| net_rtg| ast_pct| ast/tov| ast_ratio| oreb_pct| dreb_pct| reb_pct| tov_pct| EFG_pct| ts_pct| usg_pct| pace| PIE| |:--------------|:---------|---:|-----:|---:|----:|----:|-------:|-------:|-------:|-------:|-------:|---------:|--------:|--------:|-------:|-------:|-------:|------:|-------:|------:|------:| |A.J. Davis |SXF | 27| 9| 6| 3| 11.4| 107.0| 106.0| 1.0| 0.041| 0.43| 6.9| 0.000| 0.165| 0.089| 16.1| 0.224| 0.269| 0.181| 95.97| 0.000| |Aaron Craft |SCW | 24| 10| 8| 2| 36.4| 111.6| 100.5| 11.1| 0.196| 2.95| 33.2| 0.021| 0.122| 0.075| 11.3| 0.526| 0.587| 0.126| 104.73| 0.098| |Adonis Thomas |GRD | 22| 10| 5| 5| 40.5| 110.3| 109.9| 0.4| 0.049| 0.72| 5.7| 0.028| 0.145| 0.090| 8.0| 0.533| 0.563| 0.232| 98.79| 0.114| |Adrian Thomas |BAK | 28| 10| 5| 5| 18.2| 94.1| 116.4| -22.4| 0.058| 2.33| 11.3| 0.005| 0.096| 0.045| 4.8| 0.500| 0.500| 0.126| 104.77| 0.034| |Akeem Richmond |RGV | 24| 2| 1| 1| 3.4| 66.7| 115.1| -48.4| 0.000| 0.00| 0.0| 0.000| 0.000| 0.000| 0.0| 0.000| 0.000| 0.267| 107.35| -0.160| |Akil Mitchell |RGV | 23| 10| 5| 5| 21.7| 113.8| 115.0| -1.2| 0.088| 1.00| 15.8| 0.112| 0.289| 0.196| 15.8| 0.587| 0.540| 0.141| 107.48| 0.093|

Setting per game, possession, minute

You might notice that the results for the advanced stats appear to be in per-game format, whereas for the basic stats they were in totals. You can actually get per-game traditional stats, too, by setting per='game' in the filter. This is what the output would look like.

|player_name |team_abbr | age| games| win| loss| mins| fgm| fga| fg3m| fg3a| ftm| fta| oreb| dreb| reb| ast| tov| stl| blk| blka| pf| pfd| points| plus_minus| dd2| td3| |:--------------|:---------|---:|-----:|---:|----:|----:|---:|----:|----:|----:|---:|---:|----:|----:|---:|---:|---:|---:|---:|----:|---:|---:|------:|----------:|---:|---:| |A.J. Davis |SXF | 27| 9| 6| 3| 11.4| 0.7| 3.2| 0.1| 1.6| 0.6| 1.1| 0.0| 1.8| 1.8| 0.3| 0.8| 0.2| 0.2| 0.2| 0.6| 1.0| 2.0| -0.3| 0| 0| |Aaron Craft |SCW | 24| 10| 8| 2| 36.4| 3.6| 7.7| 0.9| 2.3| 2.9| 3.8| 0.7| 4.8| 5.5| 5.6| 1.9| 1.9| 0.4| 0.5| 2.7| 3.1| 11.0| 9.4| 2| 1| |Adonis Thomas |GRD | 22| 10| 5| 5| 40.5| 8.5| 18.3| 2.5| 7.3| 2.5| 2.8| 1.0| 5.7| 6.7| 1.3| 1.8| 1.0| 0.4| 0.4| 1.3| 2.4| 22.0| -0.7| 1| 0| |Adrian Thomas |BAK | 28| 10| 5| 5| 18.2| 1.8| 5.2| 1.6| 4.6| 0.0| 0.0| 0.1| 1.5| 1.6| 0.7| 0.3| 0.5| 0.0| 0.0| 1.7| 0.3| 5.2| -8.7| 0| 0| |Akeem Richmond |RGV | 24| 2| 1| 1| 3.4| 0.0| 2.0| 0.0| 2.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| -4.0| 0| 0| |Akil Mitchell |RGV | 23| 10| 5| 5| 21.7| 3.0| 5.2| 0.1| 0.5| 0.9| 2.9| 2.6| 6.1| 8.7| 1.5| 1.5| 0.6| 0.5| 0.2| 2.2| 2.0| 7.0| -1.0| 1| 0|

You can see that the minutes value now matches up and looks like a per-game number of minutes.

There are a couple of things worth noticing about the data returned by the queries:

In general, it is always worth looking at a few records of the returned data to get an idea what units the values are actually returning for different queries.

Team data examples

Game log examples

These are broken into two sets; the player game log or the team game log.

Player game log

Game log queries are relatively similar to getting the names and details of players via get_players().

gl_2013 = get_game_log(league='nba', season=2013)
head(select(gl_2013, -c(season, team_abbr, team_name, fgm:plus_minus)))

And the output produced looks something like:

| person_id|player_name | game_id|game_date |matchup |win | mins| video| |---------:|:---------------|--------:|:----------|:-----------|:-----|----:|:-----| | 2546|Carmelo Anthony | 21300640|2014-01-24 |NYK vs. CHA |TRUE | 39|TRUE | | 2544|LeBron James | 21300893|2014-03-03 |MIA vs. CHA |TRUE | 41|TRUE | | 201142|Kevin Durant | 21300592|2014-01-17 |OKC vs. GSW |TRUE | 44|TRUE | | 201147|Corey Brewer | 21301183|2014-04-11 |MIN vs. HOU |TRUE | 45|TRUE | | 201142|Kevin Durant | 21301024|2014-03-21 |OKC @ TOR |TRUE | 52|TRUE | | 203082|Terrence Ross | 21300647|2014-01-25 |TOR vs. LAC |FALSE | 44|TRUE |

Team game logs

This is the same as the player game log, as an example only, I've also selected a season_type here - which you may also do for player game logs.

This is a much smaller set of data, so if you only want game_ids this would be the way to retrieve them.

As an example, we just use the playoffs from the 2014-15 season and try to find the finals games as we know that the finals were between Cleveland and Golden State:

playoff_logs = team_game_logs(season=2014,
cle_data = filter(playoff_logs, team_abbr=='CLE') %>%
gsw_data = filter(playoff_logs, team_abbr=='GSW') %>%
finals_data = filter(cle_data, game_id %in% gsw_data$game_id)

            game_id %in% finals_data$game_id) %>%
     select(-c(season,fgm:video)) %>%

| team_id|team_abbr |team_name | game_id|game_date |home |win | mins| |----------:|:---------|:---------------------|--------:|:----------|:-----|:-----|----:| | 1610612744|GSW |Golden State Warriors | 41400401|2015-06-04 |FALSE |TRUE | 265| | 1610612739|CLE |Cleveland Cavaliers | 41400401|2015-06-04 |FALSE |FALSE | 265| | 1610612739|CLE |Cleveland Cavaliers | 41400402|2015-06-07 |FALSE |TRUE | 265| | 1610612744|GSW |Golden State Warriors | 41400402|2015-06-07 |FALSE |FALSE | 265| | 1610612739|CLE |Cleveland Cavaliers | 41400403|2015-06-09 |FALSE |TRUE | 240| | 1610612744|GSW |Golden State Warriors | 41400403|2015-06-09 |FALSE |FALSE | 240|

This shows how the team logs will admit two rows per game, with data for each team (I've omitted some of that output here via the select command).

Play-by-play examples

Shot chart examples


Using curl/httr

Timeouts can occur with some versions of curl due to incorrectly configured IPv6. One work-around is to pass a config argument on to httr, e.g.


The correct value for the ipresolve argument can be found via with(curl::curl_symbols, value(name == 'CURL_IPRESOLVE_V4')).


An Alternative to this package is the more highly featured nbastatsR package, definitely worth a look.

This package was partly inspired by nba_py which, sadly, seems outdated.

Testing platform

This package was built and tested with the following R software:

> sessionInfo()
R version 3.2.3 (2015-12-10)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS

other attached packages:
[1] statsnbaR_0.1 httr_1.1.0

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] R6_2.1.2        curl_0.9.6      jsonlite_0.9.19

stephematician/statsnbaR documentation built on May 30, 2019, 3:17 p.m.