Man pages for stephenbates19/digitaltwins
Causal inference for SNPs

accum_testAccumulation test with the hinge-exponential function
col_corsCorrelation across columns
conditional_tdtThe DTT with a TDT-like test statistic
create_offspring_populationSimulate an offspring population
deviance_test_statsComputed test statistics based on deviance change for GLM
find_mate_pairFind a pair of haplotypes.
generate_ancestryGenerate ancestry information
generate_offspringGenerate a synthetic offspring
gen_id_to_hapsConvert genotype IDs to haplotype IDs
get_beta_glmnetRun CV glmnet
get_fb_resultsForward-backward algorithm for parent-offspring trio of...
get_genotype_idsComplete haplotype list
get_phased_ancestryIndentify maternal vs paternal haplotypes
haps_id_to_genConvert haplotype IDs to genptype IDs
haps_matrix3,000 synthetic haplotypes from one chromosome
haps_to_genConvert haplotype matrix to genotype matrix
hinge_expHinge-exponential function
impute_variant_fastImputes a set of variants
linear_crtDTT using a fixed linear statistic
linear_crt_indepDTT with independence, using a fixed linear statistic
logistic_llLogistic-log likelihood
sample_parity_poissonSample poisson conditional on its parity
tdtComputes TDT p-value
stephenbates19/digitaltwins documentation built on Feb. 25, 2020, 12:41 a.m.