Man pages for stephenslab/flashr2
Empirical Bayes Matrix Factorization

flashFit Empirical Bayes Matrix Factorization
flash_add_factors_from_dataAdd factors to a flash object based on data
flash_add_fixed_factorsAdd a set of fixed factors to a flash fit object
flash_add_fixed_loadingsAdd a set of fixed loadings to a flash fit object
flash_add_greedyFit Empirical Bayes Matrix Factorization (greedy algorithm)
flash_backfitRefines a fit of the flash model to data by "backfitting".
flash_fillUse a flash fit to fill in missing entries
flash_get_fitted_valuesGet fitted values.
flash_get_ldfGet LDF from a flash object
flash_get_nfactorsGet number of factors in a flash object
flash_get_pveGet PVE from a flash object
flash_samplerGenerate posterior sampling function
flash_set_dataSet flash data object
flash_zero_out_factorZero out factor from flash object
plot.flashPlot flash object
print.flashPrint summary of flash object
stephenslab/flashr2 documentation built on Feb. 6, 2024, 5:21 a.m.