
#' @title Compute objective optimized by mixsqp.
#' @description See \code{\link{mixsqp}} for a full description of the
#' objective function optimized by the mix-SQP algorithm.
#' @param L Matrix specifying the optimization problem to be solved.
#' In the context of mixture-model fitting, \code{L[j,k]} should be
#' the value of the kth mixture component density at the jth data
#' point. \code{L} should be a numeric matrix with at least two
#' columns, with all entries being non-negative and finite (and not
#' missing). Further, no column should be entirely zeros. For large
#' matrices, it is preferrable that the matrix is stored in
#' double-precision; see \code{\link{storage.mode}}.
#' @param x The point at which the objective is evaluated in
#' \code{mixobjective}; see argument \code{x0} in \code{\link{mixsqp}}
#' for details.
#' @param w An optional numeric vector, with one entry for each row of
#' \code{L}, specifying the "weights" associated with the rows of
#' \code{L}. All weights must be finite, non-negative and not
#' missing. Internally, the weights are normalized to sum to 1,
#' which does not change the problem, but does change the value of the
#' objective function reported. By default, all weights are equal.
#' @return The value of the objective at \code{x}. If any entry of
#' \code{L \%*\% x} is less than or equal to zero, \code{Inf} is
#' returned.
#' @seealso \code{\link{mixsqp}}
#' @export
mixobjective <- function (L, x, w = rep(1,nrow(L))) {

  # ----------------------
  # Check input L and, if necessary, coerce the likelihood matrix to
  # be in double precision.
  if (storage.mode(L) != "double")
    storage.mode(L) <- "double"
  # Check and process the estimate of the solution.
  x <- verify.estimate(x,L)
  # Check and process the weights.
  w <- verify.weights(L,w)
  # -----------------------

# Compute the value of the objective at x; arguments L and w specify
# the objective, and e is an additional constant that can be set to a
# small, positive number (zero by default) to better ensure numerical
# stability of the optimization. Argument z is an additional
# "normalization factor" used to recover the objective with the
# unnormalized L after normalizing the rows of L; setting z[i] to a
# value different than zero is equivalent to multiplying the ith row
# of L by exp(z[i]).
mixobj <- function (L, w, x, z = rep(0,length(w)), e = 0) {
 y <- drop(L %*% x) + e
 if (all(y > 0))
   return(-sum(w * (z + log(y))))
stephenslab/mixSQP documentation built on Jan. 16, 2024, 4:02 a.m.