
A personalized setup for R. I've found it useful to add library(setup) to my .Rprofile, maybe others will too. Always changing, never any goals for stabilization.

library("setup", quietly = TRUE, warn.conflicts = FALSE)

The guiding principle of the setup package is to include functionality that is intended exclusively for interative sessions and not in scripts or packages that are intended for other users. The recommended way to use setup is to fork it and modify as desired for your needs in interactive sessions.

Current features

  1. utilities for processing parts of knitr chunks
  2. tools for checking your progress on git projects
  3. extract package info for makefiles
  4. alternative interface to R's symbolic differentiation tools
  5. sugar for random matrices
  6. sugar for using uniform distributions over subsets of the integers
  7. sugar for interfacing with bash
  8. yes i really want to quit!


Quick random matrices!

rmat(5, 3)
##             [,1]       [,2]       [,3]
## [1,] -0.66632144  1.3042986  0.1259268
## [2,] -0.75127404 -1.2725709 -0.1596205
## [3,] -0.46391447 -1.1113941 -1.3869535
## [4,]  0.07424689  0.8562972  1.4712344
## [5,] -0.47383856 -2.0638588  0.4354084

Symbolic differentiation without expressions!

gradient("(x^2)/y", c("x", "y"))
##       gradient
## x      2 * x/y
## y -((x^2)/y^2)
hessian("(x^2)/y", c("x", "y"))
##              x                       y
## x          2/y            -(2 * x/y^2)
## y -(2 * x/y^2) (x^2) * (2 * y)/(y^2)^2

Using tarName in a makefile.

PKG = lme4
TAR = $(shell Rscript -e "tarName(\"$(PKG)\")")
BUILD = R CMD build --no-build-vignettes
INSTALL = R CMD install
CHECK = R CMD check

all: $(TAR) install

    $(BUILD) $(PKG)

install: $(TAR)
    $(INSTALL) $(TAR)

check: $(TAR)
    $(CHECK) $(TAR)

stevencarlislewalker/setup documentation built on May 30, 2019, 4:45 p.m.