
The r Githubpkg("steveped/incucyteR") package is designed to enable easy import, visualisation and analysis of Incucyte data. This package is primarily focussed on assays that measure either cell growth or cell death.

Importing Data

incucyteR can import multiple assays as well as the PlateMap files directly exported by the Incucyte software. Any CellType, GrowthCondition or other metadata included in the PlateMap will be added to the data object during import, and a well documented PlateMap can significantly simplify analysis.

Data will be imported as an IncucyteExperiment object, which is based on the r Biocpkg("SummarizedExperiment") object class.

Session info {.unnumbered}


steveped/incucyteR documentation built on Sept. 7, 2020, 12:22 p.m.