knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, eval = FALSE)



Read: Chapter 2 and 3


Regression Overview

Billion Dollar Billy Beane

Read this article


  1. How does payroll relate to performance (avgwin)?
  2. Is Billy Beane worth 12 million dollars, as argued in the article?
  3. Given a team with $payroll= .84$, on average what would be the mean winning percentage and average wins?

Packages in R

R's greatest blessing (and curse) is its package ecosystem. (insert CRAN link here)

We've developed a custom package for this class - install it if you haven't yet!

if(!require("devtools")) {

Our Data

Data: ml_pay: consists of winning records and the payroll of all 30 ML teams from 1998 to 2014. There are 162 games in each season.

Load the data

Our custom tooling makes this easy for you:

datapay <- stat471::ml_pay

Try str(datapay) now! \ You can also do help(ml_pay) to see the documentation

Getting help

R has some good built-in help functions:

help(read.csv)  # The argument needs to be a function or dataset
apropos("read") # List all the functions with "read" as part of the function. Very useful!
args(read.csv)  # List all the arguments to read.csv

And of course, Google is your friend.

Understanding the data

Before you do any analysis it is always wise to take a quick look at the data to spot anything abnormal.

Find the structure the data and have a quick summary

str(datapay) # make sure the variables are correctly defined.
summary(datapay) # a quick summary of each variable

Understanding the data

Get a table view

fix(datapay)     # need to close the window to move on

Look at the first six rows or first few rows

head(datapay) # or tail(datapay)
head(datapay, 2) # first two rows

Understanding the data

Find the size of the data or the numbers or rows and columns


Get the variable names

names(datapay) # It is a variable by itself

Subsetting the data

We often want to work with a subset which includes relevant variables:

datapay[1,1] # payroll for team one
datapay$payroll # call variable payroll
datapay[, 1] # first colunm 
datapay[, c(1:3)] # first three columns

Or update what the columns are named, e.g. rename "" to "team"


Missing values

In R, missing values are treated as "NA", a special type. This is how we can check:


Note that we cleaned this dataset beforehand!

Exploratory data analysis - stats

We will concentrate on three variables: payroll, avgwin and team


Find the team name with the max payroll


Exploratory data analysis - plots

hist(datapay$payroll, breaks=5) 

Exploratory data analysis - plots

Larger number of classes to see the details

hist(datapay$payroll, breaks=10, col="blue") 

Exploratory data analysis - plots


Exploratory data analysis - plots

Explore the relationship between payroll (x) and avgwin (y), with a scatter plot.

plot(datapay$payroll, datapay$avgwin, pch=16, cex=1.2,
     xlab="Payroll", ylab="Win Percentage",
     main="MLB Teams's Overall Win Percentage vs. Payroll")
identify(datapay$payroll, datapay$avgwin, labels=datapay$team, pos=3) # label some points
text(datapay$payroll, datapay$avgwin, labels=datapay$team, cex= .7, pos=1) # label all points
# alternate ggplot2 implementation:
ggplot(data = datapay, aes(x = payroll, y = avgwin, label = team)) + 
    geom_label(label.size = 0.1, label.padding = unit(0.1, "lines")) +
    theme_bw() + ggtitle("MLB Teams's Overall Win Percentage vs. Payroll") +
    xlab("Payroll") + ylab("Win Percentage")

Linear models

We fit linear regressions in R with the following syntax:

myfit0 <- lm(avgwin~payroll, data=datapay)    # avgwin is y and payroll is x

Linear models - evaluating

names(myfit0)# it outputs many statistics
str(myfit0) # myfit0 is a list

summary(myfit0)   # it is another object that is often used
results <- summary(myfit0)

Linear models - plotting

Scatter plot with the LS line added

par(mgp = c(1.8, .5, 0), mar = c(3, 3, 2, 1)) 
  plot(datapay$payroll, datapay$avgwin, pch = 16, 
       xlab = "Payroll", ylab = "Win Percentage",
       main = "MLB Teams's Overall Win Percentage vs. Payroll")
  abline(myfit0, col = "red", lwd = 4)         # many other ways. 
  abline(h = mean(datapay$avgwin), lwd=5, col="blue") # add a horizontal line, y=mean(y)
  identify(datapay$payroll, datapay$avgwin, labels=datapay$team, cex= .7, pos=1) 

Your thoughts

Here is how the article concludes that Beane is worth as much as the GM in Red Sox.

By looking at the above plot, Oakland A's win pct is more or less same as that of Red Sox, so based on the LS equation, the team should have paid 2 billion.

Do you agree?

Linear models - mathematical evaluation

RSS and RSE:

myfit0 <- lm(avgwin~payroll, data=datapay)
RSS <- sum((myfit0$res)^2) # residual sum of squares
RSE <- sqrt(RSS/myfit0$df) # residual standard error
TSS <-sum((datapay$avgwin-mean(datapay$avgwin))^2) # total sum of sqs
Rsquare <- (TSS-RSS)/TSS    # Percentage reduction of the total errors

Rsquare <- (cor(datapay$avgwin, myfit0$fitt))^2 # Square of the cor between response and fitted values

We can also get these results from the summary output



Under the model assumptions:

i. $y_i$ is i.i.d, and normally distributed ii. the mean of $y$ given $x$ is linear iii. the var of $y$ does not depend on $x$

THEN we have nice properties about the LS estimates $b_1$, $b_0$.

Subset analysis

data1=datapay[, -(21:37)] # take X1998 to X2014 out
data2=data1[, sort(names(data1)[21-37])] # sort the col names

Confidence intervals

summary(myfit0)  # Tests and CI for the coefficients
confint(myfit0)  # Pull out the CI for the coefficients

Create new data, and feed it to our trained model, to find a 95% CI:

new_team <- data.frame(payroll=c(.841))  
CImean <- predict(myfit0, new_team, interval="confidence",  

Prediction intervals

CIpred <- predict(myfit0, new_team, interval="prediction",

A 95 prediction interval varies from 0.474 to 0.531, for a team like the Oakland A's.

But their avewin is 0.5445, and somewhat outside of this interval ...

Prediction intervals - 99%

A 99% prediction interval would contain .5445!

CIpred_99 <- predict(myfit0, new_team, interval="prediction",, level=.99)

Reverse Regression

Recall this scatterplot:

par(mgp=c(1.8,.5,0), mar=c(3,3,2,1)) 
plot(datapay$payroll, datapay$avgwin, pch=16, 
     xlab="Payroll", ylab="Win Percentage",
     main="MLB Teams's Overall Win Percentage vs. Payroll")
abline(lm(avgwin~payroll, data=datapay), col="red", lwd=4) 

Reverse Regression

Add LS line:

plot(datapay$payroll, datapay$avgwin, pch=16, 
     xlab="Payroll", ylab="Win Percentage",
     main="MLB Teams's Overall Win Percentage vs. Payroll")
abline(lm(avgwin~payroll, data=datapay), col="red", lwd=4) 
myfit1 <- lm(payroll~avgwin, data=datapay)
beta0 <- myfit1$coefficients[1]
beta1 <- myfit1$coefficients[2]
avgwin2 <- (datapay$payroll-beta0)/beta1   
lines(datapay$payroll, avgwin2, col="green", lwd=4)

legend("bottomright", legend=c("y=winpercent", "y=payroll"),
       lty=c(1,1), lwd=c(2,2), col=c("red","green"))

text(datapay$payroll, datapay$avgwin, labels=datapay$team, cex= 0.7, pos=2) # label teams

Reverse Regression

We may want to get the LS equation w/o Oakland first.

Scatter plot with both LS lines

subdata <- datapay[-20,]

myfit2 <- lm(avgwin~payroll, data=subdata)
plot(subdata$payroll, subdata$avgwin, pch=16,
     xlab="Payroll", ylab="Win Percentage",
     main="The effect of Oakland")
lines(subdata$payroll, predict(myfit2), col="blue", lwd=3)
abline(myfit0, col="red", lwd=3)
legend("bottomright", legend=c("Reg. with Oakland", "Reg. w/o Oakland"),
       lty=c(1,1), lwd=c(2,2), col=c("red","blue"))

Reverse Regression

subdata1 <- datapay[-19,]
myfit3 <- lm(avgwin~payroll, data=subdata1)

plot(subdata$payroll, subdata$avgwin, pch=16,
     xlab="Payroll", ylab="Win Percentage",
     main="The effect of Yankees")
abline(myfit3, col="blue", lwd=3)   
abline(myfit0, col="red", lwd=3)
legend("bottomright", legend=c("Reg. All", "Reg. w/o Yankees"),
       lty=c(1,1), lwd=c(2,2), col=c("red","blue"))


Appendix 1: z vs t

Difference between $z$ and $t$ with $df=n$. The distribution of $z$ is similar to that $t$ when $df$ is large, say 30.

par(mgp=c(1.8,.5,0), mar=c(3,3,2,1)) 
hist(z, freq=FALSE, col="red", breaks=30, xlim=c(-5,5))

Appendix 1

t=rt(1000, df)   # see what a t variable looks like
hist(t, freq=FALSE, col="blue", breaks=50, xlim=c(-5,5),
     main=paste("Hist of t with df=",df))

Appendix 2: R-squared

Case I: a perfect model between X and Y but it is not linear

R-squared=.837 here y=x^3 with no noise!
par(mfrow=c(3, 1))

x=seq(0, 3, by=.05) # or x=seq(0, 3, length.out=61)


par(mgp=c(1.8,.5,0), mar=c(3,3,2,1)) 
plot(x, y, pch=16, ylab="",
     xlab="No noise in the data",
     main=paste("R squared= ",round(rsquared,3),sep=""))
abline(myfit, col="red", lwd=4)

Appendix 2

Case II: a perfect linear model between X and Y but with noise.

Here $y= 2+3x + \epsilon$, $\epsilon$ is iid $N(0, \sigma=9)$.

x=seq(0, 3, by=.02)
e=3* rnorm(length(x))   # Normal random errors with mean 0 and sigma=3
y= 2+3*x + 3* rnorm(length(x)) 

rsquared = round(myfit.out$r.squared,3)
hat_beta_0=round(myfit$coe[1], 2)
hat_beta_1=round(myfit$coe[2], 2)
par(mgp=c(1.8,.5,0), mar=c(3,3,2,1)) 
plot(x, y, pch=16, ylab="",
     xlab="True lindear model with errors", 
     main=paste("R squared= ",rsquared, 
                "LS est's=",hat_beta_0, "and", hat_beta_1))

abline(myfit, col="red", lwd=4)

Appendix 2

Case III: Same as that in Case II, but lower the sigma ($\sigma$) to 1

x=seq(0, 3, by=.02)
e=3* rnorm(length(x))   # Normal random errors with mean 0 and sigma=3
y= 2+3*x + 1* rnorm(length(x)) 

rsquared = round(myfit.out$r.squared,3)
b1=round(myfit.out$coe[2], 3)
par(mgp=c(1.8,.5,0), mar=c(3,3,2,1)) 
plot(x, y, pch=16, ylab="",
     xlab=paste("LS estimates, b1=", b1, ",  R squared= ", rsquared),
     main="The true model is y=2+3x+n(0,1)")
abline(myfit, col="red", lwd=4)

Appendix 3

What do we expect to see even all the model assumptions are met?

a. Variability of the LS estimates $\beta$'s b. Variability of the $R^2$ c. Model diagnosis: through residuals

We answer this through simulation

Appendix 3

par(mfrow=c(1,3)) # make three plot windows: 1 row and three columns
### Set up the simulations
x=runif(100)      # generate 100 random numbers from [0, 1]
y=1+2*x+rnorm(100,0, 2) # generate response y's 
### The true line is y=1+2x, i.e., beta0=1, beta1=2, sigma=2

hat_beta_0=round(fit.perfect$coefficients[1], 2)
hat_beta_1=round(fit.perfect$coefficients[2], 2)

plot(x, y, pch=16, 
     xlab="a perfect linear model: true mean: y=1+2x in blue, LS in red",
     main=paste("R squared= ",rsquared, 
                ", LS estimates b1=",hat_beta_1, "and b0=", hat_beta_0)
abline(fit, lwd=4, col="red")
lines(x, 1+2*x, lwd=4, col="blue")

Appendix 3

Residual plot:

plot(fit$fitted, fit$residuals, pch=16,
     ylim=c(-8, 8),
     main="residual plot")
abline(h=0, lwd=4, col="red")

Appendix 3

Check normality:

qqnorm(fit$residuals, ylim=c(-8, 8))
qqline(fit$residuals, lwd=4, col="blue")

stillmatic/stat471 documentation built on May 30, 2019, 5:44 p.m.