Man pages for stix-global/eutradeflows
Download bilateral trade flow data from Eurostat Comext

addproreppar2tblAdd product reporter and partner to a tbl object
cleancodeExtract a list of unique, most recent product, reporter and...
cn_code_changesCN code changes
comparemd5sumCompare the md5sum of files in folder 1 and folder2
createdbstructureCreates a database structure based on a sql dump file
crontimeTest a cron job by writing the comext folder name to a text...
dbconnectdockerOpen a RMySQL database connection inside a docker container
dbconnecttradeflowsCreate a database connection for Shiny
dbndistinctCount the number of distinct rows in a database table for a...
decompress7zDecompress a 7z file in its directory
downloadcomextfileDownload bulk data from Comext into a designated folder
dumptableCopy the content of a database table to a compressed SQL dump...
eutradeflows-packageeutradeflows: A validation algorithm for forest products...
filterandrenamedatCreate a shorter .dat file containing only products starting...
generatemonthlyfilenamesGenerate all monthly file names from startyear until endyear
harvestHarvest: Download and transfer Comext data to the database
harvestrecentDeprecated harvest recent data @export
loadtabledumpLoad a dump file into the database This function uses shell...
longest_contiguousLongest contiguous time series for the given variable in the...
plotsankeyPlot a sankey diagram, using the D3 library networkD3
preparesankeynodesPrepare nodes and links to generate a Sankey diagram
products2harvestProducts to harvest
readdatRead Comext .dat file for a given product code
replace_repeated_by_empty_stringReplace repeated values by the empty string
scraplinksExtract link texts and urls from a web page
select_main_partnersA function to select main partner(s) for each reporter
select_main_partners_tropSelect main tropical partners for the product of interest and...
setcomextconfigSets comext url connection parameters as a global R option...
subsequent_codesFind subsequent code for a given product code
transfer7zfile2dbTransfer data from .7z files or text files to the database
update_cn_code_changesPrepare the code changes table Code changes are obtained from...
write2csvLoad trade flows for the given product
write2csv_spreadSpread quantity data along the period and write to a csv file...
writedat2dbWrite Comext data to the database
stix-global/eutradeflows documentation built on Nov. 13, 2020, 9:23 p.m.