
Defines functions fitBsplineDisplacementField

Documented in fitBsplineDisplacementField

#' fitBsplineDisplacementField
#' Fit a b-spline object to a dense displacement field image and/or a set of points
#' with associated displacements and smooths them using B-splines.  The inverse
#' can also be estimated..  This is basically a wrapper
#' for the ITK filter \url{https://itk.org/Doxygen/html/classitk_1_1DisplacementFieldToBSplineImageFilter.html}
#' which, in turn is a wrapper for the ITK filter used for the function
#' \code{ANTsR::fitBsplineObjectToScatteredData}
#' @param displacementField input displacement field.  Either this and/or the points
#' must be specified.
#' @param displacementWeightImage input image defining weighting of the voxelwise displacements
#' in the \code{displacementField}.  if \code{NULL}, defaults to identity weighting for
#' each displacement.  Default = NULL.
#' @param displacementOrigins matrix (\code{numberOfPoints x dimension}) defining the
#' origins of the input displacement points.  Default = NULL.
#' @param displacements matrix (\code{numberOfPoints x dimension}) defining the
#' displacements of the input displacement points.  Default = NULL.
#' @param displacementWeights vector defining the individual weighting of the corresponding
#' scattered data value.  Default = NULL meaning all values are weighted the same.
#' @param origin vector defining the physical origin of the B-spline
#' displacement field.  Must be specified if \code{displacementField} is not specified.
#' Otherwise, the \code{displacementField} is used to define the domain parameters.
#' @param spacing vector defining the physical spacing of the B-spline
#' object.  Defines the sampling rate in the parametric domain.  Must be specified if
#' \code{displacementField} is not specified. Otherwise, the
#' \code{displacementField} is used to define the domain parameters.
#' @param size vector defining the size (length) of the
#' B-spline object.  Note that the length of the B-spline object in dimension \code{d}
#' is defined as \code{parametricDomainSpacing[d] * (parametricDomainSize[d]-1)}.
#' Must be specified if \code{displacementField} is not specified.  Otherwise, the
#' \code{displacementField} is used to define the domain parameters.
#' @param direction matrix defining the orientation of the sampled
#' B-spline object.  Must be specified if \code{displacementField} is not specified.
#' Otherwise, the \code{displacementField} is used to define the domain parameters.
#' @param numberOfFittingLevels integer specifying the number of fitting levels.
#' @param meshSize vector defining the mesh size at the initial fitting level.
#' @param splineOrder spline order of the B-spline object.  Default = 3.
#' @param enforceStationaryBoundary ensure no displacements on the image boundary.
#' Default = TRUE.
#' @param estimateInverse estimate the inverse displacement field.  Default = FALSE.
#' @param rasterizePoints Use nearest neighbor rasterization of points for estimating the
#' field (potential speed-up).
#' @return ANTsR image.
#' @author NJ Tustison
#' @examples
#' # Perform 2-D fitting
#' points <- matrix(data = c(-50, -50), nrow = 1, byrow = TRUE)
#' deltas <- matrix(data = c(10, 10), nrow = 1, byrow = TRUE)
#' bsplineField <- fitBsplineDisplacementField(
#'   displacementOrigins = points, displacements = deltas,
#'   origin = c(0.0, 0.0), spacing = c(1.0, 1.0), size = c(100, 100),
#'   direction = matrix(data = c(-1, 0, 0, -1), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE),
#'   numberOfFittingLevels = 4, meshSize = c(1, 1)
#' )
#' @export fitBsplineDisplacementField

fitBsplineDisplacementField <- function(
    displacementField = NULL,
    displacementWeightImage = NULL,
    displacementOrigins = NULL,
    displacements = NULL,
    displacementWeights = NULL,
    origin = NULL,
    spacing = NULL,
    size = NULL,
    direction = NULL,
    numberOfFittingLevels = 4,
    meshSize = 1,
    splineOrder = 3,
    enforceStationaryBoundary = TRUE,
    estimateInverse = FALSE,
    rasterizePoints = FALSE) {
  if (is.null(displacementField) && (is.null(displacementOrigins) || is.null(displacements))) {
    stop("Error: missing input.  Either a displacement field or input point set (origins + displacements) needs to be specified.")

  if (is.null(displacementField) && (is.null(origin) || is.null(spacing) || is.null(size) || is.null(direction))) {
    stop("Error: if the displacement field is not specified, one must fully specify the input physical domain.")

  if (!is.null(displacementField) && is.null(displacementWeightImage)) {
    displacementWeightImage <- makeImage(dim(displacementField),
      voxval = 1,
      spacing = antsGetSpacing(displacementField), origin = antsGetOrigin(displacementField),
      direction = antsGetDirection(displacementField), components = FALSE

  if (!is.null(displacementField) && is.null(displacementWeightImage)) {
    if (is.null(origin)) {
      origin <- antsGetOrigin(displacementField)
    if (is.null(spacing)) {
      spacing <- antsGetSpacing(displacementField)
    if (is.null(direction)) {
      direction <- antsGetDirection(displacementField)
    if (is.null(size)) {
      size <- dim(displacementField)

  dimensionality <- NULL
  if (!is.null(displacementField)) {
    dimensionality <- displacementField@dimension
  } else {
    dimensionality <- ncol(displacementOrigins)
    if (ncol(displacements) != dimensionality) {
      stop("Error:  Dimensionality between origins and displacements does not match.")

  if (!is.null(displacementOrigins)) {
    if (!is.null(displacementWeights) && (length(displacementWeights) != nrow(displacementOrigins))) {
      stop("Error:  length of displacement weights must match the number of displacement points.")
    } else {
      displacementWeights <- rep(1.0, nrow(displacementOrigins))

  if (length(meshSize) != 1 && length(meshSize) != dimensionality) {
    stop("Error:  incorrect specification for meshSize.")
  if (!is.null(origin) && length(origin) != dimensionality) {
    stop("Error:  origin is not of length dimensionality.")
  if (!is.null(spacing) && length(spacing) != dimensionality) {
    stop("Error:  spacing is not of length dimensionality.")
  if (!is.null(size) && length(size) != dimensionality) {
    stop("Error:  size is not of length dimensionality.")
  if (!is.null(direction) &&
    (dim(direction)[1] != dimensionality || dim(direction)[2] != dimensionality)) {
    stop("Error:  direction is not of size dimensionality x dimensionality.")

  numberOfControlPoints <- meshSize + splineOrder

  if (length(numberOfControlPoints) == 1) {
    numberOfControlPoints <- rep(numberOfControlPoints, dimensionality)

  bsplineField <- ANTsRCore::fitBsplineDisplacementField(
    displacementField, displacementWeightImage,
    displacementOrigins, displacements, displacementWeights,
    origin, spacing, size, direction,
    numberOfFittingLevels, numberOfControlPoints, splineOrder,
    enforceStationaryBoundary, estimateInverse, rasterizePoints
stnava/ANTsR documentation built on April 16, 2024, 12:17 a.m.