opts_chunk$set(fig.width=9, fig.height=6, fig.path='Figs/',
               warning=FALSE, message=FALSE)
mat<-replicate(100, rnorm(nevents)) 
desmat<-data.frame(replicate(nclass, rnorm(nevents))*0)
for ( i in 1:nrow(desmat) ) {
# setupfile<-paste("demo/",c("setup.R"),sep='')
# source(system.file( setupfile, package="RKRNS"))
opts_chunk$set(dev = 'pdf')
eventshift<-6        # old - now use 4
responselength<-6/tr # old - now use 8 e.g. 15 seconds div by 0.5 tr => 30 volumes
responselength<-8/tr # e.g. 15 seconds div by 0.5 tr => 30 volumes
filterlowfrequency<-4   # 0.05 if you multiply by TR
filterhighfrequency<-20 # 0.4 # because of expected bold response < 25secs, > 5 seconds
if ( exists("imat") ) nvol<-nrow(imat) else nvol<-57600
if ( whichmask == 0 ) { # whole brain
  labs<-as.numeric(1) # label numbers to use ... need to know which label set is at hand
if ( whichmask == 1 ) { # aal
  labs<-as.numeric( c(1,13,55:57,79,81,89) ) # lang network + HAA
  labs<-as.numeric(1:90) # label numbers to use ... need to know which label set is at hand
if ( whichmask == 2 ) { # brodmann
  labs<-as.numeric( c(  9,10,45,46,47,11,12,8,7,39,40,37,21,36 ) ) # Brod + HAA
# HAAs # precent; postcent gyrus ; ang gyr; ATL ...
# prefrontal: BA 9-10, 45-47 anterior 11-12, anterior 8 
# posterior parietal: posterior 7 39-40
# lateral temporal BA37, BA21 
# parahipp BA36,37 

RKRNS Overview


We employ the RKRNS package to decode read sentences from BOLD data. The package allows

Here, we focus on evaluating our dimensionality reduction methods combined with SVMs for decoding. These can be easily applied via rkrnsRanker. Finally, we show preliminary results that use sparse canonical correlation analysis for neuroimaging (SCCAN) to predict BOLD activation images from input eigensentences or other features. We briefly touch on future directions for this work.


Comprehension from reading, like hearing (@French1947), is fast and contextual. While significant research has been done on the process of understanding from reading (see @Frost2012; @Price2012; @Seghier2013; @Carreiras2014 for reviews), very little work identifies whether real-time sentence reading leads to repeatable brain activations.

RKRNS Algorithms

This package integrates several frameworks for BOLD processing:

In combination, these tools enable one to go from near-raw medical imaging data to a BOLD decoding experiment.

Data organization expected by RKRNS

RKRNS makes several assumptions about data organization.

Contributions of the package

RKRNS includes:

Eigenwords and eigensentences

Eigenwords and eigensentences

These features will help identify voxels of the brain that are relevant to decoding.


The eigenword representation is a quantitative, contextual semantic similarity space recently contributed by Dhillon and Ungar link in @dhillon_icml12_tscca . Eigenwords are computed as the singular vectors of the matrix of co-occurrence of words within a large corpus (e.g. Wikipedia). That is, eigenword representations are driven by the sentence-level context(s) within which a word appears.

Sentence transformation

In this work, we use concatenations, products or sums of eigenwords as an eigensentence descriptor. Concatenation may be the most straightorward way of coding simple sentence representations with eigenwords:

$$ e_s = [ e_\text{subject} , e_\text{verb} , e_\text{object} ] $$.

Or, use thematic role to organize the words in each sentence.

Decoding w/RKRNS

Spectral representations of language at the brain and sentence level

We show that functional activation of the left hemisphere language network reliably decodes an individual's reading experience. We use a framework based on dimensionality reduction ( eigenanatomy and eigenwords ) to identify brain sub-regions that differentiate related content during an extended session of sentence reading. A distinguishing feature of this framework is that it makes relatively few assumptions about the BOLD response beyond its slow (6 - 20+ second ) time-scale. Our statistical design focuses on the event occurrence (reading) and its quantitative representation. The BOLD response is encoded directly as event-matched spatiotemporal predictors from which we derive sparse dynamic, anatomical dictionary descriptors. Our approach seeks to address two of the fundamental issues at hand: (1) the need for a quantitative description of sentences that is related to sentence comprehension from reading and (2) a general formulation for relating the high-dimensional spatiotemporal BOLD space to spectral sentence representations.


We generated bold data from a Siemens 3T Trio MRI machine.

The full experiment employs randomized sentence presentation in an event-related design with TR=r TR second BOLD data. In total, we acquired r boldhours hours of scan time over $>4$ sessions. Within a session, the subject is scanned over multiple blocks of fMRI of length r blocklength seconds. We expunge the first r throwaway volumes.

Task Sentences

The sentence stimuli are presented randomly and with varying delays. Example sentences, with the total number of presentations in a run, include:

if ( ! exists("fspacenames") ) fspacenames<-sample(rep(c(1:20),50))
print( tbl[ sample(dim(tbl))[1:10]] )   

BOLD processing and priors


BOLD signal characteristics

BOLD signal is information rich but noisy. We employ three fundamental aspects of BOLD to guide our preprocessing choices:

Processing decisions

Our processing therefore uses the following steps:

  1. Assemble the BOLD blocks to match the overall event-related design file
    • optionally use anatomical labeling to select subregions for assembly
    • map a traditional label image to the subject BOLD space so we can label our results e.g.: r aal$label_name[labs].
  2. Learn physiological noise parameters ~~from 1 block and apply them to the rest~~ per run.
  3. ~~Filter the fMRI with a Butterworth band-pass filter, extracting select mid-range frequencies:~~
    • low frequency is r afilterlowfrequency
    • high frequency is r afilterhighfrequency
  4. Use glmDenoiseR and bold2betas to generate event-wise $\beta$ images
  5. Use sparseDecom2 (SCCAN) for voxel selection
  6. Plug the sparse feature images into a prediction model
  7. ~~model sentence length effects (& motion---TODO) by linear regression~~

Training & testing

The steps outlined above do not use knowledge of the event identity, only the event timing. Any steps that use the event's identity (e.g. during feature selection) are isolated to the training data.

Multivariate statistical modeling


Convert the BOLD to a spatiotemporal representation. This model is of the form:

$$ Z_k = w + w_{00} x_{00} + w_{01} x_{01} + \cdots + w_{0p} x_{0p} + w_{10} x_{10} + \cdots + w_{tp} x_{tp} + \epsilon$$

where $w$ represents a weighting term, $Z_k$ represents a multivariate outcome (an eigensentence) at time k, $x_{lm}$ represents a BOLD measurement at time $l$ and space $m$ and $t$ represents the maximum temporal index within a short window near event $Z_k$. In this preliminary implementation, we constrain the temporal weight values through an assumed hemodynamic response function shape.

Matrix formulation

So, if $t=0$, then the global time index is $k$; if $t=1$, the global time index is $k+1$, etcetera. This formulation allows us to simultaneously model and/or select variables in space-time. From here, we denote the right side of the above equation (for all $k$) as $XW^T$ where $X$ has dimensions $n \times p$ and $W$ has dimensions $k \times p$. Similarly, $Z$ is a matrix of eigensentence representations with dimension $n \times q$. In this preliminary implementation, the temporal information is collapsed onto the event onset and the spatial variable is the voxel-wise $\beta$ image that encodes the brain's response to a task element.

Sparse canonical correlation between BOLD $\beta$ images and eigensentences

CCA maximizes $PearsonCorrelation( XW^T, ZY^T )$. The $X$ is the matrix of BOLD-based event wise $\beta$ images. The $Z$ matrix is the feature set that represents the quantitative sentence descriptions. The row-dimensions of $X, Z$ must match but the column dimensions are usually different. The $W$ and $Y$ matrices are the solutions over which we optimize. CCA optimizes the matrices $W, Y$ operating on $X, Z$ to find a low-dimensional representation of the data pair $( X , Z )$ in which correlation is maximal. Following ideas outlined in @Dhillon2014 and @Avants2014, this method can be extended with sparsity constraints that yield rows of $W, Y$ with a controllable number of non-zero entries. See @Avants2014 for the generic algorithm and description of the spatial regularizer that operates on $X$ and the $\ell_1$ regularizers that operate on both $X$ and $Z$.

Predictive model

Given CCA solution matrix $W$, one may employ the low-dimensional representation, $XW^T$, in multi-label classification. Currently, we employ SVM or random forests as multi-label learners for the problem:

$$L_i = f( XW^T ),$$

that is, learning a (sentence) label function from the BOLD data. The general idea is to use SCCAN as a supervised feature selector and then plug the selected voxels into, for instance, a SVM. Ultimately, this leads to a sparse and more interpretable model due to the sparse, spatial regularization employed by SCCAN. We choose sparseness parameters to select approximately 1\% of the brain.

Sample BOLD time series

Perform some diagnostic visualizations on the data.


The time series is noisy, as expected.

Estimate the hemodynamic response function

Use glmDenoiseR to estimate the HRF from a subset of runs.

hrf<-ts( hemodynamicRF( 30, onsets=2, durations=1, rt=0.5,cc=0.1,a1=6,a2=12,b1=0.6, b2=0.6 ) )
glmda<-glmDenoiseR( data.matrix(mat), desmat, hrfBasis=hrf, 
  hrfShifts = 4, maxnoisepreds=0 , selectionthresh=0.1 , 
  collapsedesign=T, polydegree=mypolydegree, baseshift=0 )

Visualize the HRF

Take a quick look at the estimated hemodynamic response function.

hrf<-ts( hemodynamicRF( 30, onsets=2, durations=1, rt=0.5,cc=0.1,a1=6,a2=12,b1=0.6, b2=0.6 ) )

Estimate $\beta$ values for each event

We estimate a $\beta^i$ vector for each of $i \in 1 \cdots q$ events. This vector contains a scalar $\beta$ value for each voxel, i.e. $\beta_j^i$ where $j \in 1 \cdots p$. This example can be found via ?bold2betas.

runs<-sort(rep(c(1,2),nrow(desmat)/2))[1:nrow(desmat)] # bb$desmat$Run; 
btsc<-bold2betas( boldmatrix=data.matrix(mat), 
      designmatrix=desmat, baseshift=0,
      blockNumb=runs, maxnoisepreds=0, hrfBasis=glmda$hrf,
      hrfShifts=0, polydegree=mypolydegree, selectionthresh=0.2 )
if ( zscore ) {  # z-score the betas
for ( i in 1:nrow(btsc$eventbetas) ) 
  mylabs[i]<-substr( rownames(btsc$eventbetas)[i],1,2)

Estimate $\beta$ values for each event: 2

We recommend that one looks at the estimated hemodynamic response function in order to help set parameters. This is available as output from the bold2betas function (and glmDenoiseR). Key parameters are the basis length for HRF estimation, the maximum number of noise predictors (e.g. maxnoisepreds=4 or maxnoisepreds=2:10 to search a range), the polynomial degree and the selectionthresh which should be kept below 0.5. Real data processing should proceed similarly. The latter part of the sample code extracts labels from the rownames of the output event beta dataframe. This will set us up for decoding.

Decode from event-wise $\beta$

ns<-length(unique(dd$Sent))  # count sentences
# create a design matrix 
desmat<-matrix( rep(0,nrow(dd)*ns), nrow=nrow(dd) )
for ( i in 1:ns) {
  ww<-which( dd$Sent == i ) 
# build a matrix of BOLD activation, given a mask
fns<-as.character( dd$FN )
if ( ! file.exists(matfn) ) {
  imglist<-imageFileNames2ImageList( fns, 3 )
  mat<-imageListToMatrix( imglist, mask )
} else mat<-as.matrix( antsImageRead( matfn, 2 ) )
matsd<-apply( mat, FUN=sd, MARGIN=2 ) # standard deviation of columns
mat[ , matsd == 0 ]<-rowMeans( mat[ , matsd > 0 ] ) # filter 0 sd cols
#### get eigensentences ####
eigsentdim<-90 # just the first eigsentdim dimensions
esentsAllEvents<-matrix( rep(0, nrow(desmat)*ncol(esents)), nrow=nrow(desmat) )
esentsLabs<-rep( sentlabs$Sent[1], nrow(desmat) )
for ( i in 1:nrow(desmat) ) {
  esentsAllEvents[i,]<-esents[ as.numeric(dd$Sent[i]), ]

# behavioral ranking
if (dobehav) {
#  pheatmap(cor(behav[,behavinds] ))
  esentsAllEvents<-matrix( rep(0, nrow(desmat)*length(behavinds)), nrow=nrow(desmat) )
  esentsLabs<-rep( sentlabs$Sent[1], nrow(desmat) )
  for ( i in 1:nrow(desmat) ) {
      esentsAllEvents[i,]<-as.numeric(behav[ as.numeric(dd$Sent[i]), behavinds ])
#### randomly select events for training
whichevents<-sample( 1:nrow(desmat) )[1:round(nrow(desmat)* trainfrac )]
matTrain<-mat[ whichevents, ]
desmatTrain<-desmat[ whichevents, ]
esentsAllEventsTrain<-esentsAllEvents[ whichevents, ]
esentTest<-data.matrix( esentsAllEvents[ -whichevents, ] )
betaTest<-data.matrix( mat[ -whichevents, ] )
#### basic voxel selection using effect size & classification
ff<-( abs(zze) > th )
mylabs<-as.factor( esentsLabs  )
mydf<-data.frame( lab=mylabs,  vox=data.matrix(mat)[,ff])
effszRank<-rkrnsRanker( mydf, whichevents, whichmodel='svm' )

#### allow 2 different applications of sccan
if ( usedesignmat ) { # simple test using design matrix
  sccan<-sparseDecom2( inmatrix=list(matTrain,desmatTrain),
    inmask=c(mask,NA), sparseness=c(-0.001,0.01),
    nvecs=5, cthresh=c(5,0), its=3, mycoption=1 )
  eseg<-eigSeg( mask, sccan$eig1 , applySegmentationToImages=FALSE )
} else { # eigensentences
  sccan<-sparseDecom2( inmatrix=list(matTrain,esentsAllEventsTrain),
    inmask=c(mask,NA), sparseness=c( -0.002 , -0.9 ),
    nvecs=12, cthresh=c(10,0), its=2, mycoption=1 )
  eseg<-eigSeg( mask, sccan$eig1 , applySegmentationToImages=FALSE )
  antsImageWrite( eseg, esegfn ) # the selected voxels
# decoding based on cca voxels
eig1<-imageListToMatrix( sccan$eig1 , mask )
ff<-( abs(zze) > th )
ff2<-eseg[mask==1] > 0 & eseg[mask==1] < Inf 
ffloc<-( ff2 ) 
# mydf<-data.frame( lab=mylabs,  vox=data.matrix(mat) %*% t(eig1) )
mydf<-data.frame( lab=mylabs,  vox=data.matrix(mat)[,ffloc])
eanatRank<-rkrnsRanker( mydf, whichevents, whichmodel='svm' )

Use effect size to select a subset of the full voxel matrix.

# sample for training

The "high effect size" voxels are sent to a naive prediction machine to do training (on a fraction of the data) and testing on the left out data. Note: no knowledge of event identity is used here.

Sparse canonical correlation between BOLD and stimuli

CCA maximizes $PearsonCorrelation( XW^T, ZY^T )$ where $X, W$ are as above and $Z$ and $Y$ are similarly defined. CCA optimizes the matrices $W, Y$ operating on $X, Z$ to find a low-dimensional representation of the data pair $( X , Z )$ in which correlation is maximal. Following ideas outlined in @Dhillon2014 and @Avants2014, this method can be extended with sparsity constraints that yield rows of $W, Y$ with a controllable number of non-zero entries.

SCCAN voxel selection & classification

Set up the CCA by pairing the beta matrix with the eigensentence matrix.

ccamats<-list( data.matrix(btsc$eventbetas)[inds,] , 
               data.matrix(desmat[btsc$eventrows,])[inds,] )

Initialize SCCAN

SCCAN needs a starting point for its projected gradient descent optimization. Currently SCCAN 0-iteration solutions are derived from a crude, fast matrix orthogonalization.

~~Use the SVD of the beta matrix to initialize sparse CCA.~~

initcca<-t( svd( btsc$eventbetas, nu=0, nv=10 )$v )
initcca<-initializeEigenanatomy( initcca, mask=mask, nreps=1 )$initlist

~~These r nv vectors initialize the sparse optimizer in a good place.~~

Supervised clustering with SCCAN

The eigensentence matrix guides the dimensionality reduction performed on the $\beta$ matrix. In order to avoid circularity, this should be performed only in training data.
Here we use r trainfrac*100\% of the data for training.

mycca<-sparseDecom2( inmatrix=ccamats, # initializationList=initcca,
  sparseness=c( -0.001, -0.95 ), nvecs=nv, its=10, cthresh=c(25,0),
  uselong=0, smooth=0.0, mycoption=1, inmask=c(mask,NA) )
if ( ! ccaout<-(data.matrix(imageListToMatrix( mycca$eig1, mask )))
if ( ccaout<-t(mycca$eig1)

We also count the non-zero voxels which cover r length(ff)/ncol(mat)*100% of the brain.

Predictive model

Given CCA solution matrix $W$, one may employ the low-dimensional representation, $XW^T$, in multi-label classification. Currently, we employ SVM or random forests as multi-label learners for the problem:

$$L_i = f( XW^T ),$$

that is, learning a (sentence) label function from the BOLD data.

Predictive model: 2

mydf<-data.frame( lab=mylabs, vox=data.matrix(btsc$eventbetas) %*% t(ccaout) )
mdl<-svm( lab ~., data=mydf[inds,])
err<-sum(mydf[-inds,]$lab==predict( mdl, newdata=mydf[-inds,]))/nrow(mydf[-inds,])
print(paste("CCA: Correct",err*100))
# here is another approach ... use cca to transform BOLD signal to stimuli 
mydf3<-data.frame( lab=mylabs, 
  vox=data.matrix(btsc$eventbetas) %*% t(ccaout) %*% t(mycca$eig2) )
mdl2<-svm( lab ~., data=mydf3[inds,])
err<-sum(mydf3[-inds,]$lab==predict( mdl2, newdata=mydf3[-inds,]))/nrow(mydf3[-inds,])
print(paste("CCA2: Correct",err*100))

The input predictors are both clustered and sparse.

Quick look at CCA results

Effect size voxel selection yields success rate r effszRank$suc.

Eigensentence / eigenanatomy voxel selection yields success rate r eanatRank$suc.

Rescale the cca results and make a picture.

for ( img in sccan$eig1 ) {
plotANTsImage( mask, sccan$eig1, slices='12x56x1' , 
 thresh='0.01x1.1', color=rainbow(nv), outname=ofn)

CCA results in 3D image space

CCA results in axial image space

Interpreting SCCAN results

Confusion matrix

heatmap of co-occurrence of predictions


Confusion matrix 2

pheatmap(eanatRank$confusionMatrix$table, cluster_rows = F, cluster_cols = F, show_rownames = F, show_colnames = F)

Anatomical coordinates of SCCAN predictors

ANTs propagates AAL labels to the cortex (@Avants2014a,@Tustison2014)

for ( img in sccan$eig1 ) {
  nzind<-img[ mask == 1 ] > 0 
  aalvals<-aalimg[ mask == 1 ][ nzind ]
  aalmax<-which.max( hist( aalvals, breaks=1:max(aalvals), plot=FALSE )$counts )+1 
  for ( myaal in unique(aalvals) )
    ccaanat<-lappend( ccaanat, aal$label_name[myaal] )

The SCCAN predictors include: r unique(unlist(ccaanat)).

How much of the known network do we actually find?

Map from sentence input to expected $\beta$ images

Predict beta images from eigensentence representation

nvsub<-1; if ( nvsub > ncol(sccan$eig2) ) nvsub<-ncol(sccan$eig2)
v2evec<- ( data.matrix(sccan$eig2[,1:nvsub]) )
betaPredict <-( esentTest %*% v2evec ) %*% (eig1[1:nvsub,])
maskvox<-eseg[ mask==1 ]
nonzerovox<-( maskvox > 0 )
for ( i in 1:nrow(betaPredict) ) {
  mycor<-cor.test( betaPredict[i,nonzerovox], betaTest[i,nonzerovox] )
  if ( mycor$est ) )  { mycor$est<-0; mycor$p.value<-0 }
  if ( abs(mycor$est) > 0.5 ) { plot( betaPredict[i,nonzerovox], betaTest[i,nonzerovox] ); Sys.sleep(0) }
ttl<-paste("Predicted Betas Correlation with Real Betas using",sum(nonzerovox),'voxels')
ttl<-paste("Predicted Betas Correlation Qvals with Real Betas using",sum(nonzerovox),'voxels')
qvals<-p.adjust( correlationsPvalsBetweenPredictedBetasAndRealBetas[!] )
print(paste("% of significantly predicted data:", sum(qvals < 0.05 )/length(qvals)*100 ))

The \% of significantly predicted beta voxels is r sum(qvals < 0.05 )/length(qvals)*100.



With the current RKRNS, one may:

The package needs evaluation at this level of detail on real data.

See RKRNS for all source code and documentation and RKRNS-talk for html slides.


stnava/RKRNS documentation built on May 30, 2019, 7:21 p.m.