
Defines functions i_dist

i_dist <- function(mat, n, shuffles, future_intx, current.period){
  ##Full matrix of interactions
  orig.full.mat <- mat
  ##Outcome matrix
  orig <- binarize_mat(mat)
  ##List of best orders, initialized to contain original order
  final_orders <- list(orig)
  #If no inconsistencies, return original order
  for(iter in 1:n){
    #Initialize best order as the original order
    best <- orig
    #Initialize list of minimal inconsistency orders (MIOs)
    pick_next_mat <- list(best)
    original_inconsistencies <- identify_inconsistencies(best)$is
    no.change.counter <- 0
    for(shuff in 1:shuffles){
      shuff_order <- sample(rownames(mat))
      #List of inconsistencies for best order
      best_stats <- identify_inconsistencies(best)
      #If there are no inconsistencies, the current order is the best order
        pick_next_mat <- unique(most_similar)
      #only move individuals originally involved in inconsistency
      inconsistent_ids <- dplyr::intersect(best_stats$is, original_inconsistencies)
      #Pick ids to move based on shuff_order 
      #i <- sample(inconsistent_ids, 1)
      shuff_ids <- shuff_order[shuff_order %in% inconsistent_ids]
      for(i in shuff_ids){
        #Check each potential destination for individual
        for(d in dimnames(mat)[[1]]){
          working <- moverowcol(best,i,d)
          working_stats <- identify_inconsistencies(working)
          #If the new destination is as good as the old location, save the new order
          #in the list of MIOs
          if(working_stats$i_count == best_stats$i_count & !list(working) %in% pick_next_mat){
            pick_next_mat[[length(pick_next_mat)+1]] <- working
            no.change.counter <- 0
            ##If new location is better than the current best, delete other MIOs and
            ##save the new order as the only MIO
          }else if(working_stats$i_count < best_stats$i_count){
            pick_next_mat <- list(working)
            best_stats <- identify_inconsistencies(working)
            no.change.counter <- 0
            no.change.counter <- no.change.counter + 1
        ##After trying all destinations for the individual, select a new best order
        ##to work with from the list of MIOs based on similarity to starting order
        similarity_to_starting <- lapply(pick_next_mat, dyadic_similarity, orig)
        most_similar <- pick_next_mat[which(similarity_to_starting == similarity_to_starting[[which.max(similarity_to_starting)]])]
        best <- sample(unique(most_similar), 1)[[1]]
      if(no.change.counter > nrow(mat)*length(shuff_ids)){
       # cat(paste0('\nstopped finding new orders at shuff ', shuff, '\n'))
    #After repeating this swapping procedure many times, add all MIOs to a final
    #list of best orders 
    final_orders[(length(final_orders)+1):(length(final_orders)+length(unique(pick_next_mat)))] <- unique(pick_next_mat)
    if(shuff == shuffles){
      warning('algorithm was still finding new orders when it stopped running. Increase shuffles and rerun.')
  #After doing all iterations, select the best order from the final orders list
  #using select_best_mats function
  return(select_best_mats(output = unique(final_orders), initial_matrix = orig.full.mat, future_intx = future_intx, current.period))
straussed/DynaRank documentation built on Feb. 16, 2020, 11:19 a.m.