AnnotationAM: Annotation of proteins by cell fraction

Description Usage Format


Annotation of proteins collected from Metadata.





[,1] protein ID (uniprot ID)

[,2] protein ID (genename)

[,3] annotations - Christoforou_UniprotGO_overlap3 Final localizations mapped in Christoforou et al (DOI: 10.1038/ncomms9992), plus proteins listed with one and the same location in Uniprot and GO

[,4] annotations - Uni_GO_overlap4 Proteins listed with one and the same location in Uniprot AND GO

[,5] annotations - Uniprot_GO_SUM5 Proteins listed with a single location in Uniprot OR GO

[,6] annotations - HPA_Single_supportive6 Proteins listed with a single location in HPA, annotation classified as supportive

[,7] annotations - HPA_Single_uncertain7 Proteins listed with a single location in HPA, annotation classified as uncertain

[,8] annotations - Christoforou_UniprotGO_overlap CMN Same as default markers, but cytoskeleton is classified as cytosol and proteins in cytoplasmic organelles and membranes are classified as membrane, ribosomes are excluded

stuchly/MetaMass documentation built on Nov. 14, 2019, 10:58 p.m.