
#' @export
widgetTBDB <- function(inputId, label, value, isRequired = FALSE, readOnly = FALSE, rows = 8, cols = 33, onlyDataEntry = FALSE) {

  isRequired <- as.integer(isRequired)
  readOnly <- as.integer(readOnly)
  dataEntry <- as.integer(onlyDataEntry)

  if (dataEntry == 1) {
    readOnly <- 0
    value <- ""

  shiny::addResourcePath("js", system.file("js", package = "shinyDBWidget"))
  shiny::addResourcePath("css", system.file("css", package = "shinyDBWidget"))

    tags$link(rel="stylesheet", href="css/widgetDB.css", type="text/css", media="all"),
  tags$body(tags$div(id = inputId, class = "widgetTBDB widgetDB",
                     tags$div(class = "divNoEdit", `data-isReqd` = isRequired, `data-readOnly` = readOnly, `data-onlyDataEntry` = dataEntry, p(value)),
                     tags$div(class = "divEdit",
                              tags$textarea(class = "tbEdit", rows = rows, cols = cols),
                     tags$div(class = "divBtn",
                              tags$input(type = "button", class = "btn btnUpdate", value = "Update"),
                              tags$input(type = "button", class = "btnCancel btn", value = "Cancel"))),
                     tags$div(class = "divVal"))))

#' @export
updateWidgetTBDB <- function(session, inputId, isUpdatedInDB = FALSE, value = NULL) {

  # This function will take either the isUpdatedInDB or value or both of them and change the widget accordingly:
  # If isUpdatedInDB is true then it will revert back the color of border of the .divNoEdit p to gray. If false no change will be made. isUpdatedInDB will come from the server.R at the time when the edited values have entered into the DB successfully.
  # If value is not null, then it will be used to change the .divNoEdit p value into the new value, also the value of .tbEdit is changed into "".

  # This function will be called from server and will make changes to the widget denoted by the inputId accordingly.
  # It will make use of the session$sendCustomMessage and Shiny.addCustomMessageHandler

  # session$sendCustomMessage(type = "name", msg)

  if (is.null(value)) value <- ""

  session$sendCustomMessage(type = "sendToWidgetTBDB", jsonlite::toJSON(list(id = inputId, isUpdatedInDB = isUpdatedInDB, value = value), null = 'null'))


#' @export
validateWidgetTBDB <- function(session, input, inputId, condition, message) {

  # The problem with the shiny::validate is that it has to be placed inside a reactive object and that it will output the message inside the output component.

  # There will be a tremendous effort required if I want to add validation along with the constructor function of the widget, as the validation code will have to be translated to javascript before running it, it will need a new DSL, which is beyond me. I will put the validation code in server side and will pass the meaasge using session$sendCustomMessage and will handle in Shiny.addCustomMessageHandler. The problem will be to make this function run as soon as the input$inputId changes and to make the input$inputId value chage to NULL if validation is found to be wrong.

  # condition: it will be denoted as a valid R expression which will output TRUE/FALSE, if TRUE it will be validated else it will be invalidated, with message passed to the javascript routine and printed in divVal div of the widget and input$inputId changed to NULL.

  condition <- substitute(condition)

  isValidated <- eval(condition, envir = list(`.` = input[[inputId]]), enclos = parent.frame())

  if (isValidated == FALSE) {
    session$sendCustomMessage(type = "validateWidgetTBDB", jsonlite::toJSON(list(id = inputId, message = message)))
    #input[[inputId]] <- NULL


#' @export
registerWidgetTBDB <- function(fun = function(data, ...) return(data)) {
  environment(fun) <- parent.frame()
  shiny::registerInputHandler(type = "shinyDBWidget.widgetTBDBBinding", fun, force = TRUE)
sumprain/shinyDBWidget documentation built on May 30, 2019, 8:37 p.m.