knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
  fig.path = "README_figs/README-"


Big-LD is a block partition method based on interval graph modeling of LD bins which are clusters of strong pairwise LD SNPs, not necessarily physically consecutive. The detailed information about the Big-LD can be found in our paper published in bioinformatics.

The Big-LD algorithm and visualization function has been updated and implemented in a new package "gpart". The package "gpart" can be downloaded from bioconductor

The "gpart" has following features.

the updated BigLD function

the updated LDblockHeatmap function

the new SNP sequence partition algorithm GPART

A BigLD result plotted by the updated LDblockHeatmap() in "gpart" package.


sunnyeesl/BigLD documentation built on July 11, 2022, 8:01 a.m.