mcnnm_wc_lam_range: This function computes the minimum value of lambda_L and...

Description Usage Arguments Value See Also Examples

View source: R/RcppExports.R


This function computes the minimum value of lambda_L and lambda_H which causes L and H to be zero. User can get the output of this function and fit the low-rank matrix L, and the sparse matrix H, for her desired values of lambda_L and lambda_H.


mcnnm_wc_lam_range(M, X, Z, mask, to_normalize = 1L, to_estimate_u = 1L,
  to_estimate_v = 1L, to_add_ID = 1L, niter = 1000L, rel_tol = 1e-05)



Matrix of observed entries. The input should be N (number of units) by T (number of time periods).


Matrix containing unit-related covariates. The number of rows of X should match with the number of units (number of rows of M). If unit-related covariates do not exist X = matrix(0L,0,0) should be used as input.


Matrix containing time-related covariates. The number of rows of Z should match with the number of time periods (number of columns in M). If time-related covariates do not exist use Z = matrix(0L,0,0)


Binary mask with the same shape as M containing observed entries.


Optional boolean parameter indicating whether to normalize covariates or not (columns of X and Z). The default value is 1. If this value is set to 0, the result would be sensitive to scales in covariates.


Optional boolean input for wheter estimating fixed unit effects (row means of M) or not. Default is 1.


Optional boolean parameter indicating whether identity matrices are concatenated with X and Z in the model X * H * Z'. The default value is true (identity matrices are concatenated) and the model becomes X*H_X + X*H_XZ*Z^T+ H_Z Z^T (the rest of matrix in H forced to zero).


Optional parameter on the number of iterations taken in the algorithm for each fixed value of lambda_L. The default value is 1000 and it is sufficiently large as the algorithm is using warm-start strategy.


Optional parameter on the stopping rule. Once the relative improve in objective value drops below rel_tol, execution is halted. Default value is 1e-5.


The minimum value of lambda_L and lambda_H which makes L and H equal to zero. This function is helpful when user wants to manually choose (lambda_L, lambda_H) pair.

See Also



mcnnm_wc_lam_range(M = replicate(5,rnorm(5)), X = replicate(3, rnorm(5)), Z = matrix(0L, 0, 0),  mask = matrix(rbinom(5*5,1,0.8),5,5))

susanathey/MCPanel documentation built on May 29, 2019, 9:51 a.m.