irsz_2018: Postal codes and settlements (2018)

Description Usage Format Details Source See Also


A crosswalk table connecting Hungarian Postal Service's postal codes (‘irányítószám’) and the HCSO's settlement IDs.




A tibble with 4,405 rows, which gives a crosswalk between all the valid postal codes in the Hungarian Postal Service's database, and settlement IDs for all settlements that share a postal code.


The settlement's HCSO ID number (‘településazonosító törzsszám’)


Name of the settlement


Postal code


Settlement ID number for the primary settlement using a postal code. As settlements can share postal codes, a raw crosswalk between irsz_2018 and tsz_2018 is ambiguous. Most overlaps happen in parts of settlements with low-populations in non-central, or even non–build-up areas. This column contains a unique settlement ID for each postal code belonging to the settlement most likely to be representative of that postal code. Classification is based on borough types (preferring central over, non-central) and the boroughs' population sizes.


Postal codes include regular codes (used in towns and villages), street address based codes (used in cities), and codes for post offices (including mobile offices).

Note that this table links all possible postal codes to all settlements using a particular postal code. To get an unambiguous crosswalk from postal codes to settlement IDs, use get_irsz_tsz_crosswalk to aggregate this table. As postal codes can cross settlement (and district, county, and even regional) boundaries, this can lead to some misclassification.


The present content was prepared using the Detailed Gazetteer of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office ( What is included in this package is the intellectual product solely of this package's authors. Downloaded at 5 April 2019.

The source of the postal codes is Hungarian Postal Service's (‘Magyar Posta Zrt.’) website:

See Also


svraka/teroszt documentation built on Feb. 2, 2021, 3:37 a.m.