tsz_2018: 2018 edition of the territorial code system

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A dataset with the 2018 edition of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office's territorial code system (‘területi számjelrendszer’).




A tibble with 3,200 rows, for each settlement that has an ID number (‘településazonosító törzsszám’) with codes for the classifications in the territorial code system, along with labels for the main classifications. For a detailed explanation of the variables see HCSO's documentation.


The present content was prepared using the territorial classification system of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office (https://www.ksh.hu/tszJ_eng_menu). What is included in this package is the intellectual product solely of this package's authors. Downloaded at 4 April 2019.

svraka/teroszt documentation built on Feb. 2, 2021, 3:37 a.m.