
R is by far my favorite tool to process the data from my lab's experiments, generate beautiful and informative graphs from them, and compute all the statistics that I need for scientific reports and articles. However it lacks one important toolset for my work: the ability to process images and videos. I can always rely on a Matlab or a Python script for this, but I would prefer handling my analysis workflow entirely with R rather than depending on mutiple tools and languages for this.

videoplayR is my attempt at solving this problem by creating a computer vision toolbox for R, based on the OpenCV C++ library. In its current state, videoplayR is very limited when compared to the libraries provided by Matlab and Python, but (1) it is functional enough to import images from image files and videos and perform some basic processing on them, and (2) it is a very young package that I hope will start growing quickly.

This vignette is intended to show how to install and run videoplayR, and to demonstrate its current computer vision capabilities. If you run into a bug or would like to suggest improvements, please head to the package's Github repository and submit a new issue at I also welcome the help of R developers to improve videoplayR. The best way to do this is to fork the repository and submit pull requests for your changes.

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videoplayR is not available on CRAN, at least for now. The reason is that it has external dependencies (OpenCV) that are difficult to include in the package directly. Until someone finds a convenient, multi-platform solution to ship OpenCV source files with the package, it will remain available through Github only.

Unfortunately videoplayR is also not (yet) available for Windows. I have zero experience preparing Rcpp-based packages for Windows and currently I do not have the time and resources to learn how to compile packages for Windows. If you are a R/Rcpp developer with experience preparing packages for Windows, and you want to help bring videoplayR to Windows, you can head to videoplayR Github repository, clone it and send a pull request once you have figured out how to install OpenCV and compile the package on Windows.

The good news is that it is not very difficult to install the required dependencies on Mac and Linux. A few command lines in the terminal are enough to prepare your computer for and compile videoplayR. The steps to install the package on your computer are detailed in the sections below.

Installing opencv


The easiest way to install all the external dependencies for videoplayR is to use a package manager such as Homebrew or MacPorts. I personally favor Homebrew, but MacPorts will also install the dependencies just fine.

- Homebrew -

To install Homebrew, just head to your favorite terminal app (OSX Terminal for instance) and run the following command line:

```{bash, eval=FALSE} ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Then, install OpenCV 3.0 by simply typing the following command lines in the 

```{bash, eval=FALSE}
brew tap homebrew/science
brew install pkg-config opencv3
brew link opencv3 --force

- MacPorts -

You can install MacPorts by following the instructions provided on its website at

Once MacPorts is installed, you will be able to install OpenCV 3.0 by simply typing the following command line in the terminal (you will need the administrator password):

```{bash, eval=FALSE} sudo port install opencv

### Linux

On Linux, you should be able to install the development files of OpenCV using 
your usual package manager. 

**- apt based systems (Ubuntu, Debian, etc.) -**

```{bash, eval = FALSE}
sudo apt-get install libopencv-dev

- yum based systems (Red Hat, Fedora, etc.) -

```{bash, eval = FALSE} sudo yum install opencv-devel

**- Arch Linux -**

```{bash, eval = FALSE}
sudo pacman -S opencv

Installing videoplayR from Github

Once OpenCV and its dependencies are installed, you can open your favorite R development environment and enter the following commands in the R console in order to install the development version of videoplayR from its Github repository.

if (!require(devtools)) {



That's it! videoplayR should now be ready to work on your system. If you experience any trouble during the installation process, please report it on the issue page of the package's Github repository at

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Loading images

The core of the videoplayR package is the vpImage object class. A vpImage object is a wrapper around an OpenCV image matrix that can be manipulated directly from within R. There are three ways to create vpImage objects: from image files, from video frames, and from R matrices and arrays. I will demonstrate these different methods in the rest of this section.

Note that vpImage objects are not persistent objects like any normal R object. They cannot be saved for reuse in a different session.


From image files

The readImg function will read an image file and return a vpImage object. In the example below, I use an image file included in the package. If you prefer to use an image from your computer, just replace the filename with a character string representing the path to your image file.

filename <- system.file("sample_img/SampleVideo_1080x720_5mb.png", package = "videoplayR")
img1 <- readImg(filename)

A vpImage object has a couple of attributes that represent the type of image stored inside (binary, grayscale, RGB, or numeric) and the dimensions of the picture (width and height in pixels, and number of channels if applicable). You can access these attributes as follows.


Finally, you can display the vpImage object using the imshow function.


Since imshow display the image in a regular R graphics device, you can plot lines, dots, etc., over the image display. Note that the bottom left of the image corresponds to the {1, 1} coordinates.

points(c(500, 530), c(505, 505), col = "red", pch = 19, cex = 2)
lines(c(1, img1$dim[2]), c(1, img1$dim[1]), col = "red", lwd = 8)
lines(c(1, img1$dim[2]), c(img1$dim[1], 1), col = "red", lwd = 8)

From videos frames

As its name suggests, videoplayR can also read videos. It cannot (yet) play them, but it can read video frames and import them as vpImage objects. Videos are accessed through a special object class: vpVideo. A vpVideo object is a wrapper around an OpenCV video reader object and it can be created using the readVid function.

filename <- system.file("sample_vid/SampleVideo_1080x720_5mb.mp4", package = "videoplayR")
vid1 <- readVid(filename)

A vpVideo object has three attributes that represent the length of the video (in frames), the framerate of the video (in frames per second), and the dimesions of the video (width and heigth in pixels). You can access these attributes as follows.


You can grab any frame in the video as a vpImage object by using the getFrame function as follows.

img2 <- getFrame(vid1, 100)

From your webcam

Since version 0.3.1, videoplayR can also access the video stream from cameras connected to your computer, and import frames as vpImage objects. Camera streams are accessed through a special object class: vpStream. A vpStream object is a wrapper around an OpenCV video reader object and it can be created using the readStream function. In the following example, we will open a stream from your default webcam.

stream1 <- readStream(0)  # 0 is the index of your default webcam. Use higher 
                          # numbers to access other cameras connected to your 
                          # computer. 

A vpStream object has one attribute that represents the dimesions of the video stream (width and heigth in pixels). You can access this attribute as follows.


You can grab the current frame in the stream as a vpImage object by using the nextFrame function as follows.

img3 <- nextFrame(stream1)

Finally, when you are done using your camera, you can release (or close) the stream using the release function as follows.


From R matrices and arrays

Fundamentally, a digital image is nothing more than a matrix of numbers. Therefore I added a couple of functions that convert R matrices and arrays (3D arrays only) into vpImage objects, and vice versa.

The r2img function takes an R matrix or 3D array and converts it to a vpImage object. For instance, in the following code chunk, I create a gradient matrix that I convert to a vpImage object and then display using the imshow function.

gradient <- function(x1, x2) { x1 + x2 }
x <- 0:127
mat1 <- gradient(outer(rep(1, length(x)), x), x)
img4 <- r2img(mat1)

On the other hand, the img2r function takes a vpImage object and converts it to an R matrix (for binary, grayscale and 1-channel numeric objects) or a 3D arrays (for RGB and 3-channels numeric objects). You can then manipulate the matrix or array like you would do with any other regular R matrix or array, and then convert it back to a vpImage object, like in the example below.

mat2 <- img2r(img1)
mat2[80:640, 250:650, ] <- 255
img5 <- r2img(mat2)

Note that a number of operations can be applied to a vpImage object directly without requiring a conversion to an R object first. I will detail these operations in the next section.

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Operations on images

Currently videoplayR provides only a small fraction of the image processing capabilities of OpenCV. The number of functions will increase little by little as my needs for more advanced features develop or as other R developers provide their own code to be included in the package (hint: pull requests to the project repository are very, very welcome:

Nevertheless, videoplayR has enough capabilities to get anybody started with basic image processing and, with a bit of creativity, to achieve more advanced results such as simple object detection and tracking. I review the image processing functions provided by videoplayR in the rest of this section.


The most common way to generate binary images (images with pixel values that are either zeros or ones) is to use a method called thresholding: all the pixels with a value above a given threshold are set to the same value (one for instance), and all the pixels with a value below the threshold are set to another one (zero for instance).

The thresholding function in the videoplayR package does just that. It takes three arguments: the original image to binarize (image =), a threshold value (thres =), and the type of thresholding (type =). If type = "binary" then the pixels above thres are set to one, and the pixels below are set to zero.

bin1 <- thresholding(image = img1, thres = 128, type = "binary")

If type = "inverted" then the pixels above thres are set to zero, and the pixels below are set to one

bin2 <- thresholding(img1, 128, type = "inverted")

Note that if the original image has multiple channels (RGB image or 3-channels numeric image), it is first "flattened" to one channel automatically by the thresholding function. Image flattening is explained in the following section.


Flattening an image is the process of reducing its depth, that is the number of channels that it is made of. A typical example of flattening is when one wants to transform an RGB image (3 channels: Red, Green, Blue) to a grayscale image (1 channel).

videoplayR offers a simple way to flatten a 3-channels image by using the ddd2d function (depth 3 to depth 1). Hereafter it is used to convert an RGB image to grayscale.

gray1 <- ddd2d(img1)

You can also expand a 1-channel image to 3 channels using the d2ddd function (depth 1 to depth 3).

gray2 <- d2ddd(gray1)

This will not restore the colors of the original RGB image (this information is lost), but it can be a practical way to make 3-channels mask or intensity images as I will demonstrate in the next section about blending images.


Blending two images is similar to doing element-wise operations on two R matrices or arrays. Each pixel of an image A is combined with the corresponding pixel of another image B through a mathematical operation: they can be added together, subtracted from each other, multiplied with each other, or divided by each other.

When using vpImage objects, it is possible to blend two images together without having to convert them to R matrices or arrays first. This is done using the blend function that works taking two vpImage objects (image1 = and image2 =) and combining them using one of four possible operations (+, -, *, /).

In the following example, I create an uniform 3-channels image (lum) with all pixels set to 50. I can then add or subtract this uniform image from the first vpImage object that we had created earlier in order to adjust the overall luminosity of the picture.

mat <- matrix(50, nrow = img1$dim[1], ncol = img1$dim[2])
lum <- d2ddd(r2img(mat))

par(mfrow = c(3, 1))

imshow(blend(img1, lum, "-"))
text(x = 1240, y = 40, labels = "Intensity - 50", adj = 1, cex = 3, col = "white")

text(x = 1240, y = 40, labels = "Original", adj = 1, cex = 3, col = "black")

imshow(blend(img1, lum, "+"))
text(x = 1240, y = 40, labels = "Intensity + 50", adj = 1, cex = 3, col = "black")

We can also use the blend function to mask part of the image, that is turn the pixels to black (i.e. to zero) in the masked part. Hereafter I create a 3-channels mask image (mask) and combine it with our example image using the multiplication operation. The pixels set to zero in the mask image will turn the corresponding pixels in the example image to black after blending, while pixels set to one in the mask image will not modify the corresponding pixels in the example image.

mat <- matrix(0, nrow = img1$dim[1], ncol = img1$dim[2])
mat[80:640, 250:650] <- 1
mask <- d2ddd(r2img(mat))

imshow(blend(img1, mask, "*"))

By combining blending operations with creative masking and luminance images, you can achieve pretty complex image transformations.

Simple background extraction

In my work, I often need to separate objects in the foreground from the image background. It is fairly easy to do if you have a good image of the background in the absence of the objects. However if you do not possess a clean picture of the background (for instance when there are constantly moving objects in the frame), you need to reconstruct the background image. A simple way to do so is to estimate for each pixel its most frequent value throughout a video, assuming that each pixel is not visited too often by the objects in the video.

The backgrounder function in videoplayR is my attempt at providing a tool to automatically reconstruct the background image of a video. This functions takes four arguments:

In the following example, I reconstruct the background of a video in which people are normally passing through. The first figure below shows a frame containing a person. The second figure shows the reconstructed background image.

filename <- system.file("sample_vid/Walk3.mp4", package = "videoplayR")
vid2 <- readVid(filename)
imshow(getFrame(vid2, 125))
bg <- backgrounder(vid2, n = 100, method = "median", color = TRUE)

Simple blob detection

Another important task that I often need to perform is detect the location of objects in an image, for instance after removing its background. This task is often called blob detection.

videoplayR implements a very simple blob detection function called blobDetector. It will find white blobs on a black background and will return their locations in the image as well as some information about their shapes (orientation of the major axis, lengths of the major and minor axis in pixels, surface area in pixels).

In the example below, I demonstrate how to detect objects on a uniform background using the blobDetector function.

First, I load and display the test image.

filename <- system.file("sample_img/dots.jpg", package = "videoplayR")
img6 <- readImg(filename)

The objects in this image are darker than the background. The first step for letting the computer detect them is to convert the color image to a binary one, with the objects to detect appearing white (value of one) and the background black (value of zero).

bin3 <- thresholding(img6, 200, "inverted")

We can now pass this binary image to the blobDetector function that will return a data frame in which each row corresponds to a specific object in the image.

blobs <- blobDetector(bin3)

Each column of the data frame corresponds to a property of each blob:

Finally, we can plot the result of the blob detection algorithm over the original image. This requires the installation of the plotrix package to add ellipses showing the minor and major axes of each object.

points(y ~ x, data = blobs, col = "red", pch = 20)
draw.ellipse(blobs$x, blobs$y, blobs$major / 2, blobs$minor / 2, blobs$alpha, border = "red")

The estimated ellipses are not perfect for every object, but the center of mass is pretty accurate in each case.

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swarm-lab/videoplayR documentation built on May 30, 2019, 9:36 p.m.