
#' Apply censoring scheme that is related to SES
#' Takes output from make_long() and applies censoring
#' by creating a made-up, linear, hard-coded relationship between the probability
#' of being censored at each observation time and SES.  The relationship is as follows:
#' prob.cens <- ses_coef*(1-(data_in$ses-min(data_in$ses))/(max(data_in$ses)-min(data_in$ses))) + 
#'              age_coef*(  (data_in$age-min(data_in$age))/(max(data_in$age)-min(data_in$age)))
#' So that as age increases, so does the probability of a censoring event occurring, whereas as ses for an individual 
#' increases, the prob of a censoring event decreases.  The coefficients out front control how strong the effect is.     
#' Names are hard coded, so stick
#' to script in the examples.
#' @param data_in an object returned from calculate_ses()
#' @param ses_coef a number near .1 that controls how much 1-(ses_i -min(ses))/(max(ses)-min(ses)) contributes to the probability of censoring
#' @param age_coef a number near .2 that controls how much (age - min(age))/(max(age)-min(age)) contributes to the probability of censoring
#' @param protected a vector corresponding to age / colnames of age_vec that are protected from censoring so that fpca.face() wont bonk
#' @export
#' @return prob.cens as a column added to data_in representing the probability of being censored at that time.
#' @return instudy.sim as a column added to data_in representing whether that particular observation is instudy (1) or not (0)
#' @return instudy as a column added to data_in builds upon instudy.sim in that once instudy.sim is 0 instudy is 0 for all remaining observation times
#' @examples
#' d<-prep_data()
#' head(d)
#' over_samp_mat<-sample_data(d,1000)
#' with_ses <- calculate_ses(over_samp_mat)
#' long <-make_long(with_ses)
#' head(long)
#' censored <- apply_censoring(long)
#' head(censored,18)
apply_censoring <- function(data_in=NULL, ses_coef=.1, age_coef=.2, protected=c(1,1.25,1.5,1.75,2.0,3)){
  data_in$prob.cens <- ses_coef*(1-(data_in$ses-min(data_in$ses))/(max(data_in$ses)-min(data_in$ses))) + 
                       age_coef*(  (data_in$age-min(data_in$age))/(max(data_in$age)-min(data_in$age)))
  ##data_in$prob.cens[data_in$age==1] <- 0 ## everyone has at least baseline value, set prob.cens to 0
  ## BJS EDIT:  for fpca.face to work, we need at least four values. So,
  ## I'm updating accordingly.  The first four corresponds to 1,1.25,1.5,1.75 years ofage.
  data_in$prob.cens[data_in$age %in% protected] <- 0
  ## everyone has at least 4 baseline values
  ## set prob.cens to 0
  #qplot(x=ses,y=prob.cens,colour=age, data=data_in)
  ## @knitr instudy
  ## We randomly draw drop-out based bernoulli variables based on prob.cens,
  ## independent for every measurement.  This means each subject has a vector of 0s and 1s
  ## across age.  To enforece "once dropped out stay dropped out", we then take a cumulative
  ## product ascending through age where once a 0 occurs the remaining elements will be 0.
  ## (a 0 means dropped out, 1 means instudy)
  data_in$instudy.sim <- 1-rbinom(nrow(data_in),1,data_in$prob.cens)
  stay <- ddply(data_in, .(newid), function(w) cumprod(w$instudy.sim))
  stay.melt <- melt(stay, id.vars="newid")
  stay.melt <- stay.melt[order(stay.melt$newid,stay.melt$variable),]
  data_in$instudy <- stay.melt[,3]
  #qplot(x=age,y=instudy,colour=ses, data=data_in)
swihart/wfpca documentation built on May 30, 2019, 10:38 p.m.