
Defines functions dtm_predict surface_predict dtm_extract img_xy_extract

# A function for estimating a DTM from the trees segmented from the UAV CHM
# A raster is output
# Dr Tom Swinfield
# 17.11.16

#' Wrapped to convert x and y vectors to spatial points and run extract on a raster
#' @param x x coordinates as numeric vector
#' @param y y coordinates as numeric vector
#' @param img a raster image
#' @return A numeric vector for the coordinates entered
#' @export
#' @author Tom Swinfield
#' @details
#' Created 16-10-10

img_xy_extract<-function(x, y, img){
  xy<-data.frame(x=x, y=y)
  xy<-SpatialPoints(xy, proj4string = crs(img))
  z<-raster::extract(img, xy)

#' Extract ground positions from a DSM based upon estimated tree heights
#' @param x x coordinates as numeric vector
#' @param y y coordinates as numeric vector
#' @param z.est estimated tree heights as a numeric vector
#' @param img a raster image
#' @return An xyz matrix of ground positions
#' @export
#' @author Tom Swinfield
#' @details
#' Created 16-10-10
dtm_extract<-function(x, y, z.est, img){
  xy<-data.frame(x=x, y=y)
  xy_spatial<-SpatialPoints(xy, proj4string = crs(img))
  z<-raster::extract(img, xy_spatial)
  xyz<-cbind(xy, z=dtm.est)

#' Estimates a ground surface raster using mgcv GAM smoothing through estimated xyz grounds points
#' @param xyz xyz matrix of estimated ground positions
#' @param img a raster image, used as the template for raster parameters only (resolution, extent etc.)
#' @param predict_grid_by an integer value describing the resolution of the prediction grid in metres
#' @param k number of smoothing knots
#' @param type either "response" or "s.e." describing the model prediction to output to the raster
#' @return An estimated DTM surface raster
#' @export
#' @author Tom Swinfield
#' @details
#' Created 16-10-10

surface_predict<-function(xyz, img, predict_grid_by, k, type='response'){
  fm.xyz <-mgcv::gam(z ~ s(x, y, k=k), data=xyz) # fit the 2D spline.
  # summary(xyz)
  grid<-img_grid(img, grid_size=predict_grid_by) # produce a grid for prediction.
  if(!any(type %in% c('response', 's.e.')))
    stop("dtm_model_predict: predict must be set to response or s.e.")
  if(type == 'response')
    xyz<-mgcv::predict.gam(fm.xyz, newdata=grid) # predict
  if(type == 's.e.')
    xyz<-mgcv::predict.gam(fm.xyz, newdata=grid, se.fit=TRUE)$se.fit

  xyz<-cbind(grid, xyz)
  sp::coordinates(xyz)=~x+y # convert to gridded spatial object
  sp::gridded(xyz) <-TRUE
  xyz <- raster::raster(xyz) # convert to raster
  xyz<-resample(xyz, img)
  xyz<-mask(xyz, img)

#' Extracts ground estimates and then creates a DTM surface prediction
#' @param x x coordinates as numeric vector
#' @param y y coordinates as numeric vector
#' @param z height measurements as a numeric vector
#' @param img a raster image, used as the template for raster parameters only (resolution, extent etc.)
#' @param predict_grid_by an integer value describing the resolution of the prediction grid in metres
#' @param k number of smoothing knots
#' @param type either "response" or "s.e." describing the model prediction to output to the raster
#' @return An estimated DTM surface raster
#' @export
#' @author Tom Swinfield
#' @details
#' Created 16-10-10

dtm_predict<-function(x, y, z, img, predict_grid_by, k, type='response'){
  xyz<-dtm_extract(x=x, y=y, z.est=z, img=img)
  # Create a raster with the predicted values

  xyz<-surface_predict(xyz, img=img,
            k=k, type=type)


# dtm_model_predict <-
#   function(trees,
#            model,
#            dsm,
#            chm,
#            predict_grid_by,
#            k,
#            type = 'response')
#   {
#     # Extracts the DSM values for the confidently segmented trees:
#     #treepos_xy<-data.frame(x=trees$maxx, y=trees$maxy)
#     #treepos<-SpatialPoints(treepos_xy, proj4string = crs(dsm))
#     #treepos_dsm<-raster::extract(dsm, treepos)
#     #treepos_uavchm<-raster::extract(chm, treepos)
#     #treepos_lidchm<-raster::extract(lid_chm, treepos)
#     # Creates the prediction dataframe from the segmented trees:
#     segtree <-
#       data.frame(
#         x = trees$maxx,
#         y = trees$maxy,
#         h_uav = trees$CH_max,
#         CR_m = trees$CR_m,
#         sobel = log(trees$sobel + 1),
#         hbound = trees$hbound + trees$sobelbound
#       )
#     segtree <- segtree[complete.cases(segtree), ]
#     # Makes the prediction
#     segtree$pred <- predict(model, newdata = segtree)
#     # Plots out the GAM predictions:
#     #par(mfrow=c(1,2), mar=c(4,4,2,2))
#     #plot(x=segtree$h_uav, y=segtree$pred); abline(0,1, col='red')
#     #hist(segtree$h_uav-segtree$pred)
#     # Extracts the DSM values for the confidently segmented trees:
#     treepos_xy <- data.frame(x = segtree$x, y = segtree$y)
#     treepos <- SpatialPoints(treepos_xy, proj4string = crs(dsm))
#     treepos_dsm <- raster::extract(dsm, treepos)
#     treepos_uavchm <- raster::extract(chm, treepos)
#     #treepos_lidchm<-raster::extract(lid_chm, treepos)
#     treepos_dtm <- treepos_dsm - segtree$pred
#     treepos_dtm <-
#       data.frame(treepos_xy, z = treepos_dtm, w = segtree$h_uav) # You can try playing arond with what you weight by ...
#     Esc.treepos_dtm <<- treepos_dtm
#     # I have tried h_uav, hbound and sobel, they are all pretty similar
#     # but sobel looks best
#     # Estimating the ground
#     cat("\nFitting GAM\n")
#     #require(mgcv)
#     est.dtm <-
#       mgcv::gam(z ~ s(x, y, k = k), data = treepos_dtm, weights = w / mean(w)) # fit the 2D spline.
#     #summary(est.dtm)
#     # Create a raster with the predicted values
#     grid <-
#       img_grid(dsm, grid_size = predict_grid_by) # produce a grid for prediction.
#     if (!any(type %in% c('response', 's.e.')))
#       stop("dtm_model_predict: predict must be set to response or s.e.")
#     if (type == 'response')
#       dtm_pred <- mgcv::predict.gam(est.dtm, newdata = grid) # predict
#     if (type == 's.e.')
#       dtm_pred <-
#       mgcv::predict.gam(est.dtm, newdata = grid, se.fit = TRUE)$se.fit
#     dtm_pred <- cbind(grid, dtm_pred)
#     sp::coordinates(dtm_pred) =  ~ x + y # convert to gridded spatial object
#     sp::proj4string(dtm_pred) <- raster::crs(chm)
#     sp::gridded(dtm_pred) <- TRUE
#     dtm_pred <- raster::raster(dtm_pred) # convert to raster
#     dtm_pred <- resample(dtm_pred, chm)
#     dtm_pred <- mask(dtm_pred, chm)
#     return(dtm_pred)
#   }
swinersha/UAVforestR documentation built on May 2, 2020, 7:50 a.m.