chartCriteria: Retrieves chart variables

chartCriteriaR Documentation

Retrieves chart variables


Retrieves the available variables for charting, or the variables that are set for an existing chart.


chartCriteria(ssimObject, chart = NULL, variable = NULL, filter = NULL)

## S4 method for signature 'SsimObject'
chartCriteria(ssimObject, chart = NULL, variable = NULL, filter = NULL)



Project or Chart object


character or integer. Either the name or ID of an existing chart. If NULL and a Project is provided as the first argument, then will return the available variables for charting.


character. The name of a charting variable. If provided, then will return a list of the available filter columns for that variable. Default is NULL.


character. The name of a filter column for a specified variable. If provided, then will return a list of values that pertain to the specified filter. If the filter column is used to disaggregate the chart data (using the chartDisagg function), one panel will be created for each of these values. If you would like to omit values from the chart, you can also add or remove values by the specified filter column using the chartInclude function. Default is NULL.


Example arguments:

  • If ssimObject is SyncroSim Project and chart is NULL: Returns a data.frame of available variables for creating a new chart.

  • If ssimObject is SyncroSIm Chart or chart is not NULL: Returns a data.frame of variables in use by the specified chart.

  • If variable is not NULL: Returns a list of filter columns that belong to the given variable.

  • If variable and filter are not NULL: Returns a dataframe of value IDs and names that belong to the given variable and filter.


A data.frame or list of variables, filter columns, and filter values.


## Not run: 
# Create a chart object
myChart <- chart(myProject, chart = "New Chart")

# Retrieve variables that can be used to create new charts

# Retrieve variables being used by existing chart

## End(Not run)

syncrosim/rsyncrosim documentation built on Oct. 18, 2024, 1:29 a.m.