chartErrorBar: Modify the error bars of a 'Chart'

chartErrorBarR Documentation

Modify the error bars of a Chart


Set the type and properties of the error bars of a Chart.


chartErrorBar(chart, type = NULL, lower = NULL, upper = NULL)

## S4 method for signature 'Chart'
chartErrorBar(chart, type = NULL, lower = NULL, upper = NULL)



Chart object


character. Type of error bar. Values can be "percentile", "minmax", or "none". Default is NULL.


float. If the error bar type is set to "percentile", then sets the minimum percentile for the lower range of the error bar. Default is NULL.


float. If the error bar type is set to "percentile", then sets the maximum percentile for the upper range of the error bar. Default is NULL.


A Chart object representing a SyncroSim chart or, if no arguments other than the chart are provided, a data.frame of the current chart error bar settings.


## Not run: 
# Open a chart object
myChart <- chart(myProject, chart = "My Chart")

# Set the chart error bars to display the minimum/maximum of the data
myChart <- chartErrorBar(myChart, type = "minmax")

# Disable the chart error bars
myChart <- chartErrorBar(myChart, type = "none")

# Set the chart error bars to display the 95th percentile error bars
myChart <- chartErrorBar(myChart, type = "percentile", lower = 2.5, 
                         upper = 97.5)

## End(Not run)

syncrosim/rsyncrosim documentation built on Oct. 18, 2024, 1:29 a.m.