ragg_png = function(..., res = 192) { ragg::agg_png(..., res = res, units = "in") } knitr::opts_chunk$set(dev = "ragg_png", fig.ext = "png")
# Install packages from "session-info" file: install.packages(c('doFuture', 'future.batchtools', 'rngtools')) install.packages(c('dplyr', 'tidyr', 'tibble', 'ggplot2', 'devtools', 'xtable')) devtools::install_github('cran/glmnet', ref='f4fc95ab49efaad9b6e1728a7c840bc6159501dc') devtools::install_github('susanathey/MCPanel', ref='6b2706fd7c35f3266048ceb22a7e9a61ae1774da')
library(synthdid) library(MCPanel) library(rngtools) library(future) library(doFuture) library(future.batchtools)
library(xtable) library(dplyr) library(tidyr) library(tibble) library(ggplot2)
In this vignette, we generate the figures and tables from Arkhangelsky et al.. The first section, on the California Proposition 99 application, generates Table 1 and Figure 1. The second section runs the placebo simulations discussed in Section 3 and then summarizes them by generating Tables 2-4 and Figure 2.
We also include variants sc_reg and difp_reg which, like sdid, use a ridge penalty when estimating the synthetic control weights $\omega$. These use the same regularization-strength parameter $\zeta$ as sdid, defined in Algorithm 1 of Arkhangelsky et al.
mc_estimate = function(Y, N0, T0) { N1=nrow(Y)-N0 T1=ncol(Y)-T0 W <- outer(c(rep(0,N0),rep(1,N1)),c(rep(0,T0),rep(1,T1))) mc_pred <- mcnnm_cv(Y, 1-W, num_lam_L = 20) mc_fit <- mc_pred$L + outer(mc_pred$u, mc_pred$v, '+') mc_est <- sum(W*(Y-mc_fit))/sum(W) mc_est } mc_placebo_se = function(Y, N0, T0, replications=200) { N1 = nrow(Y) - N0 theta = function(ind) { mc_estimate(Y[ind,], length(ind)-N1, T0) } sqrt((replications-1)/replications) * sd(replicate(replications, theta(sample(1:N0)))) } difp_estimate = function(Y, N0, T0) { synthdid_estimate(Y, N0, T0, weights=list(lambda=rep(1/T0, T0)), eta.omega=1e-6) } sc_estimate_reg = function(Y, N0, T0) { sc_estimate(Y, N0, T0, eta.omega=((nrow(Y)-N0)*(ncol(Y)-T0))^(1/4)) } difp_estimate_reg = function(Y, N0, T0) { synthdid_estimate(Y, N0, T0, weights=list(lambda=rep(1/T0, T0))) } estimators = list(did=did_estimate, sc=sc_estimate, sdid=synthdid_estimate, difp=difp_estimate, mc = mc_estimate, sc_reg = sc_estimate_reg, difp_reg = difp_estimate_reg)
data('california_prop99') setup = panel.matrices(california_prop99) estimates = lapply(estimators, function(estimator) { estimator(setup$Y, setup$N0, setup$T0) } ) standard.errors = mapply(function(estimate, name) { set.seed(12345) if(name == 'mc') { mc_placebo_se(setup$Y, setup$N0, setup$T0) } else { sqrt(vcov(estimate, method='placebo')) } }, estimates, names(estimators))
california.table = rbind(unlist(estimates), unlist(standard.errors)) rownames(california.table) = c('estimate', 'standard error') colnames(california.table) = toupper(names(estimators)) round(california.table, digits=1)
synthdid_plot(estimates[1:3], facet.vertical=FALSE, control.name='control', treated.name='california', lambda.comparable=TRUE, se.method = 'none', trajectory.linetype = 1, line.width=.75, effect.curvature=-.4, trajectory.alpha=.7, effect.alpha=.7, diagram.alpha=1, onset.alpha=.7) + theme(legend.position=c(.26,.07), legend.direction='horizontal', legend.key=element_blank(), legend.background=element_blank(), strip.background=element_blank(), strip.text.x = element_blank())
synthdid_units_plot(rev(estimates[1:3]), se.method='none') + theme(legend.background=element_blank(), legend.title = element_blank(), legend.direction='horizontal', legend.position=c(.17,.07), strip.background=element_blank(), strip.text.x = element_blank())
unit.weights = synthdid_controls(estimates[1:3], weight.type='omega', mass=1) time.weights = synthdid_controls(estimates[1:3], weight.type='lambda', mass=1) unit.table = xtable(round(unit.weights[rev(1:nrow(unit.weights)), ], 3)) time.table = xtable(round(time.weights, 3)) print(unit.table, type='latex', file='figures/table-california-unit-weights.tex') print(time.table, type='latex', file='figures/table-california-time-weights.tex') unit.table time.table
last.col = function(X) { X[, ncol(X)] } data(CPS) Y.logwage = panel.matrices(CPS, treatment='min_wage', outcome='log_wage', treated.last=FALSE)$Y Y.hours = panel.matrices(CPS, treatment='min_wage', outcome='hours', treated.last=FALSE)$Y Y.urate = panel.matrices(CPS, treatment='min_wage', outcome='urate', treated.last=FALSE)$Y w.minwage = last.col(panel.matrices(CPS, treatment='min_wage', treated.last=FALSE)$W) w.gunlaw = last.col(panel.matrices(CPS, treatment='open_carry', treated.last=FALSE)$W) w.abortion = last.col(panel.matrices(CPS, treatment='abort_ban', treated.last=FALSE)$W) data(PENN) Y.loggdp = panel.matrices(PENN, treatment='dem', outcome='log_gdp', treated.last=FALSE)$Y w.democracy = last.col(panel.matrices(PENN, treatment='dem', treated.last=FALSE)$W) w.education = last.col(panel.matrices(PENN, treatment='educ', treated.last=FALSE)$W) default=list(rank = 4, N1 = 10, T1 = 10) cps.baseline.params = estimate_dgp(Y.logwage, w.minwage, default$rank)
A simulator is a no-arg functions returning a simulated dataset, and this function is used to define them by modifying an extant dgp specification.
, M
, etc. with names corresponding to those parameters which compute
the actual parameters for the simulator as functions of the corresponding baseline parameterL = M + F
, to use in the simulation design. This is used in some rows of Table 4.This returns a list with two elements.
, the simulator, a no-args function returning a simulated dataset.$params
, the parameters of the dgp.simulator = function(params = cps.baseline.params, F=function(x){x}, M=function(x){x}, Sigma = function(x){x}, pi = function(x){x}, ar_coef = function(x){x}, N1=default$N1, T1=default$T1, resample=NULL) { updated.params = list(F=F(params$F), M=M(params$M), Sigma=Sigma(params$Sigma), pi = pi(params$pi), ar_coef=ar_coef(params$ar_coef)) list(params=updated.params, N1=N1, T1=T1, run=function() { if(!is.numeric(resample)) { simulate_dgp(updated.params, N1, T1) } else { ind = sample.int(nrow(updated.params$F), size=resample, replace=TRUE) resampled.params=updated.params resampled.params$F=updated.params$F[ind,] resampled.params$M=updated.params$M[ind,] simulate_dgp(resampled.params, N1, T1) } }) }
, not ar_coef
, to generate noise, so updating ar_coef
doesn't affect the simulations.ar_coef
below so $params
has the correct coefficients. These will be shown in Table 2.simulators = list( baseline = simulator(), # Modified outcome model no.corr = simulator(Sigma=function(Sigma) { diag(nrow(Sigma)) * norm(Sigma,'f')/sqrt(nrow(Sigma))}, ar_coef=function(coefs) { 0*coefs }), no.M = simulator(M=function(M) { 0*M }), no.F = simulator(F=function(F) { 0*F }), only.noise = simulator(M=function(M) { 0*M }, F=function(F) {0*F}), no.noise = simulator(Sigma=function(Sigma) { 0*Sigma }, ar_coef=function(coefs) { 0*coefs }), # Modified assignment process gun.law = simulator(estimate_dgp(Y.logwage, w.gunlaw, default$rank)), abortion = simulator(estimate_dgp(Y.logwage, w.abortion, default$rank)), random = simulator(pi=function(pi) { rep(.5,length(pi)) }), # Modified outcome variable hours = simulator(estimate_dgp(Y.hours, w.minwage, default$rank)), urate = simulator(estimate_dgp(Y.urate, w.minwage, default$rank)), # Assignment block size T1.is.one = simulator(T1=1), N1.is.one = simulator(N1=1), blocksize.is.one = simulator(T1=1, N1=1), # Resample rows (from Table 4) resample.200 = simulator(resample=200, N1=20), resample.400 = simulator(resample=400, N1=40), # penn world table (Table 3) penn.democracy = simulator(estimate_dgp(Y.loggdp, w.democracy, default$rank)), penn.education = simulator(estimate_dgp(Y.loggdp, w.education, default$rank)), penn.random = simulator(estimate_dgp(Y.loggdp, w.education, default$rank), pi=function(pi) { rep(.5,length(pi)) }))
This is a long-running computation, taking roughly 3 days on a recent macbook air. It is written to save data as it runs, one file per simulation, so it can be continued if interrupted. To continue, just rerun the loop: only simulation for which these files are missing are run. It can also be run on a slurm cluster, and will do so if a correctly configured template file batchtools.slurm.tmpl is present. We include the one we use in the paper-results-details directory.
The loop gives each replication of a simulation its own RNG seed. Within each replication, every call to a simulator, estimator, or variance estimator uses this replication-specific seed: we explicitly restore the seed before each call. As a result, changing the set of simulations, estimators, or variance estimators considered does not change the results we get for any specific simulator/estimator/variance-estimator within a given replication. Nor does interrupting and continuing the loop.
By using RNGSeq to choose replication-specific seeds for the L'Ecuyer-CMRG RNG,
we get streams of random numbers that are more or less independent from replication to replication.
See help(RNGseq)
sim.replications = 1000 coverage.replications = 400 coverage.estimators = c('sdid','sc', 'did', 'difp') coverage.sims = c('baseline', 'gun.law', 'abortion', 'random', 'hours', 'urate', 'T1.is.one', 'N1.is.one', 'blocksize.is.one', 'resample.200', 'resample.400', 'penn.democracy', 'penn.education', 'penn.random') se.methods = c('bootstrap', 'jackknife', 'placebo') cluster = file.exists('batchtools.slurm.tmpl') # set up simulation grid grid = expand.grid(ss = 1:length(simulators), ee = 1:length(estimators), rr = 1:sim.replications) grid$estimate.se = names(simulators[grid$ss]) %in% coverage.sims & names(estimators[grid$ee]) %in% coverage.estimators & grid$rr <= coverage.replications # associate a grid row to an output filename output.file = function(row) { sprintf('simulations/simulation-%s-%s-%d.rds', names(simulators)[row$ss], names(estimators)[row$ee], row$rr) } rows.finished = function() { output.files = sapply(1:nrow(grid), function(ii) { output.file(grid[ii,]) }) file.exists(output.files) }
# set up RNG seeds for each replication. # We need to pass a L'Ecuyer-type seed: a vector of 7 integers starting with 10407 like initial.seed below. # If we pass a simple integer seed, the first call in a vanilla R session (R --vanilla) differs from subsequent ones. # To get initial_seed I run: 'library(rngtools); ignore=RNGseq(n=1, seed=12345); initial.seed=RNGseq(n=1,seed=12345)'. initial.seed = c(10407, -2132566924, 1638542565, 108172386, -1884566405, -1838154368, -250773631) seeds = RNGseq(n=sim.replications, seed=initial.seed)
run.simulation = function(row) { setRNG(seeds[[row$rr]]) setup = simulators[[row$ss]]$run() estimate = estimators[[row$ee]](setup$Y, setup$N0, setup$T0) se.estimates = sapply(se.methods, function(method) { setRNG(seeds[[row$rr]]) if(row$estimate.se) { sqrt(vcov(estimate, method = method)) } else { NA } }) cbind(data.frame(simulation = names(simulators)[row$ss], estimator = names(estimators)[row$ee], replication = row$rr, estimate = c(estimate)), t(as.data.frame(se.estimates))) }
# kill warning that the futures library can't determine that we're # using and deterministically seeding the L'Ecuyer RNG options('future.options.rng.onMisuse', 'ignore') registerDoFuture() # set up worker processes if(cluster) { # use multiple nodes on a Slurm Cluster plan(batchtools_slurm, workers=1000, resources=list(ncpus=1, memory=1024)) } else { # use multiple processes on this this computer plan(multisession, workers = 8) }
# uncomment to run sims # foreach(ii = which(!rows.finished())) %dopar% { # row = grid[ii,] # start.time = Sys.time() # # library(rngtools) # library(synthdid) # library(MCPanel) # # output.row = run.simulation(row) # saveRDS(output.row, file=output.file(row)) # # end.time = Sys.time() # cat(sprintf('simulation %d/%d=%0.2f ran for %1.1f, from %s to %s, outputting to %s\n', # ii, nrow(grid), ii/nrow(grid), # end.time-start.time, start.time, end.time, # output.file(row)), file='simulations.log') # NULL # }
# uncomment to run sims # estimates = foreach(ii = which(rows.finished()), .combine=rbind) %do% { # readRDS(output.file(grid[ii,])) # } # estimates$simulation = factor(estimates$simulation, levels=names(simulators)) # estimates$estimator = factor(estimates$estimator, levels=names(estimators))
To share data, check that simulations are complete and save concatenated data frame as one file.
# uncomment to run sims # stopifnot(all(rows.finished())) # saveRDS(estimates, 'all-simulations.rds')
To use shared data, load concatenated data frame from file.
estimates = readRDS('all-simulations.rds')
summaries = estimates %>% group_by(simulation, estimator) %>% summarize(rmse = sqrt(mean(estimate^2)), bias = mean(estimate), bootstrap.coverage = mean(abs(estimate/bootstrap) <= qnorm(.975), na.rm=TRUE), jackknife.coverage = mean(abs(estimate/jackknife) <= qnorm(.975), na.rm=TRUE), placebo.coverage = mean(abs(estimate/placebo) <= qnorm(.975), na.rm=TRUE), coverage.count = sum(!(is.na(placebo) | is.na(bootstrap) | is.na(jackknife)))) point.columns = c('rmse', 'bias') coverage.columns = c('bootstrap.coverage', 'jackknife.coverage', 'placebo.coverage')
Our standard error estimators can be undefined in some instances, returning NA. This happens to the bootstrap and jacknife if there is only one treated unit and to the jackknife if there is only one control with nonzero weight. As we see in the table below, this happens in one replication of the urate simulation. We compute coverage over the replications for which each standard error estimator is defined passing na.rm=TRUE to mean above.
summaries[!(summaries$coverage.count %in% c(0, coverage.replications)), c('simulation', 'estimator', 'coverage.count')]
sim.info = do.call(rbind, lapply(simulators, function(sim) { data.frame(F_scale = sqrt(mean(sim$params$F^2)), M_scale = sqrt(mean(sim$params$M^2)), noise_scale = sqrt(mean(diag(sim$params$Sigma))), ar_lag1 = sim$params$ar_coef[1], ar_lag2 = sim$params$ar_coef[2]) }))
In the paper, this is split into Tables 2 and 3, with CPS sims in the former and PENN sims in the latter.
point.summaries = summaries[,c('simulation', 'estimator', point.columns)] %>% pivot_wider(names_from=estimator, values_from=all_of(point.columns)) %>% column_to_rownames('simulation') point.table = cbind(sim.info, point.summaries) # display table, leaving out non-default regularization choices round(point.table, digits=3)[, -c(11,12,18,19)] # display table comparing default and non-default regularization choices round(point.table, digits=3)[,c(7,11,9,12)]
A subset of these rows are in Table 4 of the paper.
coverage.table = summaries[,c('simulation', 'estimator', coverage.columns)] %>% pivot_wider(names_from=estimator, values_from=all_of(coverage.columns)) %>% column_to_rownames('simulation') keep = !is.na(coverage.table[1,]) round(coverage.table[rownames(coverage.table) %in% coverage.sims, keep], digits=2)
We plot an estimate of error density function for the baseline CPS setting and the minimum wage assignment variant. This is Figure 2.
grid = expand.grid(ss=1:length(simulators), ee=1:length(estimators)) error.densities = do.call(rbind, mapply(function(ss,ee) { errors = estimates[estimates$simulation == names(simulators)[ss] & estimates$estimator == names(estimators)[ee], 'estimate'] density.estimate = lindsey_density_estimate(errors, K = 100, deg = 3) data.frame(x=density.estimate$centers, y=density.estimate$density, simulator=names(simulators)[ss], estimator=names(estimators)[ee]) }, grid$ss, grid$ee, SIMPLIFY=FALSE))
show.sims = error.densities$simulator %in% c('baseline', 'random') show.estimators = error.densities$estimator %in% c('did', 'sc', 'sdid') # reformat the information in $simulator and $estimator for display in the plot title and legend error.densities$Title = ifelse(error.densities$simulator == 'baseline', 'Minimum Wage Assignment', 'Random Assignment') error.densities$Estimator = toupper(error.densities$estimator) ggplot(error.densities[show.sims & show.estimators, ]) + geom_line(aes(x=x,y=y,color=Estimator)) + geom_vline(xintercept=0, linetype=3) + facet_wrap(~Title) + xlab('error') + ylab('density') + theme_light() + theme(legend.position=c(.94,.88), legend.background=element_blank(), legend.title=element_blank())
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