knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)


This document is made with the purpose of aiding use of R on servers in Statistics Denmark. We will not exclude that it can be helpful elsewhere. The particular characteristic of this environment is the very large size of datasets. For this reason data management is in general suggested to use functions from the package "data.table" which is specifically designed to handle very large datasets. Most introductions to R refer to "data.frame" and "data.table" is a data.frame with some add-ons. There are plenty of pdf and introductions to data.table on the web. This document does not replace such reading. One good place to get an overview of R is [], which is focused on data.frame for management. Another resource is RStudios's cheatsheets [], which covers the majority of the widely used packages. We especially recommend the sheets for data.table, ggplot2 (for visualization) and lubridate (for handling dates).

The structure of this document attempts to follow the typical path of a project: Include data, manage data and finally perform calculations and produce graphics.

Selected chores make use of functions in the package "heaven" which is made specifically for use in Statistics Denmark. This package is available on github and can be installed with


Statistics Denmark is a closed environment and all packages available are pre-installed, therefore only library statements are necessary. All packages in the CRAN package repository are installed on the servers used by us.

Most R programs start with a list of library() statements to provide connection with functions in selected packages. Another possibility is to provide both the package name and the function name for a call. In this document we will try consitently to use the latter convention to show which packages needs to be included in a program. For standard use library statements should be the rule. The function 'thisFunction()' in 'thisPackage' is in this document shown as thisPackage::thisFunction(). The exception to that rule is the package data.table where many functions cannot be shown indirectly.

Housekeeping rules

In general there are multiple ways of reaching the target of a project. The suggestions in this document are not rules to be followed, but reflect experience after many years of working in the particular environment. Suggestions for improvement are always welcome.

Most R programs start with a list of library() statements to provide connection with functions in selected packages. Another possibility is to provide both the package name and the function name for a call. In this document we will try consitently to use the latter convention to show which packages needs to be included in a program. For standard use library statements should be the rule. The function thisFunction() in thisPackage is in this document shown as thisPackage::thisFunction(). The exception to that rule is the package data.table where It is important to structure the data of a project in such a way that a logic is maintained - and also a logic which can be identified by others. In the common circumstance that help is required by others this logic is tested. It should also be noted that a scientific project can later be criticized and require a need to document how a result was obtained. In this situation a logical structure of the project is necessary when the programs need to be rerun years later.

For a beginner it is tempting to produce multiple programs as a project is developed mixing data management with analysis which can easily result in a situation where the project contains a large block of a mixture of outdated and current programs - where the content of each program needs to be rerun in a specific order to obtain the results of the project. Therefore, users are strongly encouraged to follow certain rules.

Memory use

R keeps all data in RAM (random access memory) and the program is prone to "memory leakage" which implies that large chunks of memory are blocked from all users, but do not contain usable data. It is common to include very large datasets during data management and once these are not needed anymore they should be removed with rm(file1,file2,file3) (names of data separated with comma).

It is important to realize that this command does not free the RAM you have used, so when chunks of data have been "removed" you can clear the memory use with the garbage collector: gc()

The Rstudio program can under the pane "Environment" show the use of RAM memory. The garbage collector also reports on memory use and the operating system can provide lists of users along with their memory use. This is provided with the Task Manager. This feature is the one to use if you cannot undertand why there is not enough room for you or the server appears slow.

Hard drive memory should also be used sparingly, although less so than RAM. What should not be done is to keep long lists of files that represent the history of your data development. Hard drive memory is found with the windows explorer.

Starting a project

If you have used the create_project() function to define the project there are suggestions for R scripts that encourage a starting comment defining the author and the purpose of the program.

In the beginning of your program, you should use the function setwd("path to data") to the directory for your data - or to the directory for your project. This makes reference to datasets in your project easier. If you choose the directory of the project you can use relative paths to read and write in subfolders of your project such as writeRDS(R-object-name,file="/data/filename.rds") to write in the "data" subfolder.

Read data

Data in Statistics Denmark is generally provided as SAS datasets - and a few data are provided in ASCII format which includes the very useful "csv" format.

If you need to read an entire table from SAS you can use the haven::read_sas() function. The disadvantage of this is that it can take a long time to read a large dataset and the use of memory will be extensive. On the other hand this function can handle nearly any complicated SAS dataset which is not always the case with the import_SAS function described below.

To include data from SAS with limited time and resources we have developed the heaven::import_SAS() function that can accept a range of SAS commands to read only a part of the data. The saving of time can be dramatic. The help page for this function provides the many available options - a few are described here:

Since the time to read large SAS datasets very often requires patience, it is usually wise to limit the number of times a SAS dataset is read. Often it is wiser to grab all the data you need in one pass and afterwards use R to select further data for various purposes. Typically you may need medications and diagnoses to define very separate structures in the project - but try to collect all in one pass anyhow.

When you need to import ASCII data (text files) the most efficient function is data.table::fread(). This function can usually identify the type of data from the extension to the data file. The help page provides a long list of options for reading.

For most of the programming suggested here data need to be data.table rather than data.frame. When a data.table function does not work, it is likely that the format was data.frame and the most convenient way to convert is the function data.table::setDT(object_name). This function can also be used just to make sure an object is data.table. For the rare situation that you need to convert the other way to data.frame the function data.table::setDF() does the job.

If an object has been saved as ".rdata" the way to read it is load("path to data"). The name of the object is also read and will appear in the environment.

Many datasets are saved as "rds" files, single R objects. They are read and added to the environment with MyData <- readRDS("path to file").

Save data

The most efficient way to store datasets is as single object using saveRDS(name_of_object,file="PathToFile.rds"). If your working directory is the project directory and you want the object saved in the subdirectory "data" then use saveRDS(name_of_object,file="/data/PathToFile.rds").

If you need to output text files (ASCII) then use data.table::fwrite(name_of_object,file="pathToFile.csv"). This is useful if you want to use Excel and similar to produce tables. Most table are generated in programs as data.frame or data.table and after converting to a csv-object they can be read with Excel. Note that the fwrite function senses the details of output format from the file name you provide.

View your data

As data is imported to the project it is necessary to check that what you have desired has actually been accomplished. You can click on object in the environment pane to show the datasets as a spread sheat. This is discouraged since large datasets take a long time to load. Very useful functions are:

It is generally useful to create small tables to check that your data are what you expect them to be and a very useful procedure is

Manipulating data

This is described using data.table. In this description DT represents your data.table object. The general format for manipulating is DT[i,j,by]. This is most easily learned by remembering that records or rows can be subset using "i", columns can be selected, manipulated, or calculated using "j", and finally grouped using "by". So the general rule is DT[where,what,grouping].

Data.table attemps to limit use of RAM by not making copies of data. If you write the statement DT2 <- DT you will not get a copy of the data but DT2 and DT will address the same data.table. If you really need a copy to manipulate the solution is DT2 <- copy(DT). The avoidance of copying also makes it important to realize when you need to use "<-" to change the data. For the examples below to create a new variable no "<-" is present. Only the new vector with an additional variable is created without copying the rest of the data. If the whole dataset is changed by some command the "<-" is absolutely necessary.

Creating new variables

The creation of new variables will be made using 'j': DT[,j,]. A simple new variable examplified by age is created with DT[,age:=(date-birthdate)/365.25]. This assumes that both date and birthdate are R dates.

A common target is to make a variable that is the largest or smallest non-missing of several other variables. This is accomplished with DT[,max:=pmax(var1,var2,var3,na.rm=TRUE)]. Beware of the "p" in "pmax" this p dictates that the comparison is made on a record level.

Several variables can be created in one step: DT[,':='(var1=var3+var4,var5=var2*5)]

When You create variables You need to make decisions regarding the variable type. Commonly used variable types include numeric, integer, factor, and character.

Numeric to factor

In the example above with sex the numeric variable already represented levels. When the variable is a continuous numeric, the convinient way of creating a factor is the cut() function. A very simplistic example is DT[,newvar:=cut(oldvar,3)]. This creates three levels with equal range. A more useful example is creating of a variable which represents quartiles of the old variable: DT[,quart:=cut(oldvar,breaks=c(quantile(oldvar,probs=seq(0,1,by = 0.25))),labels=c("Q1","Q2","Q3","Q4"))]

Naming variables

the function setNames(DT,..) can be used to name all variables by providing for ".." a character vector with the new names: c("new1","new2"...) - or you can change selected variables by providing two character vectors.

Many imported datasets have a confusing attitude to "case" with mixtures of upper case and lower case names. Changing all variables to lower case can be achieved with names(DT) <- tolower(names(DT))

Selecting a subset of variables

The most efficient way to select a subset of variables is DT2 <- DT[,.(var1,var5,var8)]. In some circumstances, such as within a function, another version is: DT2 <- DT[,.SD,.SDcols=c(var1,var5,var8)]. The variable .SD is "subset of data.table" and refers to a group of columns in the dataset.

Subset selection

If a dataset has been sorted by an individual identifier and another variable such as a date, it is common that you want to select just the first occurrence for each individual. This is done with DT2 <- DT[,.SD[1],by="individual_identifier"]. If You instead want the last occurrence [1] is replace by [.N] and if You for some reason want the second occurrence the replacement is [2].

If You want to select a subset based on a logical statement, and efficient way is DT2 <- DT[age<100].

In case you want to search for all records that start with a selected string you can use: DT2 <- DT[grepl("^A10",var)] that finds all records where "var" starts with "A10". This is a very simple example of a "regular expression" which is an extremely versatile tool to search for complicated relation. An overview of regular expressions can be found at [].

It is common to require a number of conditions to be defined each by a range of variable content. An example is to search for multiple comorbidites which each are defined by a range of diagnosis codes. A special function heaven::findCondition have been developed for this purpose:

Removing variables

A single variable is removed with DT[,var1:=NULL] and a group of variables is removed with DT[,c("var1","var3"):=NULL]. Note that no "<-" is necessary, just the vector with the particular variable is removed.

Sorting data

The functions setkey(DT,"var") and setkeyv(DT,c("var1","var2")) sorts the data in ascending order and creates a key for fast use of the sorted data.

If you need sorting an variable order the functions to use are setorder() and setorderv() with this example setorderv(DT, c("A", "B"), c(1, -1)) sorting ascending by A and descending by B.

Conditional manipulation of variable

The standard format for a conditioned change of a variable is DT[var==value,var:=new_value] Another option which occasionally is more convinient is to use fifelse() which needs three (or four) parameters: first a logical statment, then the value if TRUE then the value if FALSE and finally the optional value to return for NA: DT[,newvar:=fifelse(oldvar>x,2,1,NA)]

Change multiple variables

Many chores need to repeated on many variables, an example being changing a numeric value of e.g. 999 to NA. This can be achieved by first creating a character vector of the variables you want changed and then creating a loop to make the changes:

vars <- c("var1","var2"...)
for (x in vars) DT[get(x)==999,(x):=NA]

Note two peculiarities here. If we had written x== instead of get(x)== data.table would not know whether x was an object or representing the loop variable. get() solves that problem by enforcing evaluation of x. Similarly, if we had written x:=NA we would repeatedly create a variable named 'x' - the parenthesis forces the evaluation in this case.

Append - rbind

Combining several data.tables to create one long table can be achived with rbindlist() or rbind(). If the only input is a vector of data.table objects then names and order of columns need to match perfectly. If one table contains extra variables these columns can be set to NA for the other tables with the option fill=TRUE. The option idcol="file" adds a column with the name of the object that contributed to each record.


Combining data.tables by columns, as opposed to by rows, can be achived with cbind(). This function simply combines the first row of each data.table with the first row of other data.tables - and requires that they have the same size.

if two data.tables have been provided the same key with setkey or setkeyv then DT1[DT2] will generate an right merge, that is a data.table with those records where DT2 is intact and updated with information from DT1:

DT1 <- data.table(a=1:5,b=11:15)
DT2 <- data.table(a=c(2,4,6),c=c(22,24,26))

Alternatively, you can use newDT <- DT1[DT2,on=.(idvar=idvar)] if you are not using the setkey function. A left merge, one where DT1 is kept intact and updated with variables from DT2 could be made by switching the order.

An outer merge is one where all records from both data.tables are present and NAs are placed where tables do not contribute with data. In this case you need to use the merge function with all=TRUE:


An inner merge is one where only records where both datasets contribute are in the result:

merge(DT1,DT2,by="a") # or you could have written all=FALSE

Using the merge function You can select left and right merge with all.x=TRUE and all.y=TRUE.

If a whole series of data.tables need to be merged, the simple merge function cannot do it, but it can be achieved with the Reduce() function. This function requires two parameters - a function and a list. Reduce will perform the function on the first two members of the list, then the result of this is put in the function along with the third member of the list etc. Thus, a left merge where the first member of a list of data.tables defines which individuals are in the final dataset can be made with: DT <- Reduce(function(x,y){merge(x,y,all.x=TRUE,by="idvar")},list(DT1,DT2,DT3,...))

In some cases one might be interested in merging two datasets based on an approximate match rather than exact match. This is usefull when a match is defined by a time interval, for example when defining re-admissions after disease onset. For this, a rolling join can be used.

disease<-data.table('2015/01/01'), as.Date('2020/01/01'), by="day"), 6),

hospital.adm<-data.table('2015/01/01'), as.Date('2021/01/01'), by="day"), 30),
                         pnr=sample(c(1:6),30, replace=TRUE))

#rolling join: 
#prepare roll
disease[, rolldate :=]
hospital.adm[, rolldate :=]

setkey(disease,pnr,rolldate) #the variables which define the match
setkey(hospital.adm,pnr,rolldate) #the variables which define the match

# add the first hospital admission occuring after the disease

# add the first hospital admission occuring after the disease date but within 1 year of disease

Summary statistics

It is common that You need to create datasets that are summary statistics of other datasets. Data.table has a strong interface for this: DT2 <- DT[,.(mean=mean(var1),number=length(var1), max=max(var1)), by="grouping_variable"]. This statement will calculate the mean and the max for each level of the grouping variable. In this statement the "." just before the parenthesis is short for "list".


Numbering records by subgroup of another variable is done with DT[,number:=1:.N, by=group_variable]

Numbering groups, that is numbering all levels of one variable, is done with DT[group_number:=1:.GRP, by=group_variable]

Make multiple records

For some counting purposes it may be a good idea to create multiple records for levels of a selected variable:

DT <- data.table(ID=c(1:3),number=c(1,2,3))
DT[] # Display the result
DT[,rownum:=1:.N] # variable indicating row
DT2 <- DT[,.(ID=ID,newvar=seq(1,number)),by="rownum"] # makes the extra records
DT2[] # Display the result

Specialised functions for data manipulation


Simple matching can efficiently be performed with the matchit::matchit function. By default it finds the "nearest neighbor" which also implies that the nearest neighbor may be far away. You therefore need to tabulate to check the effect of matching.

For survival type problems you will often need to find "risk sets". This implies that you are not only satisfied with finding individuals with e.g. same age and sex, but the controls you find need to be part of the risk set - they have not yet obtained the outcome of interest and they are not dead or have passed end of follow-up.

Risk-set matching comes in two flavors: incidense density matching and exposure density matching. The former is for a case-control type analysis where you match cases at the time of outcome with controls that have not (yet) reached the outcome. The function for this is heaven::incidenseMatch. The other flavor is a cohort type study where you wish to match individuals at the time of an exposure with controls that have not (yet) been exposed - and also have not reached the outcome, death of end of follow-up. The function for this is heaven::exposureMatch.


The function heaven::averageIncome is helpful for defining average income over a range of years prior to a selected date.


Education codes on Statistics Denmark are 4-digit numbers. To convert these into accepted international classes you can merge with the data.table heaven::edu_code which has several groupings including ISCED codes.

Splitting - Time dependent analysis

In analyses of time dependent phenomena variables need to be updated to new values as time passes. This is practically handled by splitting. This implies that the record of an individual ends when a condition changes and then a new record starts at the time of the new condition. Since many conditions can change, and both age and calender time with certainty changes, the splitting of an individual can result in truly many records for each individual. Three functions have been developed to carry out this task: The heaven::lexisTwo function can split each record once for each condition - and is typically used for comorbidities where the status of the comorbidity variable is zero prior to the date of the comorbidity and "1" after. The heaven::lexisFromTo function can handle intervals and is typically used for medication where each treatment period is an interval. Finally heaven::lexisSeq can split by vectors and is typically used for a vector of age levels or a vector defining calender time periods.

Prescriptions to treatment periods

Medication on Statistics Denmark is provided as prescriptions that are picked up at Danish pharmacies. Provided is date of prescription, number and strength of medication units (pills). The function heaven::medicinMacro can transform this list of prescriptions into a list of treatment periods providing start, end and intensity of treatment. To enable this the user has to provide information on the use of each strength of each medication and other data. This information is provided as named lists.

Charlson codes

The function heaven::charlsonIndex can provide Charlson Index and individual codes using diagnosis codes and a variable defining the date at which the index should be calculated.


The function heaven::hypertensionMedication can define the presence of hypertension using medication used for treating hypertension. The function can provide either the presence of hypertension at a specific date or the date at which hypertension appears.

Demographic tables

A key for any publication is presentation of the population, most often a range of characteristics subgrouped by exposure or outcome of interest. Such tables can be made in a single step with functions from the table1 package or with the Publish::univariateTable function. The Publish::summary(univariateTable) function can be abbreviated with Publish::sutable

Survival analysis

Univariate and stratified analysis

Cumulative incidence and Kaplan meier analysis can be obtained with a range of function, with our favorite being prodlim::prodlim. For practical use of this (and other functions) it is important to understand some general rules of function creation:


The survival::coxph function is the choice for Cox regression and the glm function is the choise for logistic regression and Poisson regression.

The simple summary function is not useful for publication ready output from these function, but the Publish::regressionTable function provides useful tables. A simplistic forest plot can be made with Publish::plot(regressionTable) and more flexible tabulation beside the plot with Publish::plotConfidence function. Advanced tables and plots can be created within the rich environment of ggplot2.

It is common not only to present an overall analysis, but also a range of subgroups by selected variables. Tables and plots of such subgroups can be made with the Publish::subgroupAnalysis function.

Looping analyses

It is common to present the results of multiple outcomes with and without multiple subgroups in a single table. In such situations it is much faster and much more transparent to create the multiple results in a loop rather than as separate programming blocks. To understand an efficient way of producing such analyses we need to introduce two functions:


DT <- data.table(ID=c(1:3),number=c(1,2,3),number2=c(8,9,10))
rbindlist(lapply(DT[,number],function(x){ # the function being defined right here
  data.table(PTID=DT[ID==x,ID],output=DT[ID==x,number2]*x) # Illustrative nonsense calculation
  # The last statement of a function is what is output

Data visualization

Visualizing your data in an intuitive and aesthetically pleasing manner is both useful in the process of getting to know your data and in the publication of your results. Always attempt that you conclusions of any study is supported by graphics, and take the time necessary to make these graphics of high quality.

The package ggplot2 is a powerfull tool for plotting basically anything you could think of and it allows you to modify all aspects of your plot which makes it much more flexible than the plot function in base R.

The layers of ggplot

A ggplot consists of different layers that can be combined to a graph. The different layers will add an extra layer of information to the plot. You can (in most cases) add several layers of the same type, e.g. two different geometries can be added and will create one plot with two types of graphs inside. In the following the different layers and their content is described briefly and a (simple) example is shown.


setDT(dt <- mpg) #toy dataset described at
    geom_point() #most simple scatterplot
  geom_point()+ #most simple scatterplot
  theme_classic() #adding theme
  geom_point()+ #most simple scatterplot
  theme_classic()+ #adding theme
        y="HWY") #adding plot titles
  geom_point()+ #most simple scatterplot
  theme_classic()+ #adding theme
        y="HWY")+ #adding plot titles
  geom_point(mapping=aes(color=fl)) #adding grouping 
  #(could also be included in the previous geom_point call)

The possibles are endless and we can suggest using the help page, [], as inspiration or our very own demonstration at [].

tagteam/heaven documentation built on May 28, 2024, 9:22 p.m.