
Defines functions vectorSearch splitFT splitDate split2 na_locf innerMedicinMacro daysnonhosp countDrugs Matcher

Documented in innerMedicinMacro

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Matcher <- function(Ncontrols, Tcontrols, Ncases, endFollowUp, caseIndex, controls, cases, Ndateterms, datescases, datescontrols, Ndurationterms, durationcases, durationcontrols, durationMin) {
    .Call('_heaven_Matcher', PACKAGE = 'heaven', Ncontrols, Tcontrols, Ncases, endFollowUp, caseIndex, controls, cases, Ndateterms, datescases, datescontrols, Ndurationterms, durationcases, durationcontrols, durationMin)

countDrugs <- function(mix, db) {
    .Call('_heaven_countDrugs', PACKAGE = 'heaven', mix, db)

daysnonhosp <- function(id, pdate, iddates, inddto, uddto) {
    .Call('_heaven_daysnonhosp', PACKAGE = 'heaven', id, pdate, iddates, inddto, uddto)

#' @description Inner process of medicin macro
#' @title The heart of the medicin macro
#' @param dat data set
#' @param admdat admission data
#' @param doses doses
#' @param idunique unique subject ids
#' @param index start and end index of subjects in dat and admdat
#' @param prescriptionwindow prescription window
#' @param maxdepot see medicine macro
#' @param verbose feed back for debugging
#' @author Helene Charlotte Rytgaard and Thomas Alexander Gerds
#' @export
innerMedicinMacro <- function(dat, admdat, doses, idunique, index, prescriptionwindow, maxdepot, verbose) {
    .Call('_heaven_innerMedicinMacro', PACKAGE = 'heaven', dat, admdat, doses, idunique, index, prescriptionwindow, maxdepot, verbose)

na_locf <- function(x) {
    .Call('_heaven_na_locf', PACKAGE = 'heaven', x)

split2 <- function(pnrnum, inn, out, event, mergevar, split, numcov) {
    .Call('_heaven_split2', PACKAGE = 'heaven', pnrnum, inn, out, event, mergevar, split, numcov)

#' @export
splitDate <- function(inn, out, event, mergevar, seq, varname) {
    .Call('_heaven_splitDate', PACKAGE = 'heaven', inn, out, event, mergevar, seq, varname)

splitFT <- function(pnrnum, inn, out, event, mergevar, Spnrnum, val, start, end, num, numcov, default_) {
    .Call('_heaven_splitFT', PACKAGE = 'heaven', pnrnum, inn, out, event, mergevar, Spnrnum, val, start, end, num, numcov, default_)

vectorSearch <- function(pnrnum, searchCols, conditions, exclusions, condnames, exclnames, ni, ilength, ne, elength, datarows, match) {
    .Call('_heaven_vectorSearch', PACKAGE = 'heaven', pnrnum, searchCols, conditions, exclusions, condnames, exclnames, ni, ilength, ne, elength, datarows, match)
tagteam/heaven documentation built on May 28, 2024, 9:22 p.m.