
#' @title incidenceMatch - Risk set matching for nested case-control designs
#' @description
#' A case is a person who has an outcome event at the index date. A control is a person who does not yet have the event
#' at the index date of the case. See \code{exposureMatch} for situations where treatment start or onset of
#' a comorbidity define the case and the index date.
#' Risk set matching or incidence density sampling for nested case-control designs targets a a Cox regression model.
#' with time-dependent covariates.  In large-scale registry data the main purpose
#' for risk set matching, instead of standard Cox regression on all data, is to save computation time.
#' See Details and references.
#' Note that the parameter estimates of a conditional logistic regression analysis applied to the
#' output of \code{incidenceMatch}  are hazard ratios which should be interpreted in terms of a Cox regression
#' model.
#' To provide necessary speed for large samples the general technique used is
#' work with data.table and to create a series of match groups that have the fixed matching variables
#' identical (such as birthyear and gender).
#' @author Christian Torp-Pedersen & Thomas Alexander Gerds
#' @param ptid  Personal ID variable defining participant
#' @param event Name of variable that defines cases. MUST be numeric 0/1 where 0 codes for never-case, and 1 for case.
#' @param terms Vector of variable names specifying the variables that should be matched on.
#' Make sure that
#' appropriate classification is in place for truly continuous variables, such as age. This is to
#' ensure a sufficient number of controls for each case. For example it may be
#' difficult to find controls for cases of very high and very low ages
#' and extreme ages should therefor further aggregated. 
#' @param data The single dataset with all information - coerced to data.table
#' if data.frame
#' @param n.controls Number of controls for each case
#' @param case.index Name of the variable which contains the case index dates.
#' This can be a calendar date variable or a numeric variable, i.e., the time to outcome event
#' from a well defined baseline date. Missing values are interpreted as
#' no event at the end of followup.
#' @param end.followup Name of the variable which defines the date (as date or time)
#' from which a control can no longer be selected due to
#' \item{death: }{Nothing happens thereafter}
#' \item{other competing risks: }{Event after which we are not interested in the subject anymore. E.g., the date of an outcome event.}
#' \item{censoring: }{Event after which we do not observe anymore. E.g., emmigration, end of study period, end of registry, drop-out}
#' }
#' The end.followup must be larger or equal to 
#' the \code{case.index} date. 
#' @param date.terms Unclear if useful in this context. But, see description
#' for \code{exposureMatch}.
#' @param duration.terms A list where each element defines a time duration
#' term with two elements:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{start}{Name of a variable which defines a date or time which 
#' defines the duration as the difference between this variable and the \code{case.index}.
#' }
#' \item{min}{Numeric value given in days when \code{case.index} is a date and in
#' the same time unit as \code{case.index} otherwise.
#' Cases and controls have either both a duration as least as long as \code{min}
#' or both a duration shorter than min.}
#' }
#' Useful to prepare to summarize the history of exposure for cases and controls in an equally long period
#' looking back in time from the \code{case.index}.
#' @param output.count.controls Logical. If \code{TRUE} add number of found controls to each case/control set.
#' @param cores number of cores to use in the calculation.
#' @param seed Random seed to make results reproducible
#' @param progressbar set to \code{FALSE} to avoid progressbar
#' @details
#' The function performs exact matching and hence 
#' all matching variables must be factor variables or character.
#' It may appear tempting always to use multiple cores, but this comes at the 
#' cost of copying the data to the cores.
#' This function prepares the data for fitting a Cox regression model via \code{survival::clogit} or directly
#' via \code{survival::coxph} or equivalent routine. The regression parameters are hazard ratios. 
#' The matching variables are allowed to have a time-dependent non-proportional
#' effect on the hazard rate of the outcome very much in the same way as would be obtained without matching
#' by a strata statement to stratify the baseline hazard function. The original motivation for the nested case-control
#' design is when it is difficult, expensive or time-consuming to measure the exposure variables. 
#' The function matchReport may afterwards be used to provide simple summaries
#' of use of cases and controls
#' @return data.table with cases and controls. After matching, a the variable
#' "case.id" identifies sets which include 1 case and x matched controls.
#' Variables in the original dataset are preserved. The final dataset includes
#' all original cases but only the controls that were selected.
#' @seealso exposureMatch clogit matchReport Matchit
#' @references
#' Bryan Langholz and Larry Goldstein. Risk set sampling in epidemiologic
#'    cohort studies. Statistical Science, pages 35--53, 1996.
#' Ornulf Borgan, Larry Goldstein, Bryan Langholz, et al. Methods for the
#'    analysis of sampled cohort data in the cox proportional hazards model. The
#'    Annals of Statistics, 23(5):1749--1778, 1995.
#' Vidal Essebag, Robert W Platt, Michal Abrahamowicz, and Louise Pilote.
#'    Comparison of nested case-control and survival analysis methodologies for
#'    analysis of time-dependent exposure. BMC medical research methodology, 5
#'    (1):5, 2005.
#' @examples
#' require(data.table)
#' case <- c(rep(0,40),rep(1,15))
#' ptid <- paste0("P",1:55)
#' sex <- c(rep("fem",20),rep("mal",20),rep("fem",8),rep("mal",7))
#' byear <- c(rep(c(2020,2030),20),rep(2020,7),rep(2030,8))
#' case.Index <- c(seq(1,40,1),seq(5,47,3))
#' startDisease <- rep(10,55)
#' control.Index <- case.Index
#' diabetes <- seq(2,110,2)
#' heartdis <- seq(110,2,-2)
#' diabetes <- c(rep(1,55))
#' heartdis <- c(rep(100,55))
#' library(data.table)
#' dat <- data.table(case,ptid,sex,byear,diabetes,heartdis,case.Index,
#' control.Index,startDisease)
#' # Risk set matching
#' matchdat <- incidenceMatch(ptid="ptid",event="case",
#'             terms=c("byear","sex"),data=dat,n.controls=2,
#'             case.index="case.Index",
#'             end.followup="control.Index",seed=8)
#' matchdat
#' matchReport(matchdat)
#' # Same with 2 cores
#' library(parallel)
#' library(foreach)
#' \dontrun{
#' matchdat2 <- incidenceMatch("ptid","case",c("byear","sex"),data=dat,
#'    n.controls=2,case.index="case.Index",end.followup="control.Index"
#'   ,cores=2,seed=8)
#' matchdat2
#' all.equal(matchdat,matchdat2)
#' }
#' # Case control matching with requirement of minimum exposure time in each
#' # group
#' ew <- incidenceMatch(ptid="ptid",event="case",terms=c("byear","sex"),
#'       data=dat,n.controls=2,case.index="case.Index",
#'       end.followup="control.Index",cores=1,
#'       duration.terms=list(list(start="startDisease",min=15)))
#' ew
#' @include riskSetMatch.R
#' @export
incidenceMatch <- riskSetMatch
tagteam/heaven documentation built on May 28, 2024, 9:22 p.m.