Man pages for takenakayoichi/tacs
Time Course Analysis of Control strength toward nodes/gene expression on directed graph based on Information Criterion.

animationDisplay Animation of Control Strength of each time-point or...
calc_icCalculate information criterion of each node of the network...
calc_ic_with_edgesCalculate information criterion of each node of the network...
calc_ic_without_edgeCalculate information criterion of each node of the network...
consistency_checkCheck the consistency on input parameters
cutoff_edge_weightset edges weights to zero under n*standard deviations
dream4time-course gene expression profile with 10 genes from...
make_data_frame_to_store_icmake a data_frame object to store ic
plot.tacsPlot function for tacs class
print.tacsprint function for tacs class
select.nodesSelect nodes by name list
select.segmentsSelect segment by name
set_edge_weightgenerate edgeweight from a row of dataframe
set_layoutreturns layout of graph nodes
set_lower_expConvert data set for simple markov property, set data for...
set_row_nameGenerate list of row names of data frame, which to store ic...
set_segname_colGenerate list of segment name to categorize
set_upper_expConvert data set for simple markov property set data for up...
summary.tacssummary function for tacs class
tacsCalculate Control Strength toward every nodes on directed...
tacs_testtest tacs package
vsCorCalc coeffcient between Controll strength of nodes and...
takenakayoichi/tacs documentation built on May 31, 2019, 2:50 a.m.