Project r project_id - Home

Project: r project_id
Project Name: r project_name
Project Description: GQL lookup for project descrition in Website
Project Summary: r num_plots

# Building links to plots (either for sites or grts)
if(nightly_plots_type == 'grts'){
  grts_message = '**Links to GRTS Plots**:'
  grts = as.character(unique(ordered_combined_data_$GRTS))
} else if (nightly_plots_type == 'sites'){
  grts_message = '**Links to GRTS Plots**:'
  grts = as.character(unique(ordered_combined_data_$site_id))
grts_df = data.frame(grts=paste0('[',grts, ']'), grts_lookup=paste0('(#grts', grts, '), '), grts_string = paste0('{#grts', grts, '}'))
grts_df = grts_df %>% mutate (final = paste0(grts_df$grts,grts_df$grts_lookup))
# Remove last comma and space
grts_strng = str_sub(paste(grts_df$final,collapse=""), end = -3)


GRTS locations


# This needs to point to the src that is paste0(getOption('nabat_path'), '/data/templates/nabat_logo.png'))
# <a href=''><img style="position: absolute; top: 0; left: 30px ; border: 0; width:250px;" src='data/nabat_logo.png' /></a>


In general, the project will use stationary point acoustic surveying incolving acoustic bat detectors placed for multiple nights at various features across the landscape. Resulting call files of sufficient quality will be identified to species or species group. Response variables will be detection/non-detection of each species for stationary point surveys.
The North American bat monitoring program (NABat) users a master sample approach (Larsen and others 2008) with a grid-based frame. Larsen and others (2008) describe several examples of how this has been completed for other regional and national programs. For NABat, the approach begins by assigning a spatially balanced and randomized ordering of all 10km X 10km units from the finite grid-based sampling frame using the generalized random-tessellation stratified (GRTS) survey design algorithm (Stevens and Olsen 2004). Subsamples of 100-km2 units can then be made following the GRTS order, ensuring both randomization and spatial balance. The NABat protocal recommends monitoring 30 cells during the pilot phase of a project.

Plots and Tables

Plot 1.1

Plot 1.1. NABat GRTS cells (Auto)
ax = list(title = "",
           zeroline = FALSE,
           showline = FALSE,
           showticklabels = FALSE,
           showgrid = FALSE)

df = auto_species_grts_df_w %>% subset(names != 'grts_totals' & names != 'NoID' & names != '25k') %>% dplyr::select('names','species_totals')
df = df[order(df$species_totals, df$species_totals),]
df$names = factor(df$names, levels = unique(df$names)[order(df$species_totals, decreasing = TRUE)])
row.names(df) = NULL
n = dim(df)[1]
color_palette = colorRampPalette(c("#29a4ff", "#ffd25c", "#8a443d"))(n)
pm = plot_ly(x = df$names, y = df$species_totals, showlegend = FALSE, colors = color_palette,
    text = df$species_totals, textposition = 'outside',
    textfont=list(family="sans serif",size=12,color="darkgrey"),
    width = '100%') %>% 
    layout(yaxis = ax)

Plot 1.2

Plot 1.2. NABat GRTS cells (Manual)
df = manual_species_grts_df_w %>% subset(names != 'grts_totals' & names != 'NoID' & names != '25k') %>% dplyr::select('names','species_totals')
df = df[order(df$species_totals, df$species_totals),]
df$names = factor(df$names, levels = unique(df$names)[order(df$species_totals, decreasing = TRUE)])
row.names(df) = NULL
n = dim(df)[1]
color_palette = colorRampPalette(c("#29a4ff", "#ffd25c", "#8a443d"))(n)
pa = plot_ly(x = df$names, y = df$species_totals, showlegend = FALSE, colors = color_palette,
  text = df$species_totals, textposition = 'outside',
  textfont=list(family="sans serif",size=12,color="darkgrey"),
  width = '100%') %>%
  layout(yaxis = ax)

Plot 2.1

Plot 2.1. NABat GRTS cells (Auto)
# Pie chart with all species and their percentages
df = auto_species_totals_w_$species_grts_df %>% dplyr::select(names, species_totals) %>% subset(names != 'grts_totals' & names != '25k' & names != 'NoID')
df = df[order(df$species_totals, df$species_totals),]
# df$species_totals = rev(df$species_totals)
row.names(df) = NULL

n = dim(df)[1]
color_palette = colorRampPalette(c("#29a4ff", "#ffd25c", "#8a443d"))(n)

df_p = plot_ly(labels = df$names, values = df$species_totals, type = 'pie', width='100%',
                               marker = list(colors = color_palette,
                                             line = list(color = 'white', width = 1)),
                               textposition = 'auto',
                               showlegend = FALSE,
                               textinfo = 'label')

Plot 2.2

Plot 2.2. NABat GRTS cells (Manual)
# Pie chart with all species and their percentages
df = manual_species_totals_w$species_grts_df %>% dplyr::select(names, species_totals) %>% subset(names != 'grts_totals' & names != '25k' & names != 'NoID')
df = df[order(df$species_totals, df$species_totals),]
# df$species_totals = rev(df$species_totals)
row.names(df) = NULL

n = dim(df)[1]
color_palette = colorRampPalette(c("#29a4ff", "#ffd25c", "#8a443d"))(n)

df_p = plot_ly(labels = df$names, values = df$species_totals, type = 'pie', width='100%',
                               marker = list(colors = color_palette,
                                             line = list(color = 'white', width = 1)),
                               textposition = 'auto',
                               showlegend = FALSE,
                               textinfo = 'label')

Table 1.1

Table 1.1. NABat Species Counts at GRTS (Auto)
df = auto_species_totals_l
kable(df) %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c('striped', 'hover', 'condensed')) %>%
  scroll_box(height='400px', width = '100%')

Table 1.2

Table 1.2. NABat Species Counts at GRTS (Manual)
df = manual_species_totals_l
kable(df) %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c('striped', 'hover', 'condensed')) %>%
  scroll_box(height='400px', width = '100%')

GRTS Species Plots

Individual GRTS charts for species Counts

r if(num_plots >0){paste0('### ',grts[1])} r if(num_plots >0){as.character(grts_df$grts_string[1])}

if (num_plots > 0){
  plot_list = lapply(split_list[1],  build_grts_plot, type = nightly_plots_type)
  if (is.character(plot_list[[1]])){
    print (paste0(plot_list, ' has no species counted by either auto or manual detection'))
  }else {
    subplot(plot_list, nrows = length(plot_list)) %>% layout(height = length(plot_list) * 500, width = 800)

r if(num_plots >1){paste0('### ',grts[2])} r if(num_plots >1){as.character(grts_df$grts_string[2])}

if (num_plots > 1){
  plot_list = lapply(split_list[2],  build_grts_plot, type = nightly_plots_type)
  if (is.character(plot_list[[1]])){
    print (paste0(plot_list, ' has no species counted by either auto or manual detection'))
  }else {
    subplot(plot_list, nrows = length(plot_list)) %>%
    layout(height = length(plot_list) * 500, width = 800)

r if(num_plots >2){paste0('### ',grts[3])} r if(num_plots >2){as.character(grts_df$grts_string[3])}

if (num_plots > 2){
  plot_list = lapply(split_list[3],  build_grts_plot, type = nightly_plots_type)
  if (is.character(plot_list[[1]])){
    print (paste0(plot_list, ' has no species counted by either auto or manual detection'))
  }else {
    subplot(plot_list, nrows = length(plot_list)) %>%
    layout(height = length(plot_list) * 500, width = 800)

r if(num_plots >3){paste0('### ',grts[4])} r if(num_plots >3){as.character(grts_df$grts_string[4])}

if (num_plots > 3){
  plot_list = lapply(split_list[4],  build_grts_plot, type = nightly_plots_type)
  if (is.character(plot_list[[1]])){
    print (paste0(plot_list, ' has no species counted by either auto or manual detection'))
  }else {
    subplot(plot_list, nrows = length(plot_list)) %>%
    layout(height = length(plot_list) * 500, width = 800)

r if(num_plots >4){paste0('### ',grts[5])} r if(num_plots >4){as.character(grts_df$grts_string[5])}

if (num_plots > 4){
  plot_list = lapply(split_list[5],  build_grts_plot, type = nightly_plots_type)
  if (is.character(plot_list[[1]])){
    print (paste0(plot_list, ' has no species counted by either auto or manual detection'))
  }else {
    subplot(plot_list, nrows = length(plot_list)) %>%
    layout(height = length(plot_list) * 500, width = 800)

r if(num_plots >5){paste0('### ',grts[6])} r if(num_plots >5){as.character(grts_df$grts_string[6])}

if (num_plots > 5){
  plot_list = lapply(split_list[6],  build_grts_plot, type = nightly_plots_type)
  if (is.character(plot_list[[1]])){
    print (paste0(plot_list, ' has no species counted by either auto or manual detection'))
  }else {
    subplot(plot_list, nrows = length(plot_list)) %>%
    layout(height = length(plot_list) * 500, width = 800)

r if(num_plots >6){paste0('### ',grts[7])} r if(num_plots >6){as.character(grts_df$grts_string[7])}

if (num_plots > 6){
  plot_list = lapply(split_list[7],  build_grts_plot, type = nightly_plots_type)
  if (is.character(plot_list[[1]])){
    print (paste0(plot_list, ' has no species counted by either auto or manual detection'))
  }else {
    subplot(plot_list, nrows = length(plot_list)) %>%
    layout(height = length(plot_list) * 500, width = 800)

r if(num_plots >7){paste0('### ',grts[8])} r if(num_plots >7){as.character(grts_df$grts_string[8])}

if (num_plots > 7){
  plot_list = lapply(split_list[8],  build_grts_plot, type = nightly_plots_type)
  if (is.character(plot_list[[1]])){
    print (paste0(plot_list, ' has no species counted by either auto or manual detection'))
  }else {
    subplot(plot_list, nrows = length(plot_list)) %>%
    layout(height = length(plot_list) * 500, width = 800)

r if(num_plots >8){paste0('### ',grts[9])} r if(num_plots >8){as.character(grts_df$grts_string[9])}

if (num_plots > 8){
  plot_list = lapply(split_list[9],  build_grts_plot, type = nightly_plots_type)
  if (is.character(plot_list[[1]])){
    print (paste0(plot_list, ' has no species counted by either auto or manual detection'))
  }else {
    subplot(plot_list, nrows = length(plot_list)) %>%
    layout(height = length(plot_list) * 500, width = 800)

r if(num_plots >9){paste0('### ',grts[10])} r if(num_plots >9){as.character(grts_df$grts_string[10])}

if (num_plots > 9){
  plot_list = lapply(split_list[10],  build_grts_plot, type = nightly_plots_type)
  if (is.character(plot_list[[1]])){
    print (paste0(plot_list, ' has no species counted by either auto or manual detection'))
  }else {
    subplot(plot_list, nrows = length(plot_list)) %>%
    layout(height = length(plot_list) * 500, width = 800)

r if(num_plots >10){paste0('### ',grts[11])} r if(num_plots >10){as.character(grts_df$grts_string[11])}

if (num_plots >10){
  plot_list = lapply(split_list[11],  build_grts_plot, type = nightly_plots_type)
  if (is.character(plot_list[[1]])){
    print (paste0(plot_list, ' has no species counted by either auto or manual detection'))
  }else {
    subplot(plot_list, nrows = length(plot_list)) %>%
    layout(height = length(plot_list) * 500, width = 800)

r if(num_plots >11){paste0('### ',grts[12])} r if(num_plots >11){as.character(grts_df$grts_string[12])}

if (num_plots > 11){
  plot_list = lapply(split_list[12],  build_grts_plot, type = nightly_plots_type)
  if (is.character(plot_list[[1]])){
    print (paste0(plot_list, ' has no species counted by either auto or manual detection'))
  }else {
    subplot(plot_list, nrows = length(plot_list)) %>%
    layout(height = length(plot_list) * 500, width = 800)

r if(num_plots >12){paste0('### ',grts[13])} r if(num_plots >12){as.character(grts_df$grts_string[13])}

if (num_plots > 12){
  plot_list = lapply(split_list[13],  build_grts_plot, type = nightly_plots_type)
  if (is.character(plot_list[[1]])){
    print (paste0(plot_list, ' has no species counted by either auto or manual detection'))
  }else {
    subplot(plot_list, nrows = length(plot_list)) %>%
    layout(height = length(plot_list) * 500, width = 800)

r if(num_plots >13){paste0('### ',grts[14])} r if(num_plots >13){as.character(grts_df$grts_string[14])}

if (num_plots > 13){
  plot_list = lapply(split_list[14],  build_grts_plot, type = nightly_plots_type)
  if (is.character(plot_list[[1]])){
    print (paste0(plot_list, ' has no species counted by either auto or manual detection'))
  }else {
    subplot(plot_list, nrows = length(plot_list)) %>%
    layout(height = length(plot_list) * 500, width = 800)

r if(num_plots >14){paste0('### ',grts[15])} r if(num_plots >14){as.character(grts_df$grts_string[15])}

if (num_plots > 14){
  plot_list = lapply(split_list[15],  build_grts_plot, type = nightly_plots_type)
  if (is.character(plot_list[[1]])){
    print (paste0(plot_list, ' has no species counted by either auto or manual detection'))
  }else {
    subplot(plot_list, nrows = length(plot_list)) %>%
    layout(height = length(plot_list) * 500, width = 800)

r if(num_plots >15){paste0('### ',grts[16])} r if(num_plots >15){as.character(grts_df$grts_string[16])}

if (num_plots > 15){
  plot_list = lapply(split_list[16],  build_grts_plot, type = nightly_plots_type)
  if (is.character(plot_list[[1]])){
    print (paste0(plot_list, ' has no species counted by either auto or manual detection'))
  }else {
    subplot(plot_list, nrows = length(plot_list)) %>%
    layout(height = length(plot_list) * 500, width = 800)

r if(num_plots >16){paste0('### ',grts[17])} r if(num_plots >16){as.character(grts_df$grts_string[17])}

if (num_plots > 16){
  plot_list = lapply(split_list[17],  build_grts_plot, type = nightly_plots_type)
  if (is.character(plot_list[[1]])){
    print (paste0(plot_list, ' has no species counted by either auto or manual detection'))
  }else {
    subplot(plot_list, nrows = length(plot_list)) %>%
    layout(height = length(plot_list) * 500, width = 800)

r if(num_plots >17){paste0('### ',grts[18])} r if(num_plots >17){as.character(grts_df$grts_string[18])}

if (num_plots > 17){
  plot_list = lapply(split_list[18],  build_grts_plot, type = nightly_plots_type)
  if (is.character(plot_list[[1]])){
    print (paste0(plot_list, ' has no species counted by either auto or manual detection'))
  }else {
    subplot(plot_list, nrows = length(plot_list)) %>%
    layout(height = length(plot_list) * 500, width = 800)

r if(num_plots >18){paste0('### ',grts[19])} r if(num_plots >18){as.character(grts_df$grts_string[19])}

if (num_plots > 18){
  plot_list = lapply(split_list[19],  build_grts_plot, type = nightly_plots_type)
  if (is.character(plot_list[[1]])){
    print (paste0(plot_list, ' has no species counted by either auto or manual detection'))
  }else {
    subplot(plot_list, nrows = length(plot_list)) %>%
    layout(height = length(plot_list) * 500, width = 800)

r if(num_plots >19){paste0('### ',grts[20])} r if(num_plots >19){as.character(grts_df$grts_string[20])}

if (num_plots > 19){
  plot_list = lapply(split_list[20],  build_grts_plot, type = nightly_plots_type)
  if (is.character(plot_list[[1]])){
    print (paste0(plot_list, ' has no species counted by either auto or manual detection'))
  }else {
    subplot(plot_list, nrows = length(plot_list)) %>%
    layout(height = length(plot_list) * 500, width = 800)

r if(num_plots >20){paste0('### ',grts[21])} r if(num_plots >20){as.character(grts_df$grts_string[21])}

if (num_plots > 20){
  plot_list = lapply(split_list[21],  build_grts_plot, type = nightly_plots_type)
  if (is.character(plot_list[[1]])){
    print (paste0(plot_list, ' has no species counted by either auto or manual detection'))
  }else {
    subplot(plot_list, nrows = length(plot_list)) %>%
    layout(height = length(plot_list) * 500, width = 800)

r if(num_plots >21){paste0('### ',grts[22])} r if(num_plots >21){as.character(grts_df$grts_string[22])}

if (num_plots > 21){
  plot_list = lapply(split_list[22],  build_grts_plot, type = nightly_plots_type)
  if (is.character(plot_list[[1]])){
    print (paste0(plot_list, ' has no species counted by either auto or manual detection'))
  }else {
    subplot(plot_list, nrows = length(plot_list)) %>%
    layout(height = length(plot_list) * 500, width = 800)

r if(num_plots >22){paste0('### ',grts[23])} r if(num_plots >22){as.character(grts_df$grts_string[23])}

if (num_plots > 22){
  plot_list = lapply(split_list[23],  build_grts_plot, type = nightly_plots_type)
  if (is.character(plot_list[[1]])){
    print (paste0(plot_list, ' has no species counted by either auto or manual detection'))
  }else {
    subplot(plot_list, nrows = length(plot_list)) %>%
    layout(height = length(plot_list) * 500, width = 800)

r if(num_plots >23){paste0('### ',grts[24])} r if(num_plots >23){as.character(grts_df$grts_string[24])}

if (num_plots > 23){
  plot_list = lapply(split_list[24],  build_grts_plot, type = nightly_plots_type)
  if (is.character(plot_list[[1]])){
    print (paste0(plot_list, ' has no species counted by either auto or manual detection'))
  }else {
    subplot(plot_list, nrows = length(plot_list)) %>%
    layout(height = length(plot_list) * 500, width = 800)

r if(num_plots >24){paste0('### ',grts[25])} r if(num_plots >24){as.character(grts_df$grts_string[25])}

if (num_plots > 24){
  plot_list = lapply(split_list[25],  build_grts_plot, type = nightly_plots_type)
  if (is.character(plot_list[[1]])){
    print (paste0(plot_list, ' has no species counted by either auto or manual detection'))
  }else {
    subplot(plot_list, nrows = length(plot_list)) %>%
    layout(height = length(plot_list) * 500, width = 800)

r if(num_plots >25){paste0('### ',grts[26])} r if(num_plots >25){as.character(grts_df$grts_string[26])}

if (num_plots > 25){
  plot_list = lapply(split_list[26],  build_grts_plot, type = nightly_plots_type)
  if (is.character(plot_list[[1]])){
    print (paste0(plot_list, ' has no species counted by either auto or manual detection'))
  }else {
    subplot(plot_list, nrows = length(plot_list)) %>%
    layout(height = length(plot_list) * 500, width = 800)

r if(num_plots >26){paste0('### ',grts[27])} r if(num_plots >26){as.character(grts_df$grts_string[27])}

if (num_plots > 26){
  plot_list = lapply(split_list[27],  build_grts_plot, type = nightly_plots_type)
  if (is.character(plot_list[[1]])){
    print (paste0(plot_list, ' has no species counted by either auto or manual detection'))
  }else {
    subplot(plot_list, nrows = length(plot_list)) %>%
    layout(height = length(plot_list) * 500, width = 800)

r if(num_plots >27){paste0('### ',grts[28])} r if(num_plots >27){as.character(grts_df$grts_string[28])}

if (num_plots > 27){
  plot_list = lapply(split_list[28],  build_grts_plot, type = nightly_plots_type)
  if (is.character(plot_list[[1]])){
    print (paste0(plot_list, ' has no species counted by either auto or manual detection'))
  }else {
    subplot(plot_list, nrows = length(plot_list)) %>%
    layout(height = length(plot_list) * 500, width = 800)

r if(num_plots >28){paste0('### ',grts[29])} r if(num_plots >28){as.character(grts_df$grts_string[29])}

if (num_plots > 28){
  plot_list = lapply(split_list[29],  build_grts_plot, type = nightly_plots_type)
  if (is.character(plot_list[[1]])){
    print (paste0(plot_list, ' has no species counted by either auto or manual detection'))
  }else {
    subplot(plot_list, nrows = length(plot_list)) %>%
    layout(height = length(plot_list) * 500, width = 800)

r if(num_plots >29){paste0('### ',grts[30])} r if(num_plots >29){as.character(grts_df$grts_string[30])}

if (num_plots > 29){
  plot_list = lapply(split_list[30],  build_grts_plot, type = nightly_plots_type)
  if (is.character(plot_list[[1]])){
    print (paste0(plot_list, ' has no species counted by either auto or manual detection'))
  }else {
    subplot(plot_list, nrows = length(plot_list)) %>%
    layout(height = length(plot_list) * 500, width = 800)

r if(num_plots >30){paste0('### ',grts[31])} r if(num_plots >30){as.character(grts_df$grts_string[31])}

if (num_plots > 30){
  plot_list = lapply(split_list[31],  build_grts_plot, type = nightly_plots_type)
  if (is.character(plot_list[[1]])){
    print (paste0(plot_list, ' has no species counted by either auto or manual detection'))
  }else {
    subplot(plot_list, nrows = length(plot_list)) %>%
    layout(height = length(plot_list) * 500, width = 800)

r if(num_plots >31){paste0('### ',grts[32])} r if(num_plots >31){as.character(grts_df$grts_string[32])}

if (num_plots > 31){
  plot_list = lapply(split_list[32],  build_grts_plot, type = nightly_plots_type)
  if (is.character(plot_list[[1]])){
    print (paste0(plot_list, ' has no species counted by either auto or manual detection'))
  }else {
    subplot(plot_list, nrows = length(plot_list)) %>%
    layout(height = length(plot_list) * 500, width = 800)

r if(num_plots >32){paste0('### ',grts[33])} r if(num_plots >32){as.character(grts_df$grts_string[33])}

if (num_plots > 32){
  plot_list = lapply(split_list[33],  build_grts_plot, type = nightly_plots_type)
  if (is.character(plot_list[[1]])){
    print (paste0(plot_list, ' has no species counted by either auto or manual detection'))
  }else {
    subplot(plot_list, nrows = length(plot_list)) %>%
    layout(height = length(plot_list) * 500, width = 800)

r if(num_plots >33){paste0('### ',grts[34])} r if(num_plots >33){as.character(grts_df$grts_string[34])}

if (num_plots > 33){
  plot_list = lapply(split_list[34],  build_grts_plot, type = nightly_plots_type)
  if (is.character(plot_list[[1]])){
    print (paste0(plot_list, ' has no species counted by either auto or manual detection'))
  }else {
    subplot(plot_list, nrows = length(plot_list)) %>%
    layout(height = length(plot_list) * 500, width = 800)

r if(num_plots >34){paste0('### ',grts[35])} r if(num_plots >34){as.character(grts_df$grts_string[35])}

if (num_plots > 34){
  plot_list = lapply(split_list[35],  build_grts_plot, type = nightly_plots_type)
  if (is.character(plot_list[[1]])){
    print (paste0(plot_list, ' has no species counted by either auto or manual detection'))
  }else {
    subplot(plot_list, nrows = length(plot_list)) %>%
    layout(height = length(plot_list) * 500, width = 800)

r if(num_plots >35){paste0('### ',grts[36])} r if(num_plots >35){as.character(grts_df$grts_string[36])}

if (num_plots > 35){
  plot_list = lapply(split_list[36],  build_grts_plot, type = nightly_plots_type)
  if (is.character(plot_list[[1]])){
    print (paste0(plot_list, ' has no species counted by either auto or manual detection'))
  }else {
    subplot(plot_list, nrows = length(plot_list)) %>%
    layout(height = length(plot_list) * 500, width = 800)

r if(num_plots >36){paste0('### ',grts[37])} r if(num_plots >36){as.character(grts_df$grts_string[37])}

if (num_plots > 36){
  plot_list = lapply(split_list[37],  build_grts_plot, type = nightly_plots_type)
  if (is.character(plot_list[[1]])){
    print (paste0(plot_list, ' has no species counted by either auto or manual detection'))
  }else {
    subplot(plot_list, nrows = length(plot_list)) %>%
    layout(height = length(plot_list) * 500, width = 800)

r if(num_plots >37){paste0('### ',grts[38])} r if(num_plots >37){as.character(grts_df$grts_string[38])}

if (num_plots > 37){
  plot_list = lapply(split_list[38],  build_grts_plot, type = nightly_plots_type)
  if (is.character(plot_list[[1]])){
    print (paste0(plot_list, ' has no species counted by either auto or manual detection'))
  }else {
    subplot(plot_list, nrows = length(plot_list)) %>%
    layout(height = length(plot_list) * 500, width = 800)

r if(num_plots >38){paste0('### ',grts[39])} r if(num_plots >38){as.character(grts_df$grts_string[39])}

if (num_plots > 38){
  plot_list = lapply(split_list[39],  build_grts_plot, type = nightly_plots_type)
  if (is.character(plot_list[[1]])){
    print (paste0(plot_list, ' has no species counted by either auto or manual detection'))
  }else {
    subplot(plot_list, nrows = length(plot_list)) %>%
    layout(height = length(plot_list) * 500, width = 800)

r if(num_plots >39){paste0('### ',grts[40])} r if(num_plots >39){as.character(grts_df$grts_string[40])}

if (num_plots > 39){
  plot_list = lapply(split_list[40],  build_grts_plot, type = nightly_plots_type)
  if (is.character(plot_list[[1]])){
    print (paste0(plot_list, ' has no species counted by either auto or manual detection'))
  }else {
    subplot(plot_list, nrows = length(plot_list)) %>%
    layout(height = length(plot_list) * 500, width = 800)

r if(num_plots >40){paste0('### ',grts[41])} r if(num_plots >40){as.character(grts_df$grts_string[41])}

if (num_plots > 40){
  plot_list = lapply(split_list[41],  build_grts_plot, type = nightly_plots_type)
  if (is.character(plot_list[[1]])){
    print (paste0(plot_list, ' has no species counted by either auto or manual detection'))
  }else {
    subplot(plot_list, nrows = length(plot_list)) %>%
    layout(height = length(plot_list) * 500, width = 800)

r if(num_plots >41){paste0('### ',grts[42])} r if(num_plots >41){as.character(grts_df$grts_string[42])}

if (num_plots > 41){
  plot_list = lapply(split_list[42],  build_grts_plot, type = nightly_plots_type)
  if (is.character(plot_list[[1]])){
    print (paste0(plot_list, ' has no species counted by either auto or manual detection'))
  }else {
    subplot(plot_list, nrows = length(plot_list)) %>%
    layout(height = length(plot_list) * 500, width = 800)

r if(num_plots >42){paste0('### ',grts[43])} r if(num_plots >42){as.character(grts_df$grts_string[43])}

if (num_plots > 42){
  plot_list = lapply(split_list[43],  build_grts_plot, type = nightly_plots_type)
  if (is.character(plot_list[[1]])){
    print (paste0(plot_list, ' has no species counted by either auto or manual detection'))
  }else {
    subplot(plot_list, nrows = length(plot_list)) %>%
    layout(height = length(plot_list) * 500, width = 800)

r if(num_plots >43){paste0('### ',grts[44])} r if(num_plots >43){as.character(grts_df$grts_string[44])}

if (num_plots > 43){
  plot_list = lapply(split_list[44],  build_grts_plot, type = nightly_plots_type)
  if (is.character(plot_list[[1]])){
    print (paste0(plot_list, ' has no species counted by either auto or manual detection'))
  }else {
    subplot(plot_list, nrows = length(plot_list)) %>%
    layout(height = length(plot_list) * 500, width = 800)

r if(num_plots >44){paste0('### ',grts[45])} r if(num_plots >44){as.character(grts_df$grts_string[45])}

if (num_plots > 44){
  plot_list = lapply(split_list[45],  build_grts_plot, type = nightly_plots_type)
  if (is.character(plot_list[[1]])){
    print (paste0(plot_list, ' has no species counted by either auto or manual detection'))
  }else {
    subplot(plot_list, nrows = length(plot_list)) %>%
    layout(height = length(plot_list) * 500, width = 800)

r if(num_plots >45){paste0('### ',grts[46])} r if(num_plots >45){as.character(grts_df$grts_string[46])}

if (num_plots > 45){
  plot_list = lapply(split_list[46],  build_grts_plot, type = nightly_plots_type)
  if (is.character(plot_list[[1]])){
    print (paste0(plot_list, ' has no species counted by either auto or manual detection'))
  }else {
    subplot(plot_list, nrows = length(plot_list)) %>%
    layout(height = length(plot_list) * 500, width = 800)

r if(num_plots >46){paste0('### ',grts[47])} r if(num_plots >46){as.character(grts_df$grts_string[47])}

if (num_plots > 46){
  plot_list = lapply(split_list[47],  build_grts_plot, type = nightly_plots_type)
  if (is.character(plot_list[[1]])){
    print (paste0(plot_list, ' has no species counted by either auto or manual detection'))
  }else {
    subplot(plot_list, nrows = length(plot_list)) %>%
    layout(height = length(plot_list) * 500, width = 800)

r if(num_plots >47){paste0('### ',grts[48])} r if(num_plots >47){as.character(grts_df$grts_string[48])}

if (num_plots > 47){
  plot_list = lapply(split_list[48],  build_grts_plot, type = nightly_plots_type)
  if (is.character(plot_list[[1]])){
    print (paste0(plot_list, ' has no species counted by either auto or manual detection'))
  }else {
    subplot(plot_list, nrows = length(plot_list)) %>%
    layout(height = length(plot_list) * 500, width = 800)

r if(num_plots >48){paste0('### ',grts[49])} r if(num_plots >48){as.character(grts_df$grts_string[49])}

if (num_plots > 48){
  plot_list = lapply(split_list[49],  build_grts_plot, type = nightly_plots_type)
  if (is.character(plot_list[[1]])){
    print (paste0(plot_list, ' has no species counted by either auto or manual detection'))
  }else {
    subplot(plot_list, nrows = length(plot_list)) %>%
    layout(height = length(plot_list) * 500, width = 800)

r if(num_plots >49){paste0('### ',grts[50])} r if(num_plots >49){as.character(grts_df$grts_string[50])}

if (num_plots > 49){
  plot_list = lapply(split_list[50],  build_grts_plot, type = nightly_plots_type)
  if (is.character(plot_list[[1]])){
    print (paste0(plot_list, ' has no species counted by either auto or manual detection'))
  }else {
    subplot(plot_list, nrows = length(plot_list)) %>%
    layout(height = length(plot_list) * 500, width = 800)

r if(num_plots >50){paste0('### ',grts[51])} r if(num_plots >50){as.character(grts_df$grts_string[51])}

if (num_plots > 50){
  plot_list = lapply(split_list[51],  build_grts_plot, type = nightly_plots_type)
  if (is.character(plot_list[[1]])){
    print (paste0(plot_list, ' has no species counted by either auto or manual detection'))
  }else {
    subplot(plot_list, nrows = length(plot_list)) %>%
    layout(height = length(plot_list) * 500, width = 800)

r if(num_plots >51){paste0('### ',grts[52])} r if(num_plots >51){as.character(grts_df$grts_string[52])}

if (num_plots > 51){
  plot_list = lapply(split_list[52],  build_grts_plot, type = nightly_plots_type)
  if (is.character(plot_list[[1]])){
    print (paste0(plot_list, ' has no species counted by either auto or manual detection'))
  }else {
    subplot(plot_list, nrows = length(plot_list)) %>%
    layout(height = length(plot_list) * 500, width = 800)

r if(num_plots >52){paste0('### ',grts[53])} r if(num_plots >52){as.character(grts_df$grts_string[53])}

if (num_plots > 52){
  plot_list = lapply(split_list[53],  build_grts_plot, type = nightly_plots_type)
  if (is.character(plot_list[[1]])){
    print (paste0(plot_list, ' has no species counted by either auto or manual detection'))
  }else {
    subplot(plot_list, nrows = length(plot_list)) %>%
    layout(height = length(plot_list) * 500, width = 800)

r if(num_plots >53){paste0('### ',grts[54])} r if(num_plots >53){as.character(grts_df$grts_string[54])}

if (num_plots > 53){
  plot_list = lapply(split_list[54],  build_grts_plot, type = nightly_plots_type)
  if (is.character(plot_list[[1]])){
    print (paste0(plot_list, ' has no species counted by either auto or manual detection'))
  }else {
    subplot(plot_list, nrows = length(plot_list)) %>%
    layout(height = length(plot_list) * 500, width = 800)

r if(num_plots >54){paste0('### ',grts[55])} r if(num_plots >54){as.character(grts_df$grts_string[55])}

if (num_plots > 54){
  plot_list = lapply(split_list[55],  build_grts_plot, type = nightly_plots_type)
  if (is.character(plot_list[[1]])){
    print (paste0(plot_list, ' has no species counted by either auto or manual detection'))
  }else {
    subplot(plot_list, nrows = length(plot_list)) %>%
    layout(height = length(plot_list) * 500, width = 800)

r if(num_plots >55){paste0('### ',grts[56])} r if(num_plots >55){as.character(grts_df$grts_string[56])}

if (num_plots > 55){
  plot_list = lapply(split_list[56],  build_grts_plot, type = nightly_plots_type)
  if (is.character(plot_list[[1]])){
    print (paste0(plot_list, ' has no species counted by either auto or manual detection'))
  }else {
    subplot(plot_list, nrows = length(plot_list)) %>%
    layout(height = length(plot_list) * 500, width = 800)

r if(num_plots >56){paste0('### ',grts[57])} r if(num_plots >56){as.character(grts_df$grts_string[57])}

if (num_plots > 56){
  plot_list = lapply(split_list[57],  build_grts_plot, type = nightly_plots_type)
  if (is.character(plot_list[[1]])){
    print (paste0(plot_list, ' has no species counted by either auto or manual detection'))
  }else {
    subplot(plot_list, nrows = length(plot_list)) %>%
    layout(height = length(plot_list) * 500, width = 800)

r if(num_plots >57){paste0('### ',grts[58])} r if(num_plots >57){as.character(grts_df$grts_string[58])}

if (num_plots > 57){
  plot_list = lapply(split_list[58],  build_grts_plot, type = nightly_plots_type)
  if (is.character(plot_list[[1]])){
    print (paste0(plot_list, ' has no species counted by either auto or manual detection'))
  }else {
    subplot(plot_list, nrows = length(plot_list)) %>%
    layout(height = length(plot_list) * 500, width = 800)

r if(num_plots >58){paste0('### ',grts[59])} r if(num_plots >58){as.character(grts_df$grts_string[59])}

if (num_plots > 58){
  plot_list = lapply(split_list[59],  build_grts_plot, type = nightly_plots_type)
  if (is.character(plot_list[[1]])){
    print (paste0(plot_list, ' has no species counted by either auto or manual detection'))
  }else {
    subplot(plot_list, nrows = length(plot_list)) %>%
    layout(height = length(plot_list) * 500, width = 800)

r if(num_plots >59){paste0('### ',grts[60])} r if(num_plots >59){as.character(grts_df$grts_string[60])}

if (num_plots > 59){
  plot_list = lapply(split_list[60],  build_grts_plot, type = nightly_plots_type)
  if (is.character(plot_list[[1]])){
    print (paste0(plot_list, ' has no species counted by either auto or manual detection'))
  }else {
    subplot(plot_list, nrows = length(plot_list)) %>%
    layout(height = length(plot_list) * 500, width = 800)

talbertc-usgs/NABatR documentation built on April 22, 2020, 8:23 p.m.