
# require(testthat)
# require(dendextendRcpp)

context("labels.dendrogram with and without Rcpp")

test_that("Rcpp_labels_dendrogram works",{
#    hc0 <- hclust(dist(USArrests), "ave")
#    dend0 <- as.dendrogram(hc0)
#    # because USArrests has no row names, hence - it is creating a dendrogram
#    # with integer labels
#    expect_warning(dendextendRcpp:::labels.dendrogram(dend0))
   dend <- as.dendrogram(hclust(dist(USArrests)))
   # plot(dend)
   expect_identical(length(Rcpp_labels_dendrogram(dend)), 50L)
                    dendextendRcpp::labels.dendrogram(dend) )   
   # doesn't work for labels which are integers, here is an example:
   no_rownames_USArrests <- USArrests
   rownames(no_rownames_USArrests) <- NULL
   no_rownames_dend <- as.dendrogram(hclust(dist(no_rownames_USArrests)))   
   expect_warning(dendextendRcpp::labels.dendrogram(no_rownames_dend, warn = TRUE)) # we reverted to  stats_labels.dendrogram(dend)

   one_leaf <- dend[[1]][[1]][[1]]
   # plot(one_leaf)
   expect_identical(labels(one_leaf), "Florida")
#    dendextendRcpp:::labels.dendrogram(one_leaf)
#    dendextendRcpp:::get_label
#    dendextendRcpp:::Rcpp_labels_dendrogram(one_leaf)
#    dendextend:::labels.dendrogram(one_leaf)

test_that("NA acts differently for stats vs dendextendRcpp",{
   # Wo   
   # get a dendrogram:
   #    data(iris) 
   d_iris <- dist(iris[1:10,-5])
   hc_iris <- hclust(d_iris)
   dend_iris <- as.dendrogram(hc_iris) # as.hclust.dendrogram - of course
   # taking a subset of the dendrogram:
   sub_dend_iris <- dend_iris[[1]]   
   hc_sub_dend_iris <- as.hclust(sub_dend_iris)
   # We will have NA's:
   expect_true(any( )))))
   # notice that for Rcpp this would be false since the returned vector
   # has "NA" characters instead of NA:
   expect_false(any( )))))
   # e.g: "NA" "3"  "NA" "NA" "4"  "7" 
   #    a[which(a == "NA")] <- NA # this is NOT a good idea, in the case we have a label with "NA" as a character.
   # we will get warnings, but the functions would not collapse!

test_that("Rcpp_count_leaves works",{
   dend <- as.dendrogram(hclust(dist(USArrests)))
talgalili/dendextendRcpp documentation built on May 31, 2019, 2:53 a.m.